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The person below me has a tablet!


Haha, NO, false. I most definetly are not flexible whatsoever.


TPBM can pop their bones (doesn't matter whether it's your knuckles, or anything, as long as you can do it intentionally)


Yeah on my knuckles.


Tpbm own's a Nintendo video game product


True, I've got a Wii and a GameCube (although I haven't used them in years).


TPBM watches Castle (the TV-show with Nathan Fillian)


Nope sorry


TPBM Has a friend name sam?


Nope. One of my best friends's little brother's name is Sam, but I think that's the only Sam that I know.


TPBM watches cooking shows.


True (and slightly false, maybe you could count me as trilingual). Dutch and English fluently (and I understand Frysian (the second language spoken in The Netherlands), but I don't speak it).


TPBM lives in Europe.



USA, Mexico, Argentina, Chile are the ones I know the best. I've been to Europe, but that didn't count because I didn't get to know many places. It was a very rushed trip. I like traveling very much, and I spend most of my money on it. <3


TPBM wants to move to another country.


True but I love any kind of ice cream :P


The person below me doesn't mind Brussels spouts


True... I usually don't like green foods. :P


TPBM prefers Marvel over DC.


False. I've got a little more than 1 mil, used to have more but bought a water PB.


TPBM has used a morphing or transmogrification potion on one of their pets.


False! I love spinach! I used to watch a lot of Popeye when I was a kid. xD


TPBM plays an instrument.

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