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Lia Seeya

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  1. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to Ysera in Calling all Aisha owners & enthusiasts   
    This is a great idea!
    This is Malinae's Lookup
    This is probably what she'll say.
    "My name is Malinae. I love all things occult, supernatural and esoteric. I also love reading and learning from ancient texts and manuscripts. I guess I'm a scholar, of sorts. My favorite time of day is the night. I'm a bit on the quiet side so please don't mind it too much if I don't say anything most of the time."
    I vote Transparent, Zombie and Desert.
  2. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to Cloysterbell in Calling all Aisha owners & enthusiasts   
    That's such a great idea. I have an Aisha called Reivo (ray-vo) and I guess his bio paragraph thing would be
    "Hi, I'm Reivo, the white Aisha! I'm a wizarding apprentice specializing in earth magics but in my spare time, I have a side job as a courier, delivering messages all around Neopia. Because I travel a lot, I know all of the best secret tourist spots so if you're ever planning a vacation, I'm the Aisha to go to! I also know how to make a mean travel sickness cure."
    As for your super cute adoptables, I vote Darigan. Darigan is the best color.
  3. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from Cheles in Calling all Aisha owners & enthusiasts   
    I made a thread like this about... Five years ago, based on the search. I wanted to bring it back because I'm working on Mia's petpage again. I would like to ask for some help and suggestions for content:
    1) For Aishas in Action, it's a section showcasing regular Aishas in Neopia. There were a few ALP pets, and a couple from TDN users, but I would be happy if their info would be updated or something. Anyway... Do you own an Aisha? If so, I would love to have them in the Aishas in Action section. I just need: a link to their lookup (I'll screencap their current look) and a short two/three-sentence info paragraph about them.
    For their info paragraph, I'm hoping for the pet to speak for themselves. E.g. "Hey! I'm Gren and I like to game-hop etc etc." instead of "Grenushol is an Alien Aisha who enjoys etc etc."
    2) I'm also offering some Aisha adoptables, in the style below:

    The thing is, I don't want to just draw colours in alphabetical order or something. I wanted to ask: What Aisha colours do you want to see/use? c:
    As always, I'm still tweaking Mia's page so please forgive me if some sections seem a bit rough.
    EDIT: I'm also thinking about that block of Neopets copyright text at the bottom. Do you think I can remove it and place it under "sitely" or something? Not really an Aisha-related question, but I just wanted to know your thoughts. c:
  4. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to Aysh in Lia's (late) Advent Calendar   
    For December 14: Inaliq! They had a really cool skeleton hand detail on their wig, but I have nowhere near enough talent to do it justice. :c

    Thank you Lia. I think she looks great. ;)
  5. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from frogadelic in Lia's (late) Advent Calendar   
    No worries. :D I like Inaliq's story, by the way. The three concept is interesting. :O
    For the day of December 12th, the randomiser put forth... Emeline!

    I've never drawn a Draik before, much less one with such fabulous hair. I hope I did her some justice!
    For December 13: Umfrey the Faerie Shoyru!

    For December 14: Inaliq! They had a really cool skeleton hand detail on their wig, but I have nowhere near enough talent to do it justice. :c

  6. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to chknlimbosthe1 in Random item from a user?   
    I feel like that could've been me as I was gifting from the TDN Christmas Wishlist Gifting Post, and I know I sent one of those somewhere..
    I was starting to confuse myself with wishlists and shop wizards and gifting (oh my!)
  7. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to fullonparanoid in Tanked! [cc]...AND Check Out The AWESOME Gift I Got From Lia!   
    Thank you, Angel! :D
    Sandrea looks beautimous! Lia really is a talented artist!
    (awwww..."You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day"...I will 'Like' your reply in the morning!!)
  8. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to nightfall8705 in Tanked! [cc]...AND Check Out The AWESOME Gift I Got From Lia!   
    I sent a vote your way, Josh! (Edit - And you too, Siniri!) And your drawing is gorgeous! Lia drew Sandrea and surprised me too. She's so lovely and so talented! I'm so blessed to have such wonderful friends here! Thank you again, Lia!

  9. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from tk421beth in 2014 TDN Christmas Wishlist Gifting Post   
    Oh my dear, you are so nice. Thank you so much, but I'm okay with my wishlist and am not wishing for other things. Thanks to the great generosity of this community, a big chunk of my wishlist as been granted. <3
  10. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from spazzy_child in Holiday Dream Pet Giveaway!   
    Not entering because I really don't know who I would morph into what, but good luck to everyone!
    This is so nice of TNT to do this. :D I'm sure it'll make lots of users very happy.
  11. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to fullonparanoid in Tanked! [cc]...AND Check Out The AWESOME Gift I Got From Lia!   
    Thank you, Lia! :D
    I adore the drawing! I've been showing it all over! /grin
    Mia's lookin' cute! Good Luck in the BC!!
    Your vote has been cast for Mia_555
  12. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from fullonparanoid in Tanked! [cc]...AND Check Out The AWESOME Gift I Got From Lia!   
    Voted for you, as always because I enjoy puns. :D
    Awwww, I'm so happy you like the drawing!
  13. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from leverhelven in Patty's (really tiny) Holiday NC Item Giveaway   
    Aw, this is so lovely of you, Patty! I'm just here to ogle the pretty items, and to wish you happy holidays! <3
  14. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to siniri in Mia's in the Beauty Contest!   
    Your vote has been cast for Mia_555
    Aww, that's adorable! Good luck!
  15. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to starrdomm in Mia's in the Beauty Contest!   
    Your vote has been cast for Mia_555
    Good luck! Your art is lovely!!! Wishing you all the best!
  16. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to ariellexvanessa in Mia's in the Beauty Contest!   
    Your vote has been cast for Mia_555  
    So cute!!! Good luck =]
  17. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from Shelley in Mia's in the Beauty Contest!   
    Thank you all! :D I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
    Others seem to like that detail too! :) I don't think I've ever drawn Mia without her petpet, haha!
  18. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to wifi in Mia's in the Beauty Contest!   
    Love it! Good luck in the beauty contest; I just placed my vote :)
  19. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to Shelley in Mia's in the Beauty Contest!   
    Your vote has been cast for Mia_555
    good luck! I like how you included her petpet ^^
  20. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to DrShemp in Mia's in the Beauty Contest!   
    Ah! So cute! Best of luck to you and her. I hope you win ^_^
  21. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from wifi in Mia's in the Beauty Contest!   
    UPDATE: She won species gold! Thank you all so so much! <3

    This is her first time in the BC (at least to the best of my recollection), and I would love it if you could please spare an Aisha vote for her? :D This is her voting link.

    This art's a few months old, but I realised I never got around to using it, so into the BC it went! Art also features Stacy, Mia's plushie Angelpuss helping her out. :3
  22. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from Mouseykins in Mia's in the Beauty Contest!   
    UPDATE: She won species gold! Thank you all so so much! <3

    This is her first time in the BC (at least to the best of my recollection), and I would love it if you could please spare an Aisha vote for her? :D This is her voting link.

    This art's a few months old, but I realised I never got around to using it, so into the BC it went! Art also features Stacy, Mia's plushie Angelpuss helping her out. :3
  23. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from leverhelven in Unreleased Petpet!   
    I actually started laughing because of the ridiculousness of this petpet.
    It looks so indignant! Like it's trying to intimidate someone but it's failing completely.
  24. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to hrtbrk in Mia's in the Beauty Contest!   
    Your vote has been cast for Mia_555
    Ah! So cute! Best of luck though it doesn't look like she'll need it.
  25. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to .Brianna. in Mia's in the Beauty Contest!   
    Your vote has been cast for Mia_555
    Very cute Lia! Best of luck to you :)
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