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I figured I may someday get serious about avatar collecting (but .... I don't want to grind all those tendinitis-flareup-inducing games for high score avatars, so I probably won't), so I should join the TDN forums and try to be an active community member. We'll see how it goes!

I've been on Neopets on and off for probably 17-18 years. My first account is long gone, but just this morning I regained access to my second account thanks to Tony P., and my main for 9.5 years is chugging along. Recently started zapping and am now addicted and grumpy I only get one zap per day. Otherwise, I just kind of hoard NP and try to invest in stocks & food club. I miss my Habitarium of yore, as buggy (sick pun) and annoying as it was.

I'm just shy of 30 years old, have a number of tattoos and piercings, am a giant sci-fi nerd (Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica are 2 of my tattoos), love post-hardcore music (I also have a Thursday tattoo), and I'm very invested in fitness (I'm AFAB and can do 10 pull-ups, which is a huge achievement for me and took me 3 years of on-again-off-again dedication). Coffee is my one true love. I'm a lifelong Slytherin and ISTJ. I'm an office manager, which means sometimes I'm up to my eyeballs in work and sometimes I play Neopets all day, so. Yeah.

I'm not sure why anyone would care about any of this, but I figured I'd share!


Hi and welcome fellow Hogwarts alumni.  My eyes lit up when I saw post hardcore. 

What are some other bands you like? I'm pretty much stuck in 2007. 

Hopefully you can get back into the groove of neo, I am also an NP hoarder. Absolutely love collecting/ making np in the game. It would be nice to see a new face around the forums as well! 



Ohai, Kute!

I always feel a wee bit disingenuous when I say I like post-hardcore music because that MOSTLY just means I am deeply, desperately in love with Thursday and enjoy other acts of the genre when I hear them. I'm also a huge Cursive fan and saw them live in November. I have a Placebo tattoo (the first one I got at the tender age of 18), so they're another of my all-time favorites, though not post-hardcore in the slightest. Other musicians/bands I have on rotation: Tame Impala, Fight Like Apes, Animal Collective, Coconut Records, Say Lou Lou, Tori Amos, The Submarines, Of Monsters and Men, The Mars Volta, and various trashy pop music that helps me get through cardio (I hate cardio). What music moves you?

I just quadrupled the 50k I put into Food Club today so I'm feeling pretty smug. I also got an adorable striped Poogle from a lovely zapper today, so I feel like I'm here to stay, at least for a while!

I acknowledge that the world needs Gryffindors, but that doesn't mean I won't grumble the entire time I'm cleaning up your messes. ?


Hi and welcome to our forums! I love your avatar picture you got here. As a fellow Sci-fy fan I welcome thee!

Glad to see Food Club has been nice to you, with an aged account it can be very profitable for sure. I hope your good luck streak will continue.


Hello o/ you sound like fun ☺️

I'm a confirmed (by the Sorting Hat on Pottermore) Hufflepuff, so I'll just sit over here in the corner, out of the way. ?

I have confused memories of Battlestar Galactica, I used to watch it at my Grandad's on a Sunday afternoon and I remember liking it, but as I was 11 at the time I don't think I understood what was going on at. all. hence the fact that I really can't remember it very well, lol. I wonder if I watched it again now whether I'd love it, or if it'd just disappoint...

41 minutes ago, Duma said:

Hi and welcome to our forums! I love your avatar picture you got here. As a fellow Sci-fy fan I welcome thee!

I cycled through about 14 different avatars before I settled on this one. I’ve been using it for a decade, so I guess it stuck. So say we all!

30 minutes ago, jellysundae said:

I'm a confirmed (by the Sorting Hat on Pottermore) Hufflepuff, so I'll just sit over here in the corner, out of the way. ?


I wonder if I watched it again now whether I'd love it, or if it'd just disappoint...

I love Hufflepuffs! As a Slytherin, I really need Puffs in my life to keep me grounded. Puffs are the backbone of society. 

As long as you watched the reimagined series from 2004 (starts with a miniseries then has 4 seasons, and I believe all of it is on Prime Video presently) and not the original one from the ‘70s, I bet you’d love it. It can be very intense tho, since it’s about the aftermath of attempted genocide. But from a stranger on the internet, 10/10, do recommend. 

2 hours ago, teprometo said:

I love Hufflepuffs! As a Slytherin, I really need Puffs in my life to keep me grounded. Puffs are the backbone of society. 

Good answer‼ ? ?

2 hours ago, teprometo said:

As long as you watched the reimagined series from 2004 (starts with a miniseries then has 4 seasons, and I believe all of it is on Prime Video presently) and not the original one from the ‘70s, I bet you’d love it. It can be very intense tho, since it’s about the aftermath of attempted genocide. But from a stranger on the internet, 10/10, do recommend.

It was the original that I saw, but because I remember basically nothing of it I'd judge newer stuff now on its own merits. I'm tight and only watch free tv, lol, but I know the remake's been shown in some form over here because I saw trailers for it...hmmm ? probably on Sky then? I watch a fair amount of stuff on Pick which is a Freeview channel that we have that shows selected Sky stuff to try and lure people in, lol.

Hmm‼ Ok, you or @Duma will be able to answer this question then (no pressure) ... I saw this show on Pick this year, it's January! last year which I really enjoyed but I canNOT remember the name of. It's set 77 years in the future and a bunch of convicts open some kind of time rift and escape back to our when, but inadvertently bring this peace-keepery woman back with them and she goes about kicking various behinds whilst trying to track the escapees down. Cute male lead in it that I'd not seen in anything for years, I was like, "Oh hey, that's him from [insert show here]"... ofc I can't remember what it was he was in before, either! ? I wanna say Charmed but, hmm, not at all sure. So, do you guys know what I'm talking about?

Pretty sure it's a Canadian show, the Canadians seem very good at sci-fi, all the same actors cropping up in the various different shows, lol. The Sanctuary was shown straight after Stargate SG-1 for a long time on Pick, nice that Amanda Tapping could pull off such a completely different character successfully. Interestingly, I started to find her natural Canadian accent sounding a bit fake to me after getting used to her inherited British accent on Sanctuary.

13 minutes ago, jellysundae said:

Hmm‼ Ok, you or @Duma will be able to answer this question then (no pressure) ... I saw this show on Pick this year, it's January! last year which I really enjoyed but I canNOT remember the name of. It's set 77 years in the future and a bunch of convicts open some kind of time rift and escape back to our when, but inadvertently bring this peace-keepery woman back with them and she goes about kicking various behinds whilst trying to track the escapees down. Cute male lead in it that I'd not seen in anything for years, I was like, "Oh hey, that's him from [insert show here]"... ofc I can't remember what it was he was in before, either! ? I wanna say Charmed but, hmm, not at all sure. So, do you guys know what I'm talking about?


I'm guessing you mean Continuum? It's not 77 years into the future though. The terrorists come from year 2077.

5 minutes ago, Duma said:

I'm guessing you mean Continuum? It's not 77 years into the future though. The terrorists come from year 2077.

YES‼ Thank you! ? I knew it was something to do with 77, lol.

And now I can look that guy up it was Charmed that he was in!

48 minutes ago, jellysundae said:

Pretty sure it's a Canadian show, the Canadians seem very good at sci-fi, all the same actors cropping up in the various different shows, lol.

BSG was filmed mostly in Vancouver, and now I can always recognize shows filmed in Vancouver because so many of the actors I love show up (The 100, Altered Carbon, etc.).

I haven't seen Continuum, but if you recommend it, I'll have to give it a go!

24 minutes ago, teprometo said:

BSG was filmed mostly in Vancouver, and now I can always recognize shows filmed in Vancouver because so many of the actors I love show up (The 100, Altered Carbon, etc.).

I haven't seen Continuum, but if you recommend it, I'll have to give it a go!

I'm wondering what's going to show up next on Pick. ? There's a glut of super hero stuff at the moment that's for sure. I watched The Flash for quite a while but lost interest in it in the end, and I've not managed to get into Arrow, so far. these shows are all starting to seem the same... Looking on today's schedule it's Ghost Whisperer and DC's Legends of Tomorrow in the current evening slots. I'm glad that they're not showing Eureka yet AGAIN, I enjoyed that but they ran that right through 3 times in a row which was a bit much. ?

I liked Continuum because it was different, but with the current prevalence of super hero stuff it's not really so much now I suppose, still enjoyable though. Also, really nice to have a female lead, AND one that's not all sky-scraping heels and cleavage. Hopefully if you watch it you'll enjoy it too. ☺️ It was also filmed in Vancouver, lol.


I've almost watched all of those mentioned above. The only one I'm not sure of is Ghost Whisperer. All the others I know were great! The Marvel ones tend to be fun in the beginning and later on it becomes a bit boring, there's so many of them. I will get to watching them all eventually but other shows are pulling me more atm. The new episodes of The Grimm are my current entertainment.

1 hour ago, Duma said:

I've almost watched all of those mentioned above. The only one I'm not sure of is Ghost Whisperer. All the others I know were great! The Marvel ones tend to be fun in the beginning and later on it becomes a bit boring, there's so many of them. I will get to watching them all eventually but other shows are pulling me more atm. The new episodes of The Grimm are my current entertainment.

I watched Ghost Whisperer for the first time yesterday... jury's out on that at the moment, the acting's not perfect, and things...how do I describe, hmm... threatening to get a bit day-time TV-y? A bit Hallmark channel? We don't even HAVE the Hallmark channel over here (counts blessings) but the kind of schmaltzy-ness that's guilty of seemed to be waiting in the wings during this episode... might have been because the ghost thought he was Santa... I'll see if today's episode makes a better impression.

I LOVE Grimm. ? That's on its second airing over here but I'm watching it again because I really enjoyed it. It's just coming up to Monroe and Rosalie's wedding again. I really like how despite making Monroe a pretty typical nerd - grandad cardis an' all - he's still a strong character and will fight if he has to, they've not made him a weak man as tends to happen with the obligatory geek in a show, just a gentle one.

I'm glad I'm not alone in my assessment of the Marvel shows!


?I feel so lost with all these shows being mentioned. 

About music: I sort of lean a lot more towards hardcore or pop punk music. But sometimes I make the stretch into nearby neighborhoods. My fav band is called A Day to Remember. They're a bit loud.  But I have always been a fan of Taking Back Sunday, New Found Glory, Brand New,  if you know any of these? Theyre a bit more soft. I wont be surprised if you say no ?

Guys, if you have netflix watch a show called 3% lol.  I loved that show. I believe its a Portuguese sci fi. Has both Dub and Sub.   Thats like the only scifi i watched all of 2018 ?

1 hour ago, Kute said:

Guys, if you have netflix watch a show called 3% lol.  I loved that show. I believe its a Portuguese sci fi. Has both Dub and Sub.   Thats like the only scifi i watched all of 2018 ?

Watched it lol. It was a bit weird at first though. The 100 makes me think of that too if you like 3%.

8 hours ago, jellysundae said:

Also, really nice to have a female lead, AND one that's not all sky-scraping heels and cleavage. Hopefully if you watch it you'll enjoy it too. ☺️ It was also filmed in Vancouver, lol.

I'm a sucker for female leads, especially good ones! I'm sort of hate-watching Dark Matter right now, because it's really bad, and I love the female leads so much but also the show is so male gazey it's almost laughable.

6 hours ago, jellysundae said:

I'm glad I'm not alone in my assessment of the Marvel shows!

Flash and Arrow are both DC, not Marvel. I personally love Marvel shows, even when they're cheesy AF, but I haven't tried DC because ... well, I don't care for DC in general. Marvel shows I watch/ed include: Agents of SHIELD, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist (pretty bad tbh), Defenders, Punisher, Runaways (I LOVE this one ... LOVE! IT!), Cloak and Dagger (this one had moments/elements I loved but overall felt sloppy), and Inhumans (which was 100% trash and deserved to be canceled) - keeping up with Marvel is a full-time job

5 hours ago, Kute said:

About music: I sort of lean a lot more towards hardcore or pop punk music. But sometimes I make the stretch into nearby neighborhoods. My fav band is called A Day to Remember. They're a bit loud.  But I have always been a fan of Taking Back Sunday, New Found Glory, Brand New,  if you know any of these? Theyre a bit more soft. I wont be surprised if you say no ?

Guys, if you have netflix watch a show called 3% lol.  I loved that show. I believe its a Portuguese sci fi. Has both Dub and Sub.   Thats like the only scifi i watched all of 2018 ?

I have heard all of those! And enjoyed them all. I just never followed them down the rabbit hole. I still haven't become a Spotify kid, so I just listen to all the music I have in my iTunes. Keeps me pretty limited.

I think I started the first episode of that once and then was like "crap, my brain can't do subtitles right now" and I gave up and never went back to it. Oops! I should add it back on the list.

11 hours ago, teprometo said:

Flash and Arrow are both DC, not Marvel.

I probably should have realised that, shouldn't I ? Ah well, lol.

Is this all gonna implode before long? From what you're saying they're (both?) churning stuff out by the bucket-load here.

I watched Ghost Whisperer again yesterday and my opinion's still fairly MEH, that hint of schmaltz is still there and for some reason I just don't find things believable, where as Grimm, where the premise is FAR more unrealistic, is totally believable, so I guess it's the second rate day-time tv level acting that's letting Ghost Whisperer down. I'll not be watching DC's Legends of Tomorrow 1) because it's on at the same time as Grimm, and 2) because just watching the trailer was enough to show me the actors are rubbish. ?

How do you do your pull-ups? Do you have one of those bars fixed in a doorway? I SO wish I could exercise, but I have MS which has put mental and physical barriers right in the way of that so I spend the day sat on my behind, getting weaker... ?

Ok, now that it's at the forefront of my mind, I'm gonna go put the kettle on, and while that boils I'll do some press-ups leaning on the counter in the kitchen. I'm TRYING to train my brain to have me do that every time I make a cuppa, but with zero success so far. ?


@jellysundae Now that Disney is creating its own streaming platform, I think we're still at about the middle of all the Marvel content being churned out. DC just keeps making stuff (are we allowed to swear on these forums? I have a sailor mouth that I've been keeping in check, but I'm worried I'll tired-post a swear or twelve and get banned) and most of it is terrible and some of it is okay but has a lot of problems. Marvel also has problems, but I feel like they try harder across the board, and their baseline is just way above DC's baseline, at least for me and my particular intersection of identity, values, and interests. But that's just, like, my opinion, man.

I remember commercials for Ghost Whisperer waaaaaay back in the day when I was hate-watching Seventh Heaven and earnestly watching Everwood, which means I was probably 14 years old. It has Jennifer Love-Hewitt, right? I have watched some hot garbage TV shows (Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf) and have proven that I can handle bad dialogue, bad acting, and horrendous storytelling, but I can't handle boring.

I have a gym membership at Snap Fitness, which is a 24/7 place. I have a trainer I see about once a month who gives me full-body circuit routines and keeps me on track. I'm very, very lucky to be able to budget for these things, because between the membership itself and the training time, I spend $100 a month on fitness (and that doesn't include my pre-workout supplement, which is about $20 a month, or my addiction to new fitness clothes, which we won't discuss because I'm in denial about how much I've spent on underarmour.com in the past 12 months). So I do my pullups there on the high bar on the squat rack. I also do them at playgrounds when I play with my nieces & nephew because they think I'm amazing, and it's an ego boost.

MS is really tough, and really I can't even imagine living with it. I have mental health issues that sometimes get in the way of day-to-day functioning, but I've never had to deal with a physical condition like that. Idk how it works, exactly, if there are bad days and good days or if it's just all kind of the same day in and day out, but if there are good days, I hope you have more of those and fewer of the other kind!


Haha, yeah, you need to curb ya potty mouth on here xD By Fyora, lol. ? You'd get warned first though, no insta-ban. Though often the warning's in the form of a post edit, and speaking from personal experience, those are VERY easy to miss and be completely unaware of. I only knew I'd got one (for double-posting) when I went back and re-read an old post one day and found it, and then wanted to die of mortification. ?

There's also an amusing filter on here, so some cuss words end up automatically changed to various pet names; which is helpful in avoiding a modly smite, but also very confusing until you realise what's gone on, lol, "but I said [insert inappropriate word here], not hissi‼ How did that happen?!" ?

1 hour ago, teprometo said:

It has Jennifer Love-Hewitt, right?

Yep, and she has way too much blusher on. xD It's a pretty old show then! I wasn't aware of that, I might go back to watching Diagnosis Murder instead, that's some tasty cheese. xD

1 hour ago, teprometo said:

I also do them at playgrounds when I play with my nieces & nephew because they think I'm amazing, and it's an ego boost.

Haha, that's great, and hopefully gets them into fitness too. My MS does vary yeah, hugely in one day sometimes, lol. My issues are more mental than physical, more damage has been done to my thought processes than my physical ability, thought that's impacted on a lot too, I can't walk very far and my balance/stability is bad, I drop things all the time and I get tired super quickly (random info, because of nerve damage it takes up for 4 times as much energy for someone with MS to do ANYTHING). If I could get out and walk a little every day it would be great for me, but that's where the mental part gets in the way. Apparently the executive functions in my brain have taken a big hit, and those control everything else...

One really badly described thing is "loss of motivation". Which isn't me just going MEH, can't be bothered... which is what it sounds like, isn't it! It's the message not actually being able to get through to the necessary area to make stuff happen. Part A of brain thinks "let's go out for a walk!" so that message sets off to Part B which actually makes you do it, but oh, part-way along that nerve fibre... big hole, so message never gets through...

It's so much easier to wrap your head around it when it's nerve damage in an arm or a leg and that's why that limb doesn't work well any more; when it's stuff you can SEE. But when it's within the brain, yeah... so consequently I don't/can't get to do much, and on the occasions when a message goes by a roundabout route, and this does happen, I can't do much then either because exhaustion hits too quickly, talk about frustrating. ? and now I need a nap, gosh life is fun. :lmaosmiley:


Now I have the counterproductive urge to just submit a whole string of swears to see what Neopets names pop up, but I will refrain.

Go for Murder She Wrote. Gotta love Jessica Fletcher.

Chronic & degenerative illnesses can eat a tin of fierce peophins. :angry:

23 minutes ago, teprometo said:

Now I have the counterproductive urge to just submit a whole string of swears to see what Neopets names pop up, but I will refrain.

Go for Murder She Wrote. Gotta love Jessica Fletcher.

Chronic & degenerative illnesses can eat a tin of fierce peophins. :angry:

Are... are you watching me?! I AM watching Murder she wrote. ?

Send the swears in a PM to yourself, lol.

Hey, eating a tin of fierce peophins might be a so far undiscovered cure. :ph34r:

On 1/16/2019 at 4:54 PM, teprometo said:

I figured I may someday get serious about avatar collecting (but .... I don't want to grind all those tendinitis-flareup-inducing games for high score avatars, so I probably won't), so I should join the TDN forums and try to be an active community member. We'll see how it goes!

I've been on Neopets on and off for probably 17-18 years. My first account is long gone, but just this morning I regained access to my second account thanks to Tony P., and my main for 9.5 years is chugging along. Recently started zapping and am now addicted and grumpy I only get one zap per day. Otherwise, I just kind of hoard NP and try to invest in stocks & food club. I miss my Habitarium of yore, as buggy (sick pun) and annoying as it was.

I'm just shy of 30 years old, have a number of tattoos and piercings, am a giant sci-fi nerd (Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica are 2 of my tattoos), love post-hardcore music (I also have a Thursday tattoo), and I'm very invested in fitness (I'm AFAB and can do 10 pull-ups, which is a huge achievement for me and took me 3 years of on-again-off-again dedication). Coffee is my one true love. I'm a lifelong Slytherin and ISTJ. I'm an office manager, which means sometimes I'm up to my eyeballs in work and sometimes I play Neopets all day, so. Yeah.

I'm not sure why anyone would care about any of this, but I figured I'd share!

Hi there

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12 hours ago, fiorasyndra1 said:

Hi there

Hello, and welcome!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all, how are you?

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  • 1 month later...

Nice to meet you! Ravenclaw here ? 

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