Sorry, my fault for not checking my spelling. Tdub used to be painted faerie but he is also my neoquest pet. During the ridiculous amount of clicking to get around the map, he got hit by a random event turning him invisible. I now have him painted cloud and have attached wings to him in the closet until I get Neoquest gold trophy and have the wherewithal to repaint him. Admittedly faerie paint brushes are way cheaper now by almost two million, but it's still a hefty amount of points to spend... particularly when you already did it once! I have not made the mistake twice mind. My royal lupe is NEVER my active pet!! But his old paintjob is in my signature and I hadn't seen that in a looong time!
I love the look of the oilpaint or the relic peophin and the maraquan lutari, so I suspect that will be my next paint job... eventually. I'm currently collecting neopoints and hopefully trophies, building up my gallery and a couple of other bits and bobs so I may take a while to get there.
In terms of the scores, I have always been approved within 24 hours before so the two day wait took me by surprise. But yes, it wouldn't surprise me if I didn't get that trophy now!!!