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Lia Seeya

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  1. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from Delshnya in Trades, Auctions, Wishlist, Neomail, Neofriend Buttons on Lookups!   
    I don't even like looking at my trophy section because of those white boxes bothering me so, haha!
    Unfortunately, I don't think they will end up changing it because some of those trophy images are fairly old. :(
  2. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to missmon93 in Lia's (late) Advent Calendar   
    Could you please draw my darling? His name is JohnIsRealHot and here is his look up http://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=JohnIsRealHotim not really sure about a referece image but one day soon hes going to be faerie and i would love if you could draw him that way
  3. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to missjustina in Lia's (late) Advent Calendar   
    Pet name: Umfrey
    Lookup: http://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Umfrey
    Reference image: http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120303122103/guilds/images/e/e5/Faerie_Shoyru.png

    I really love your drawings and would appreciate it if you drew my pet. Thank you :)
  4. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to Aysh in Lia's (late) Advent Calendar   
    What a great idea. Hopefully my pets story inspires you.
    Pet name: Inaliq
    Lookup: http://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Inaliq
    Reference Image: Not working. Some help please?
  5. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from pulpfreeoj in Lia's (late) Advent Calendar   
    It's officially December 9 in Neopia, and the randomiser threw out the following three names: Kaibajouryuuki, Rainbow, and Sweetie! Updating with three new images tonight so I can have the calendar catch up to the Neopets date. Anyway, here are the individual pets:

    I drew his Eventide colours because I loooooove the Eventide pets! I've always wanted to try out colouring them, with their gradients and all that. But I also wanted to include something that was distinctly Kaibajouryuuki, so I threw in the red bow.

    I love Christmas Kougras because my first painted pet was a Christmas Kougra. :) I think Rainbow's hair bow works particularly well with her lovely fur, don't you?

    I think faerie pets are some of the nicest-looking ones, and the Kacheek is such a sweet pet that I'm surprised this is the first Kacheek I've ever drawn.
    See you all tomorrow for the next update to the calendar!
  6. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to Aquamentis12 in Lia's (late) Advent Calendar   
    COOL idea! If you've still got slots open, I'd be interested in seeing your vision of my Kaibajouryuuki! :D
    Here's the link to his lookup
    I'm Considering repainting him as Christmas again, but I haven't decided for sure yet. So if you want to draw him either as he is or as a Christmas Peophin that's fine. I don't have any drawings of him in his current color, I did a couple pics based on the old style of Christmas peophin, but I'm out of town without access to them. Mom had a very minor OP today and I came in in case she needed anything. So far she's doing great and I'm only needed for reaching stuff in cupboards or picking stuff off the floor if needed. lol
    Thanks in advance! :D
  7. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to Brit in Lia's (late) Advent Calendar   
    Ahw great idea. Even if I don't get on the calendar, I'd be very appreciative if you would draw Emeline for me.
    I have her customization finished on DTI but, trying to get the items are annoying. >.<
  8. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to frogadelic in Lia's (late) Advent Calendar   
    This is so cool! Will you do my Quiggle, Quagrennea? She will eventually be Quiguki. You can either do a UC look like my avatar, or use this outfit I made up as reference:

    Here's her look-up: http://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Quagrennea
    Can't wait to see what you do! And thanks :D
  9. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from tk421beth in Lia's (late) Advent Calendar   
    In true Lia fashion, I am late with putting this up but the idea only occurred to me yesterday. I wanted to warm up my drawing hand and ended up drawing the Neopets of a few of the forum users. How did I pick them? Mostly from previous interactions, or just by poking around the forums and picking randomly. :P Now, I want to draw more Neopets! Presenting...
    Lia's (late) Advent Calendar!

    I enjoyed drawing different Neopets because I'm so used to drawing my own for comics, so drawing other people's pets is good practice for drawing different pets!
    I also wanted to give back to the TDN community. Even though I'm nowhere as active as I used to be, I still have great memories of this forum and website. Plus, it's Christmas time! It's always fun to do something nice for someone on Christmas. :D
    - There are only nineteen (19) slots, and I can't take in any more requests if it fills up. :(
    - I won't draw these in elaborate detail, which means I won't include some of your pet's accessories. (E.g. I might draw your pet's fabulous hair, but I won't add in their super lacy glowy glowy hat.)
    - This is done in an anthro-style, meaning that I'll give them a neck and shoulders. :P
    - You don't have to link back to my Neo lookup, as long as you don't claim the image as your own.
    - Comment/post below with: your pet's name/nickname, a link to their pet lookup, and a reference image
    -- If you want me to draw your pet as your dream colour (e.g. Royal), that's fine. Maybe use DTI to show me what you want your pet's drawing to look like. (Thanks to Angelo for this idea!)
    - Once I get maybe five requests, I'll put them through a randomiser and then draw them in order the randomiser gives me. (That means that the order of the drawings may not appear in the same order as the comments.)
    - A new pet image goes up once the Neopets clock hits midnight!
    Drawings done/to be drawn:
    Fingers crossed! <3
  10. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from Screaming_Peasants in Lia's (late) Advent Calendar   
    In true Lia fashion, I am late with putting this up but the idea only occurred to me yesterday. I wanted to warm up my drawing hand and ended up drawing the Neopets of a few of the forum users. How did I pick them? Mostly from previous interactions, or just by poking around the forums and picking randomly. :P Now, I want to draw more Neopets! Presenting...
    Lia's (late) Advent Calendar!

    I enjoyed drawing different Neopets because I'm so used to drawing my own for comics, so drawing other people's pets is good practice for drawing different pets!
    I also wanted to give back to the TDN community. Even though I'm nowhere as active as I used to be, I still have great memories of this forum and website. Plus, it's Christmas time! It's always fun to do something nice for someone on Christmas. :D
    - There are only nineteen (19) slots, and I can't take in any more requests if it fills up. :(
    - I won't draw these in elaborate detail, which means I won't include some of your pet's accessories. (E.g. I might draw your pet's fabulous hair, but I won't add in their super lacy glowy glowy hat.)
    - This is done in an anthro-style, meaning that I'll give them a neck and shoulders. :P
    - You don't have to link back to my Neo lookup, as long as you don't claim the image as your own.
    - Comment/post below with: your pet's name/nickname, a link to their pet lookup, and a reference image
    -- If you want me to draw your pet as your dream colour (e.g. Royal), that's fine. Maybe use DTI to show me what you want your pet's drawing to look like. (Thanks to Angelo for this idea!)
    - Once I get maybe five requests, I'll put them through a randomiser and then draw them in order the randomiser gives me. (That means that the order of the drawings may not appear in the same order as the comments.)
    - A new pet image goes up once the Neopets clock hits midnight!
    Drawings done/to be drawn:
    Fingers crossed! <3
  11. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to pulpfreeoj in Lia's (late) Advent Calendar   
    Rainbow_Dipped ("Rainbow", Christmas Kougra)
    Your art is very nice! If you are kind enough to draw her, the color she is is perfectly fine. Thanks in advance.
  12. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to rntracy1 in Lia's (late) Advent Calendar   
    I love what you did with my techo. I love how you notched his eyes into the hat. Great job!!!
  13. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to Cloysterbell in Lia's (late) Advent Calendar   
    Pet name: Harteko
    Nickname: Tek
    Lookup: http://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Harteko
    Reference image: http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p17/snakelova0227/NewCanvascopy_zpsce554efc.png
    This is such a great idea and I look forward to seeing the final product!
  14. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to dotluvr in Lia's (late) Advent Calendar   
    Pet: Snow Poogle
    Pet name: FlopsyWopsy
    URL: http://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=FlopsyWopsy
    Thank you, I look forward to seeing what you do!!!
  15. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from Angeló in Lia's (late) Advent Calendar   
    In true Lia fashion, I am late with putting this up but the idea only occurred to me yesterday. I wanted to warm up my drawing hand and ended up drawing the Neopets of a few of the forum users. How did I pick them? Mostly from previous interactions, or just by poking around the forums and picking randomly. :P Now, I want to draw more Neopets! Presenting...
    Lia's (late) Advent Calendar!

    I enjoyed drawing different Neopets because I'm so used to drawing my own for comics, so drawing other people's pets is good practice for drawing different pets!
    I also wanted to give back to the TDN community. Even though I'm nowhere as active as I used to be, I still have great memories of this forum and website. Plus, it's Christmas time! It's always fun to do something nice for someone on Christmas. :D
    - There are only nineteen (19) slots, and I can't take in any more requests if it fills up. :(
    - I won't draw these in elaborate detail, which means I won't include some of your pet's accessories. (E.g. I might draw your pet's fabulous hair, but I won't add in their super lacy glowy glowy hat.)
    - This is done in an anthro-style, meaning that I'll give them a neck and shoulders. :P
    - You don't have to link back to my Neo lookup, as long as you don't claim the image as your own.
    - Comment/post below with: your pet's name/nickname, a link to their pet lookup, and a reference image
    -- If you want me to draw your pet as your dream colour (e.g. Royal), that's fine. Maybe use DTI to show me what you want your pet's drawing to look like. (Thanks to Angelo for this idea!)
    - Once I get maybe five requests, I'll put them through a randomiser and then draw them in order the randomiser gives me. (That means that the order of the drawings may not appear in the same order as the comments.)
    - A new pet image goes up once the Neopets clock hits midnight!
    Drawings done/to be drawn:
    Fingers crossed! <3
  16. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from Lamppost in Mina is in the Beauty Contest -- Seeking votes!   
    Sent a vote your way! Best of luck with the beauty contest! :D
  17. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from fullonparanoid in They Say The Toothless Get Ruthless [please vote in the CC]   
    I read the caption, and then snorted from my laugh. Love it! Voted for you, and good luck. :D
  18. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to hrtbrk in The Faerie Festival Is Approaching!   
    Here is a preview of an upcoming petpet!

  19. Like
    Lia Seeya reacted to nightfall8705 in I'm Proud Of Myself... And I Want To Share Why.   
    Thank you, and congratulations on your own weight loss journey success! I am very proud of you too! Baby steps... but getting started is often the hardest part of the journey for most people, and I think they forget their own limits because they're so used to their lifestyle, and easy to give up on their limits. I was one of those people, but I felt like I owed it to myself to at least try, and I think that as long as a person is willing to try, they have a chance to succeed.
    As for the "friend"... well he still owes me $1,200 dollars for damages that night, and haven't paid me a cent. Not only is he banned from driving, he's banned from our "friendship" and our place unless he came to pay us something back. It was a real pain in the rear to deal with that mess, but I doubt we'll ever see that money, or him again.
    I'm not much taller than you. I'm 5'5" myself, but that bone structure makes clothes shopping difficult. We have bigger arms, bigger hips, bigger torsos, so shopping for clothes is always a hassle. Both shirts I have worn in my photographs are 5x size, and as you could see, I used to fill those out, even after two and a half years of trying to lose weight.
    I prefer a baggier size in shirts, so I like my shirts to be at least one size bigger just for comfort. Nowadays, I feel comfortable in 3x sizes, but my brother bought me a shirt not long ago what was a 2x that fits me rather well.
    I will continue to keep going, as i do feel better, and I am happy that I have the confidence to continue, after all of this time. :)
    Thank you, Lia! Congratulations on your progress too! Slow and steady wins the race! The biggest thing about dieting is timing. People nowadays have no patience. They're all into the latest fad because they want that beach body in 10 days, but they fail to remember that fads are dangerous, and the latest diet may not be the best for them, and then it goes too far. Even slow progress is progress. Stay strong, Lia. You can do anything you put your mind to! <3
    Haha! Thank you! I am more confident and I do have a higher self-esteem than I did. I agree that that is a success on its own, but technically, I'm losing butt, and I am happier with the improved me. I still get massive spasms and have bad back days, but I have noticed that my back pain has diminished, even just a little bit. That in itself speaks volumes because before, some days, the pain was near unbearable!
    Thank you Emma! You are absolutely correct! It is constant work, but the fact that I have gained dedication, discipline, self-respect, better patience, work-ethic,and passion was just a plus. I try to view it as losing negativity and gaining positivity in its place.
    Thank you and everyone else for your compliments, support, and encouragement! <3
    Aww, I reached my positive likes for today already...
    Thank you, Shelley-Bean, you are an inspiration too! I have a cousin with Crohns, and she tells me it's literally a pain to function sometimes. She is a trooper, and so are you to endure what you do with your head still high. The best thing a person can do for themselves is learn to love who they are. It's much easier said than done, but once you attain it, you want to keep it. I hope that sharing my story can help inspire someone else in their own journey. Keep positive, because you can do anything you put your heart into. <3
    This post has been edited by a member of staff (Rune Valentine) because of a violation of the forum rules.
    Please don't double post. If you want to quote multiple posts, use the "MultiQuote" function.
    Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules.
  20. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from nightfall8705 in I'm Proud Of Myself... And I Want To Share Why.   
    Congratulations, Angel! <3 I'm so very proud of you! Kudos for getting healthy and fit, your body will thank you for it. :)
    I too have weight issues, and my progress has been pretty slow. But hearing about your progress makes me want to get back on the horse and go strong. *high five*
  21. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from leverhelven in I threw my cat a birthday party.   
    This is so cute! :D I love that you threw her a birthday party, and I love that the theme was Marie from Aristocats. :)
    Happy birthday, Emily! <3
  22. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from nbbug132 in Avatars: What have you got?   
    Yes! Two avvies down, four to go!
    Something Has Happened! You are now eligible to use 'Battleground: The Sway' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!
  23. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from Bright ^_^ in Cheese Roller Statistics Project   
    My hidden love for statistics is tingling because of this post, thank you! :)
    Cheese: Peppermint
    Action: Dive Left
    1) 50 seconds (1050 NP)
    2) 51 seconds (1020 NP)
    3) 63 seconds (660 NP)
    This is my first entry into the data pool.
  24. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from Bright ^_^ in Cheese Roller Statistics Project   
    Cheese: Big Beefy Cheese
    Action: Dive Left
    Times: 77, 58, 81
  25. Like
    Lia Seeya got a reaction from Duskitty in How old is your neopet   
    My oldest pet is Mia, and here's her stats:
    Age: 4,583 days old (110,005 hours) Birthday: 4th January (Y4) I like how they added a birthday to pet lookups. :D
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