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I apologize for the strange title, but I just wanted to let my fellow TDNers know that the HTML5 version of Yooyuball has been changed sometime earlier this late morning or afternoon. I've been lurking around the Neoboards, and people have reported a multitude of things about the recently updated version of Yooyuball including:

Starting with the bad ones first:

  • The goalie on the opposing team has increased AI, which makes it harder to score goals quick and easy. This has affected the GPG averages of many Altador Cup players negatively since they have been often getting around 8 or 9 goals tops per game as opposed to around 13 or 14 goals per game.
  • The game starts off with a Snow Yooyu (or appears to be one) rather than a standard Yooyu, but behaves like a standard Yooyu. Additionally, every proper Snow Yooyu after the first one is invisible for some reason, but you can still see their shadow.
  • Darigan Yooyus have become much more evil and erratic than they were based on what I'm seeing from other players. They can be just as much of a game ender than the Blue Spiny Shells from the Mario Kart games.
  • Powerups tend to be very rare early on, but start showing up after around 2 or 3 goals.

...and the more proper fixes:

  • You no longer have to zoom out to 50%-62% et al to click on the Play Now button.
  • The game doesn't force the player into fullscreen upon clicking on the game, fullscreen is also optional.
  • The Restart Game button is now present after the end of a Yooyuball game.
  • Mutant Yooyus thrown into a goal are now acknowledged as Mutant Yooyus instead of a randomly changing Yooyu rotating from all Yooyu types except for Clockwork and Mutant itself.
  • Stealing the ball from the opposing team's forwards and defenders works better than it did previously. Stealing from the opposing goalie still isn't fixed unfortunately.
  • The Clock/Slowdown powerup no longer spawns.

If there are other changes to the new version of HTML5 Yooyuball that I haven't listed, let me know. I've received reports that Mystery Island has Teylor Nix back in place of newcomer Tulay Ada. Those who play on the right side haven't been getting their scores posted on the opposing side. I'm glad that I got my Yooyuball games in very early today, GPG average poisoning is real with this update.


Can confirm the scores are showing on the correct side now.聽As for the scores themselves, well...


this is the best I've had so far. Scoring has definitely become a lot more difficult in the new version! I'm not bothered by the extra challenge as such, but less goals = longer games. Not happy about having to spend even more time to max every day.


This. This is miserable. The controls are more fluid but trying to make a goal 6 times in a row and failing is not fun.
I was getting an average of 9-10 GPG (used to get 12 with the Flash version), not happy with half that聽at best.

Edit: yeah, this is a nightmare. Might have to pick up the slack with MSN or SS instead, YYB is unplayable.

10 hours ago, Angel贸 said:

I can't even play YYB on my laptop or iPhone聽

How many browsers have you tried to get HTML5 Yooyuball to work, but no luck? Not on Chrome (or Edge, Opera or other Chromium-based browsers)? Not on Firefox? Not on Pale Moon (or other Firefox clone browsers)? Apologizes for asking mate.

9 hours ago, e_c said:

Can confirm the scores are showing on the correct side now.聽As for the scores themselves, well...

this is the best I've had so far. Scoring has definitely become a lot more difficult in the new version! I'm not bothered by the extra challenge as such, but less goals = longer games. Not happy about having to spend even more time to max every day.

I managed to get an 11 12 goal game earlier today since the Yooyuball "update" with the increased opposing goalie AIs. They may take away our ability to easily score sky high in Yooyuball, but when they take away our dignity, that's when we get mad!

I was lurking on the Neoboards again, and fellow Neopian and ninja squirrel__girl has posted a great set of tips on the updated Yooyuball. Hope she doesn't mind if I mirror them here for the TDNers that don't actively use/lurk around the Neoboards (will remove if she does mind).


1. Aim for the top of the net, not the bottom.
- The net is misaligned. If you aim for the bottom it will bounce off the pole even when it doesn't hit it. Meanwhile on the top it will go straight through the hole.

2. Shoot from close to the net - but not too close.
- The goalie has a hard time stopping Yooyu's when fired close to the net. However, if you get within about 3 YYB lengths from the net the goalie will steal the Yooyu, even with the gap.

3. Power up your shots - even Darigan and Faerie.
- the faster the ball is going the harder it is for the goalie to catch it unless it is head on. For Faerie's the trick is to get up close to the goal by moving from bottom towards the top then flicking down at the last second. For Darigan's I normally just shoot them straight - they either move backwards, straight forwards, or will do a bounce at the wall. It is the only ball I shoot from far away because of the ricochet wall shots

4. Normal Yooyu's are skinned as snow Yooyu's - Snow Yooyu's are invisible - look for the trail
- ideally you will score with the invisible yooyu without losing it but if you do happen to drop it look for the snow trail to track it's trajectory. The shadow where show you where it is, the trail will show you how it's moving and will give you a better chance of catching it again

5. Do not grab ice block powerups until the ball is in play
- If you grab an ice block powerup before the ball is touched the players will just walk out of the ice and it will break

6. Try to move around the vertical plane while powering up
- don't move straight towards the goal, move up and down because if you just head straight on the goalie will stay still and block your shot 100% of the time

7. Do not shoot a ball right next to the goalie unless you have the giant powerup
The goalie now has a bit of magnetism to him. If you have the giant powerup the ball should go fast enough to go through still, but if not try to have at least a ball length between the goalie and where you are aiming so the goalie doesn't just have the ball zip to him with the magnet


So essentially, they have broken the key game of the event and not done anything at all to resolve the cheating issues that are ongoing.

Well, that sounds about typical, doesn't it?!

6 hours ago, Darigan D-Pad Doc said:

How many browsers have you tried to get HTML5 Yooyuball to work, but no luck? Not on Chrome (or Edge, Opera or other Chromium-based browsers)? Not on Firefox? Not on Pale Moon (or other Firefox clone browsers)? Apologizes for asking mate.



Pale Moon


I don't have edge because I'm still on Win 7

Someone told me that my laptop is too old to handle YYB (But I can play SLS and other Neopets games normally) Also SoSD & MSN don't run on my laptop .. I have 4 GB Ram , Intel Core 2 Duo聽


YYB works on Firefox for me now, it's ever so slightly laggy though.

Squi's YYB tips are awesome! :D Squi is my namesis! 聽:heart::heart::heart:She absolutely will not mind you sharing on here, ninjas rock.聽smiley.gif


I play one round and think, hey, this isn't so bad, the tips are working, I got 10 points!

And then the next round NONE of the tips work for me and I get 5 goals the whole game. I had聽been trying really really hard to keep Aldric Beign's GPG on the scoreboard, but I can't get above 7 goals with him per game anymore. I was also hoping to scrape by and get All-Star, but YYB is聽SOfrustrating聽now that I think I'm giving up on that. I can't play more than 5 games without wanting to tear my hair out.聽馃檭

5 hours ago, Wildbreeze said:

I play one round and think, hey, this isn't so bad, the tips are working, I got 10 points!

And then the next round NONE of the tips work for me and I get 5 goals the whole game.

It me!

I'm seriously struggling to score today, the sweet spot between the edge of the goalie's range and the goal boundary must be seriously narrow. 馃槶


My goal average has also taken a huge hit. From averaging 11-12 to maxing at 8!


Bringing this topic back up for an update on HTML5 Yooyuball. As of this evening, Yooyuball has been updated again. I have received reports from other Neopians that:

  • Standard Yooyus are no longer disguised as Snow Yooyus, and actual Snow Yooyus are not invisible anymore.
  • Most Altador Cup team rosters are now up to date and no longer use the 2012 Altador Cup rosters (there are still a few that aren't up to date). Tulay Ada is still named Teylor Nix and Whimsi Dia is still named Elbin Kroe ingame however.
  • The opposing team's goalie is no longer near impossible to deal with (some people still say the opposing goalie has magnet hands, but not as bad as several days ago), so getting goals quick and easy is no longer a huge pain (just not as easily than the Flash version though).
  • The shift key used to reset formations no longer works unless if you press it repeatably.

There may be more quirks and updates I may have missed, let me know if you guys/gals come across more.


I'm still not scoring as high as I was with the earlier version, but my聽goodness聽what a relief, I don't feel like screaming during every round.

My goalie (Moltara) is still wrong though. 馃槢

Edit: just snagged a 12 point game! This is so much better!


That's a relief! I focussed on side games yesterday and completely avoided YYB, but I was hoping to get at least another 200 games in next week!


I need to get my 3 NP-earning games in. I tried earlier but I was using FF and it's pretty laggy on that browser so I gave up!

Now to see how things are behaving in Chrome...


Hmm. The practice team's historically tougher than any of the others... right? 馃槄

It IS nice to not have invisiball and magnaglove to deal with though.

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