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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/01/24 in all areas

  1. 3 points
  2. Premium Space Faerie Scratch Cards have received a new update today, introducing some brand new and rare prizes to the pool.
    1 point
  3. The 19th annual Altador Cup has begun! Participate in games to earn points to spend in the prize shop. Will The Void Within interrupt the games? Stay tuned to find out.
    1 point
  4. I THINK the field might be blue in honor of Dacardia, but not sure, as it was blue for me too! But the light brown ice was weird, so maybe it's NOT supposed to be blue! LOL
    1 point
  5. hrtbrk

    Altador Cup Has Begun!

    According to the boards, the new daily max for YYB is 29, which isn't too bad. But I feel the same as you. Plus none of the prizes are really interesting to me
    1 point
  6. iloveeevee

    Altador Cup Has Begun!

    Whoa Duma you have such a busy schedule, and still manage to fit being a mod and tvw in?! don't burn yourself out ;__; i only have to juggle classes and a part time job and already lack the time for my dailies and tvw so idk how much i can grind for the AC either. unfortunate how both are such big time sinks, it just feels like adding more bland dailies to the already long list. but at least the point values for AC were adjusted, that's nice
    1 point
  7. Duma

    Altador Cup Has Begun!

    Even if I had the will to grind for several hours a day, I don't have the time. Work takes about 12 hours of my day, sleep takes another 6.5 hours. About an hour a day to take care of my friend's pets while she is on holiday and then 3 times a week my training takes about 4 hours including commute. So I have half an hour left which I usually use on my dailies/The Void Within. On days that I don't have training I also have to study for a course from work. Still going to do my very best though! It does help me that they showed the prize shop, so I know how many points to get to be able to get the items that I want. That's a pretty good incentive for me.
    1 point
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