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Shane for Wax

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    Shane for Wax got a reaction from Panthersclaw in Bought my dad a puppy for his birthday   
    Got some nice new pictures of her, finally.
  2. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from Mouseykins in Bought my dad a puppy for his birthday   
    Got some nice new pictures of her, finally.
  3. Like
    Shane for Wax reacted to Mouseykins in Bought my dad a puppy for his birthday   
    Their faces change so fast! Especially when they're still getting all their markings and personality looks. :D
    To elaborate on what Shane said for barking...
    My pup doesn't bark much at night and when she does it's because she's heard something outside/inside the house or she sees something that isn't right. I often have to let her out at 2am for a potty break and I tell her no barking. Normally it works but sometimes I think she does it in spite lol. Since we live in a small quiet town and barking dogs is not tolerated. I have to be quick at quieting her down. I sternly call her name and tell her "no barking" and to come inside. She usually listens after the first order. If she continues then I go outside and get her. In the house it's the same thing. We sternly, in a whisper voice tell her "no barking, quiet and go back to sleep". Sometimes they're startled by something and need reassurance that everything is alright. Just keep at it and the behavior should calm down. Especially worse when they're pups as they're still learning their surroundings.
    In my experience it's never a good idea to ignore a barking dog, no matter how annoying or disruptive. They could be alerting you to something. By learning the different barks your dog has you can better understand why she's barking. My pup has her regular bark when she's startled and her 'alarm' bark, which is when something is not right and needs our attention.
    I would love to see some more pictures of Ella as she grows!
    I remember my Mom's friend having a Great Dane, I think I was 6 and I could almost stand under him. I was so mesmerized at this very large dog! <3
  4. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from jellysundae in Bought my dad a puppy for his birthday   
    Hey all, long time no talk. Been busy. Got a new puppy, a Great Dane. Her name is Ella, full name Eleanor Digby (a pun on Eleanor Rigby). She is only two and a half months old by now, born June 8th or so. Since dad works, it's me and mum taking care of her.
    Here she is:



    (there's my mum lol)
  5. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from kandygrrl in Bought my dad a puppy for his birthday   
    Hey all, long time no talk. Been busy. Got a new puppy, a Great Dane. Her name is Ella, full name Eleanor Digby (a pun on Eleanor Rigby). She is only two and a half months old by now, born June 8th or so. Since dad works, it's me and mum taking care of her.
    Here she is:



    (there's my mum lol)
  6. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from Mouseykins in Bought my dad a puppy for his birthday   
    Hey all, long time no talk. Been busy. Got a new puppy, a Great Dane. Her name is Ella, full name Eleanor Digby (a pun on Eleanor Rigby). She is only two and a half months old by now, born June 8th or so. Since dad works, it's me and mum taking care of her.
    Here she is:



    (there's my mum lol)
  7. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from Bodhi in How do you calculate Prize Points?   
    That's just a rank calculator though, not a prize point calculator. That 400 is how many YYB wins you need for that rank.
  8. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from jellysundae in What rank are you? (2015!)   
    For the first time in a long time I finally hit rank 2 and might even go rank 3 before it all ends. I've been doing 5-10 matches a day when i feel up to it. lol I last hit rank 2 in the 5th AC with 65 wins, 5 draws, and 1 loss in YYB and did a 101 make some noise, 54 slushie slinger, and 71 shootout showdown. Right now I have 60 wins, 8 slushie slinger, 5 make some noise, and 49 shootout showdown. I hope to break my AC5 scores for the non-YYB games but idk if it will happen.
  9. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from tk421beth in What rank are you? (2015!)   
    For the first time in a long time I finally hit rank 2 and might even go rank 3 before it all ends. I've been doing 5-10 matches a day when i feel up to it. lol I last hit rank 2 in the 5th AC with 65 wins, 5 draws, and 1 loss in YYB and did a 101 make some noise, 54 slushie slinger, and 71 shootout showdown. Right now I have 60 wins, 8 slushie slinger, 5 make some noise, and 49 shootout showdown. I hope to break my AC5 scores for the non-YYB games but idk if it will happen.
  10. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from Zafie in Anchor Management   
    The bigger they are, the faster they swim away once they've felt the cannon's blast!

    The krawken retreats in a hurry, leaving behind:
    Twenty Dubloon Coin
  11. Like
    Shane for Wax reacted to jellysundae in Broke My Foot   
    My internal thermostat's broke too. I'm on the MS Society forum and I made a thread about exactly this just a few days ago and wow, it seems it's a problem a lot of MS suffers have, I never realised! Way cold (ho ho...) comfort knowing a load of others are suffering too...
    If your temp control issues are anything like mine, it seems they basically don't know? I don't even mention them to anyone medical now, because I know how that conversation will go...and I don't want to be thrown out of the doctor's for kicking him in the nuts because his response has been, "well you are 43, it's probably your hormones". :grrr:
    Improving your mood just makes things easier to contend with, doesn't it :) I have a hankering for chocolate now, and I don't have any. :P
  12. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from weezieb3 in Broke My Foot   
    It won't necessarily get easier, but it can lessen some symptoms. Endorphins are a natural pain reliever, and endorphins are released from anything like eating chocolate to feeling positive or even getting scared like on a roller coaster or something. And there's no shame in trying to save up your spoons for something else down the line. You'll make a new normal for yourself, just as I have. I've had to figure out new ways of doing even small things people take for granted like going to the bathroom without needing outside help. You'll be surprised how much your mood will change when you figure out an easier, better way to do something. Necessity is the mother of invention.
    I have temperature regulation problems but my circulation is pretty normal. My legs tend to get pretty cold though but i've never been put on any meds for circulation. I've never really been told the actual firm reason. 
  13. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from ranga_muffin in Broke My Foot   
    No problem. I'm happy to answer questions about myself so long as they're polite. I like to think of it as a learning experience. If at least one person learns something about handicapped people like me, then I'm happy to talk about myself. But, like I said, the questions have to be polite and there are some questions I'm too nervous to answer (mostly based on bad experiences with reactions from some people). 
    Platitudes are better than nothing, sometimes. I'm a believer in positive energy, tbh. 
  14. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from jellysundae in Broke My Foot   
    To be honest, a good portion of it is faking it until I make it. I suffer from PTSD and your garden variety depression and anxiety. I just do my best to hide it or smother it. But I appreciate it honestly! I'm glad people can take inspiration from my outlook on things. When you're injured, and you already heal slowly, attitude can mean a lot. It's been documented and tested that staying upbeat and positive can help the healing process. And I need all the help I can get since I heal slower than a diabetic when it comes to my legs and feet. 
  15. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from jellysundae in Broke My Foot   
    No problem. I'm happy to answer questions about myself so long as they're polite. I like to think of it as a learning experience. If at least one person learns something about handicapped people like me, then I'm happy to talk about myself. But, like I said, the questions have to be polite and there are some questions I'm too nervous to answer (mostly based on bad experiences with reactions from some people). 
    Platitudes are better than nothing, sometimes. I'm a believer in positive energy, tbh. 
  16. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from Desertfreak in Lost Desert Support thread!!!! 2015!!! (Lets win this thing Mummies!!!!)   
    I've wanted to help these past few days but depression has kept me from doing a lot. I got a little cheerier when I saw how well we're doing so far tho! Keep it up everyone, I'm trying to help lol
  17. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from casperiscaptain in Lost Desert Support thread!!!! 2015!!! (Lets win this thing Mummies!!!!)   
    I had to rejoin my old team, especially with a lost desert lupe! Let's kick it into high gear and win the cup, people!
  18. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from tylerta98 in Stop using Hola VPN immediately   
    You know the old adage, too good to be true? Well, it's... true. 
    You are being used. In a bad way. It is also actively updating to prevent you from realizing something is going on. 
  19. Like
    Shane for Wax reacted to Kittyn in What's your Achievement today?   
    This actually happened yesterday, but I didn't think to share it... I finally cracked and bought a Kacheek Morphing Potion for Zherane! She is my second oldest and I figured it's time to start working on finishing her goals! I'm going to save for a while longer, then buy a Royal Paint Brush, then cross-paint her Grey =)
    EDIT: I traded for the last piece of Cupidfaery's customisation! All she needs is to be painted White, then she is done =) what do you guys think?

  20. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from Desertfreak in Which team will you choose for Altador Cup X (2015)?   
    Going with Lost Desert it was the first team I joined and I'm a huge lost desert fan to begin with.
  21. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from tk421beth in Faerie Quest Help   
    Thank you, friend! Much appreciated.
    Chardlyneo's gained 2 movement points and 2 hit points!
  22. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from tk421beth in Faerie Quest Help   
    Guess who's back? Back again? Shane is back. Tell a friend faerie.
    Oh dear, you haven't found any yet? *gulp* That line outside the Soup Kitchen isn't getting any shorter, you know.

    You are supposed to bring me:

    Small Kalery Smoothie
  23. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from Desertfreak in Altador Cup X - Weeks Away!   
    I got scared because Lost Desert wasn't clickable until my fuzzy head read what was actually on the page lol
    Go Lost Desert and go me for being able to actually HELP this year.
  24. Like
    Shane for Wax reacted to ssp014 in Faerie Quest Help   
    Thank you very much Shane! I really appreciate your help!
  25. Like
    Shane for Wax got a reaction from Marae19 in Faerie Quest Help   
    Much appreciated! Health increased. :)
    Now to wait for tomorrow lol
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