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Ali Cat

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Posts posted by Ali Cat

  1. As meaters2 pointed out, there's now an alert issued on the main page with a working link :) (thanks to this thread!)


    We're having ... some type of coding issue in the avatar solution in the checklist. Not sure why it's doing that o.o It shouldn't be doing that but it's not letting us edit it to fix it. Thanks for bringing it to our attention; we'll get it sorted as soon as we figure out what's going on.

  2. Some of the backgrounds and bonus items are wearable by all species, so that's always an option! I got the background from the mara gram and it's now on my royal girl ruki. She's masquerading as a mara pet :ph34r:


    As pokeneodragon and Mouseykins mentioned, though, mara, baby, and mutant pets have so few items they can wear that this was a great way to include them without taking a couple weeks out of the year's releases to slowly release them.

  3. When TNT looks at the activity of an account, they don't see a "felt like gifting" footnote - they see someone who borrowed an item and then, directly after returning the item, sent an additional one to the lender. Maybe it was an unsolicited thanks, but they have no way to differentiate that from a lender who's subtly vying for tips. A lend is intended to be a 1:1 deal, no strings attached. If a lender does accept a gift/tip after a lend, it is freezable since it's more likely that they're taking advantage of a lendee than that someone just "felt like gifting."


    These gifts you're talking about actually are tipping, though. You listed a bunch of nice things people had done as reasons for gifting them; you wouldn't be sending them an item if they hadn't done something nice, would you? Gifting is completely random. These, even if it's not your intention, are gifts happening after someone does something nice. So, it's a tip.


    Rather than an actual item or neopoints, I personally just appreciate someone saying thank you :)

  4. I play it while I'm doing something else, like watching a tv show :P It doesn't take too much concentration, so I do a split screen on my computer and multitask. I'm the type of person who fidgets constantly, so it actually helps me pay more attention to whatever show I'm watching since I can channel the fidgeting into Pyramids. Makes it less frustrating, too, since I'm not focused 100% on the game and winning.

  5. I agree, it reeks of the "boys will be boys" fallacy. There is a certain level of horseplay tolerable among kids, but both kids have to be on board with that. Like, for example, a little boy chasing a little girl around at recess. Little girl is laughing about it? Great, she's having fun, probably likes him back, and I don't see an issue. Little girl is telling him to stop chasing her? No dice, he needs to stop. Same deal here: by that description, the little girl is clearly uncomfortable with it.


    I think a lot of parents think it's not serious because it's children, and, after all, what harm can children do? Bad habits in childhood lead to bad habits in adulthood. If a parent doesn't correct a problem behavior early, the kid will go on to do it later in life and wonder what they did wrong when they escalate it. After all, no one every said it was wrong, did they?


    That teaches the girl, too, that it doesn't really matter what she says. It'll happen regardless of what she wants to happen, and that she has no power over the situation. She'll learn that it's what the boy wants that matters.


    The little girl should go to the teacher, and, if the teacher is a good one, they'll separate the children. For a kid, I guess it's upsetting to be a tattletale or whatnot, but teacher's are there to keep the best interests of the children in mind.

  6. Hm, I may be a bit different. I tend to not like neomails about transactions since I view buying/selling anything as a business deal. Once it's done, I'm happy and want to go about my merry way without any social obligations.


    As to the offers on trading post lots, junk items don't bother me, as long as they have the pure I asked for. I can't stand when people offer something like 5 junk items on an expensive lot. Some people may legitimately not know the value of the lot, and then an apology email from them is appropriate if they realize their error, but other people do that to try and trick someone into accepting >.>


    The one thing I can think of off-hand that I do like getting neomails about is if I lend someone an avatar item. Say someone makes a board on the AvChat, I send the item over, and they send it back once they have the avvie. If all that happened and no thank you in response, I'd be a bit miffed, like I went out of my way to do something nice and they can't even say thanks :P I absolutely adore those thank you emails! The best ones are when someone is so excited to finally get the avatar; just brightens up my day that they're so happy! It's different than an email about a trade transaction, though, since a transaction is business and a lend is a kindness.

  7. Not to our knowledge. I searched around the boards while compiling the list and didn't see anything reported.

    We have also successfully been sending ALP pets on their chains.


    I've added Battledome issues to the list. This is the first time I've seen equipment vanishing... did you happen to trasnfer the pet recently? Tried refreshing? Let us know if anything work so we can put a solution in the top post! :)


    We've now had a pet transfer glitch :( One of our ALP pets is stuck in limbo. The recipient never received the notification and does not see the action in their logs, and the sending account is stuck with the message saying that the other account hasn't accepted the pet yet. Its been 4 days, so it's not auto-canceling, either.

  8. You should get another price check on it then. It hasn't been 140m for some time.


    It might be more than 70, but its less than 100 for sure.

    Everything has fallen in value. MSPP is like 90 now.

    SuAP is some ~300, etc.


    We're iffy on changing any of our prices right now after everything got mass deflated from that glitch. We're waiting to see if they stabilize at their current prices before deciding what to do. This applies to all of our higher end items, such as Meowy, too.

  9. Sorry for rambling off topic, I'll move such discussions elsewhere (maybe to debate?).

    I did want to ask though - people have said that *lending is offline right now* is that a TNT restriction? Or something that TDN/ALP has decided until things have calmed down?


    We, TDN ALP, decided prior to the server move that we didn't want any lends going on while the servers were down, so we halted lends prior to the move. Unfortunately, Neopets came back with a lot of glitches, including the item duping one, so we decided it wasn't safe to lend our items out (especially the expensive ones) when there was a risk of duping or other glitches (trading post and auctions both were not working shortly after the server move.) At this point, we're sorting through requests and working on starting lends back up :)

  10. Silencing is an action taken by TNT to punish someone for breaking the rules. It can either be for a set amount of time or you can be perma-silenced, short for permanent silence. You can do everything normally except, as Mumtup mentioned, accessing the Neoboards,neomail, editing content pages, or any possible way you can think of where you could customize a message to another player. It's like having an under-13 account.


    Factions have different boons they offer, and some have much better boons than others. Seekers and Sway have the bank bribery boon, so tons of people will join those factions and they're pretty much guaranteed to win with the support of the Battledome Chat. BD Chat doesn't really care for the avatars (they're BDers, after all), so that's why the Brutes/Thieves avatars are difficult to get.


    I don't personally enter the art gallery or customization contests, and not to sound facetious, but there's no harm in trying :) If you don't get in / win, get feedback from a friend about improving and try again!


    Wow, that's AWESOME! Thank you very much, as a future Psychology student I find this information very very interesting :)


    I find it quite strange the way it is (or at least I hear it is) in the US regarding kids and teachers/adults in general. You can't touch kids, right? I mean, most kinds of touch could be considered sexual abuse/harrassment to the kid unless you're family. Maybe I'm completely wrong, but those are stories I always hear about. For example, here in Brazil, teachers of toddlers are used to hugging and kissing their pupils and having them sit on their laps and such. Would that be even possible in the US?


    I also find it ironic that non-contact cultures seem to be from colder places and the other way 'round. I'd expect people from cold places to have MORE contact, so as to keep warmer, ya know? :P


    PSYCHOLOGY NERDING! /so excited.


    I'm not sure about kid/adult interaction! In the US, I think a lot has to do with the relationship between the kid and adult. Like you said, a family member would be able to acceptably have a kid sit on their lap, but I think it'd be weird if a teacher did that. Probably does have to do with being contact or noncontact culture! I'm trying to think back to pre-school days, what kind of contact there was xD Holding hands or sometimes hugs (with a female adult) might not be weird, but a man/woman kissing a kid's cheek or a man hugging a pupil would probably get a parent angry. It's interesting to hear how different it is in Brazil in terms of social norms!


    For weather, I'd be interested in knowing if Russia is a contact or noncontact culture, just for comparison. The ones I named are all historically linked with the British Empire, so I guess it wouldn't be too surprising if they're similar xP For an unrelated one, Japan is another big noncontact culture. It and the US are kind of the extremes for noncontact.

  12. I'd just like to put in some psychology here - there's a nonverbal distinction between cultures, referring to them as contact or noncontact cultures. European countries, the US, and Canada (to name some big ones) are noncontact and people stay further away from each other and do not gaze at or touch each other as much. Countries around the Mediterranean, Arabic countries, and Latin American countries, for example, are contact cultures. Contact cultures tend to stand closer, talk louder, talk over, touch, and make mutual eye contact more. The really cool thing is that although there are these general differences observed, there are pockets within countries that just make no sense. I think it's Milwaukee that is really similar to Italian towns because it is, weirdly enough, a contact culture within that city even though the US is a noncontact culture.


    ...Psychology nerding done.

  13. Requests have always been open, so as long as you haven't already requested an item, feel free to request one now to get your name in the queue  :)
    We're tentatively starting to lend some of the low-end/cheap items. Right now we have to go through and double-check that the people who submitted requests a month ago still want to be lent. As for the expensive items (Icy Snowflake and up), we're hesitant to lend those out yet since there are still glitches around the site and a loss of an expensive item affects us more.
    Thanks for your patience, everyone <3
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