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Is there any way to get rid of extra paint brush clothes?

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I zapped my labbie into an Elderlygirl, then into an Elderlyboy, then back into an Elderlygirl, and then back into an Elderlyboy again. (What are the chances of that happening consecutively anyway?) Maybe old people wear a lot of clothes, idk, but now I've got 3 extra sets (15 pieces in total) cluttering my closet.

Is there any way to get rid of extra paint brush clothes?


I wish there was a way to do this. I know I thought of something earlier this year that I thought could work, involving moving them to my side account, but I can't remember how/what I dreamt up to make it work. ?

The only thing I can think it was is:

  • getting a pet of the right species out of the pound
  • putting the items on them
  • transferring them to your side account
  • pounding them again

So your side account ends up with the clutter instead.? Bit of a long-winded palaver, too, but I think it would work?

TNT really needs to come up with a solution for this, don't they. People aren't going to want to spend NC on wearables if there's literally no room in their closet for them to be able to use them.


I just trialed my method and it works. Got a Usul from Lost and Pound so I didn't have to hunt for one, fed it (because I'm not a total monster), dressed it, sent it to side, and callously re-pounded it. ? So 2 unwanted items less in my closet now! ?

Now my account can do 2 transfers per month, I bet my side account can't though, lol.

2 hours ago, Vlagopus said:

Pound method sounds promising, although it's kind of hard to find the right colour and species especially if it's a rare/ expensive colour.

Yeah I saw it say during the transfer process about the colour, but it didn't register enough for me to take it in, so I just got lucky adopting a blue Usul for the blue items I had then? I couldn't have put the pink or grey Usul stuff I have on them?

3 hours ago, jellysundae said:

Yeah I saw it say during the transfer process about the colour, but it didn't register enough for me to take it in, so I just got lucky adopting a blue Usul for the blue items I had then? I couldn't have put the pink or grey Usul stuff I have on them?

No, I'm pretty sure you can use paint brush clothes on any colour of that species (some people 'cross-paint' on purpose). I just tried it with my lab rat, who's been a Desert Cybunny like 3 times, and is currently a Green Cybunny, but can wear the Desert clothes just fine.

57 minutes ago, Nielo said:

No, I'm pretty sure you can use paint brush clothes on any colour of that species (some people 'cross-paint' on purpose). I just tried it with my lab rat, who's been a Desert Cybunny like 3 times, and is currently a Green Cybunny, but can wear the Desert clothes just fine.

Yeah I know pets can wear any paintbrush clothes for their species, what we're both unsure  of is if they'll transfer though... I wish I could remember what it had actually said, other than the word colour, lol.  I can't do another clothing dump yet as my 2nd account's only a year and a bit old so can only do one transfer per month, but hopefully I'll remember in October to do another one, and then I'll intentionally adopt one that's a different colour from the items I have and I'll find out for sure. ?

1 minute ago, jellysundae said:

Yeah I know pets can wear any paintbrush clothes for their species, what we're both unsure  of is if they'll transfer though... I wish I could remember what it had actually said, other than the word colour, lol.  I can't do another clothing dump yet as my 2nd account's only a year and a bit old so can only do one transfer per month, but hopefully I'll remember in October to do another one, and then I'll find out for sure. ?

Ah, good point. I just assumed that if a pet could wear them, that they could be transferred too. I checked JellyNeo, and apparently, my assumption was wrong:


But only one set of paint brush items will be transferred - the ones that match the pet's current paint job.

That's a shame. ? (I'd really like to get rid of some PB items as well.)

15 minutes ago, Nielo said:

Ah, good point. I just assumed that if a pet could wear them, that they could be transferred too. I checked JellyNeo, and apparently, my assumption was wrong:

That's a shame. ? (I'd really like to get rid of some PB items as well.)

Ah, poot, I was hoping that if I was hopeful enough it would turn out that you could use any colour's items on a pet, lol.

I DID try reading the guide, honest, but brain wasn't taking much in, so it's unsurprising that I missed that bit you read. My method will partially work, at least. :ph34r:

Just counted and I've got 21 spaces taken up by paintbrush clothes. ?


If you have extra paint brush clothing you can make a Trade List on DTI and if someone is looking for those clothes they can find you easily. I've done that with the few that I have and already have someone taking a clothing set from me this weekend. Just remember that in order for the process to work, the pet MUST be painted the color of the clothing.

Example: someone wants my Halloween Korbat set and sends me a Blue Korbat, the clothes will not transfer. If I'm sent an undressed Halloween Korbat the clothes will transfer with it.

6 hours ago, Mouseykins said:

If you have extra paint brush clothing you can make a Trade List on DTI and if someone is looking for those clothes they can find you easily. I've done that with the few that I have and already have someone taking a clothing set from me this weekend. Just remember that in order for the process to work, the pet MUST be painted the color of the clothing.

Example: someone wants my Halloween Korbat set and sends me a Blue Korbat, the clothes will not transfer. If I'm sent an undressed Halloween Korbat the clothes will transfer with it.

Yeah I've seen the paintbrush clothing sections in people's long and very confusing lists on DTI. ? Confusing for me, at least, lol. I guess my big issue with DTI is those trade lists are there whether the person's actually still active on Neo or not. I got excited on discovering I could get past NC items, but after several attempts to contact people who's lists/wants didn't intimidate and/or confuse the heck out of me, but getting no reply, I feel a bit jaundiced about the whole thing. ?

I do at least understand the paintbrush clothes thing now, it took me an awful long time to be able to wrap my addled brain cells around it, but I do get it now... someone pounds a painted pet so the clothes are removed from it, whoever adopts can get the clothes back from someone else via a transfer, yay, let there be light and all that. But DTI's trading set up is honestly more than I'm able to deal with. ?

Having looked at what the other paintbrush items that I have are :

  • grey usul
  • pink usul
  • desert and pirate eyrie
  • stealthy grundo
  • 8-bit poogle
  • zombie skeith

I can see that getting rid of the blue usul items the way I did was realistically the only ones I'm likely to be able to do that with as it's the only basic colour out of the lot.

This is an unforeseen issue of having a lab rat, isn't it?

I suppose it wasn't a problem before the closet existed, the items must have just resided in your SDB. My lab rat on my jellysundae account got a robot zap, and then electric afterwards, it's what it still is, but I didn't understand about the robot pets so I just thought the zap hadn't actually worked as it said he was electric but he was still robot to look at. Had to have it explained to me by a guild member. :blush02: But I left the housing on him anyway as I don't like electric as a look, lol. So I didn't actually experience what removed paintbrush items did prior to the advent of the closet.

But at some point TNT's going to have to implement some way of dealing with these superfluous paint brush items, aren't they, I wonder what it will be... the easiest would surely be to stop being so puritanical about painted pets being something people need to earn and let pets keep their clothes in the pound? A bit of code added to an already existing feature, rather than having to create something new... though the pound is pretty old and its code will be woefully out of date, I know. ?



They could just add a "delete" button in the closet or have them moved to the inventory to be deleted at least so we can clean out our closets.

20 minutes ago, Duma said:

They could just add a "delete" button in the closet or have them moved to the inventory to be deleted at least so we can clean out our closets.

Thinking about it, seeing as they must have resided in your SDB before the closet, the infrastructure is clearly there to support that, so it would make sense to be able to put them in there now, wouldn't it...

I don't suppose they'd have a delete option because there'd be too much risk with that. People deleting stuff by mistake, because you KNOW they would, even if there'd undoubtedly be an "are you sure?" pop-up message for them to click some would still manage to delete something by mistake, and probably then scream blue murder about it and demand TNT fixed it. ? I'd hope they'd avoid creating that kind of scenario.

Or at least react quickly once they realised what they'd done, lol. They did with the bank avatar didn't they, didn't take long at all for them to make the pet need to be a year old before it could trigger the avatar.

2 hours ago, jellysundae said:

I suppose it wasn't a problem before the closet existed, the items must have just resided in your SDB. My lab rat on my jellysundae account got a robot zap, and then electric afterwards, it's what it still is, but I didn't understand about the robot pets so I just thought the zap hadn't actually worked as it said he was electric but he was still robot to look at. Had to have it explained to me by a guild member. :blush02: But I left the housing on him anyway as I don't like electric as a look, lol. So I didn't actually experience what removed paintbrush items did prior to the advent of the closet.

Don't worry, it's not just you! My mum's lab rat first became a Robot Vandagyre, before turning into a White Vandagyre, and she too thought it hadn't changed. Which isn't weird, seeing as the Robot look basically exists of its clothes, so you really have to take them off to see the change.

1 hour ago, Duma said:

They could just add a "delete" button in the closet or have them moved to the inventory to be deleted at least so we can clean out our closets.

Just being able to get them out of my closet would be great. I wouldn't mind it if I had to keep them in my SDB, because that's got unlimited space anyway. I never have enough closet space to begin with (and for some reason, my closet always claims it's full before it really is ? ), so now that I have a lab rat, space has really become an issue. XD

27 minutes ago, Nielo said:

Don't worry, it's not just you! My mum's lab rat first became a Robot Vandagyre, before turning into a White Vandagyre, and she too thought it hadn't changed. Which isn't weird, seeing as the Robot look basically exists of its clothes, so you really have to take them off to see the change.

This makes me feel SO much better, lol. The worst part of it was, because I didn't know the robot pets had housing, I never got to remove it and see how cool the Moehog looked underneath.


A HUGE amount of work went into the robot pets, didn't it!

33 minutes ago, Nielo said:

Just being able to get them out of my closet would be great. I wouldn't mind it if I had to keep them in my SDB, because that's got unlimited space anyway. I never have enough closet space to begin with (and for some reason, my closet always claims it's full before it really is ? ), so now that I have a lab rat, space has really become an issue. XD


TNT really do need to address this, I suppose it needs bringing to their attention first though because I wouldn't be surprised if they're not really aware of it, I wish I had the brain power to do it, but I'm fully aware that it's beyond my capabilities, me who STILL hasn't managed to send a ticket about my original account. ?


They have addressed it recently, I think, either in an editorial or the Hardtotame chat, but it seems way down on their priorities. Shame really, since it's such a pain. I have dozens of PB clothing  items I'd happily delete or donate clogging up my closet.


Some folks have put in their wish-lists a tab of "offering" listing the paintbrush items they have for "trade". It takes faith, because you must transfer your actual painted pet to them, they customize with the painted items, then transfer the pet back the next day. I used that to get things from pets I'd adopted that came from the Pound missing their custom items like bows and housings. It was wonderful to have the complete pet!

9 hours ago, jaydeed said:

They have addressed it recently, I think, either in an editorial or the Hardtotame chat, but it seems way down on their priorities. Shame really, since it's such a pain. I have dozens of PB clothing  items I'd happily delete or donate clogging up my closet.

Oh, nice! ?

As long as it's something they're aware of I'm confident something will be done about it eventually, conversely I can see why it's low on their priorities, but also why it really shouldn't be. I guess it's low on the to-do list because nothing's actually broken, it's just a less-than-ideal set up. But as it's potentially putting some people off buying NC... yeah, they shouldn't bury it at the bottom of the list for too long, lol.

  • 3 weeks later...

I can't find it on the Neopets news page (yet?), but according to JellyNeo, paint brush clothes can now be deleted from your closet! :D

(They'll be permanently deleted from your account though, but at least we'll be able to make some space in our closets again!)

10 minutes ago, Nielo said:

I can't find it on the Neopets news page (yet?), but according to JellyNeo, paint brush clothes can now be deleted from your closet! :D

(They'll be permanently deleted from your account though, but at least we'll be able to make some space in our closets again!)


We need to brainstorm on here about other stuff that needs fixing‼

We're clearly magic and can make stuff happen! ✨?‍♀️✨



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