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Would anyone be interested in sharing ideas? I made a Lutari on Lutari Day but now I'm having regrets because I'm not really happy with any ideas I've come up with through Dress to Impress. If anyone would be interested in suggesting outfit ideas either through your own lutaris or dress to impress etc I would love that.. I've currently got him painted Cloud but would be happy to see other options. It's unrealistic at the moment for me to paint him something thats multi mil though ? 


Hi Gypsy, if you could paint him any colors, what would your favorite choices be? This should be about making your dream pet. Who knows, you could get a Fountain Faerie Quest soon. It's also better to imagine what you'd like someday than to just settle for whatever now. You may have to wait, but meanwhile, think big. Here is a link to all the available Lutari colors for you to consider (click the pics to enlarge). I've never had one myself but I like their energy. But if you'd like to keep him Cloud for now, we can look at various wardrobe options for that. What activities and settings do you like for him?



I actually really like the way your Lutari looks right now! But I also enjoy playing around with DTI (and am considering getting a Lutari myself), so I made this one, using only (fairly) affordable NP items:


I'm not all that good at customising (especially coming up with a coherent theme - my own pets' customs are always a happy mess), but I think Cloud Lutaris look good against a dark background, so that was my starting point for this one.


Hi Gypsy, I'm having the same issue with my Draik right now. Not even sure what colour I want to paint her. But I have my Lutari mostly figured out:


I went for a 'Neopian explorer from Faerie Land' theme. The outfit was a little pricey I think, but the background and accessories were cheap. I like to come up with a character for my Neopets before deciding on outfits that match that. If you don't usually make characters of your Neopets, I would take Lakecat's advice and pick a dreamy colour first. Even if you don't have the neopoints now, you eventually will, and it's better to wait than settle. Good luck, and I'd love to see your Lutari when you decide what to do with it!

14 hours ago, gypsyknees said:

Would anyone be interested in sharing ideas? I made a Lutari on Lutari Day but now I'm having regrets because I'm not really happy with any ideas I've come up with through Dress to Impress. If anyone would be interested in suggesting outfit ideas either through your own lutaris or dress to impress etc I would love that.. I've currently got him painted Cloud but would be happy to see other options. It's unrealistic at the moment for me to paint him something thats multi mil though ? 

Hi! I do also have a Lutari. I have 6 pets and they are all a hot mess. I don't dress to impress I dress to have fun. Sounds silly but I find it fun to put things on my pets that may be kooky. My Lutari is sporting a Mohawk, LOL I would be happy for you to take a look at him. Have a good laugh.  No matter what you decide have fun doing it.


Hi! I really enjoy playing around on DTI, so I came up with these:



Kind of an adventurer type of thing ... the only really expensive item there is the walking stick.

I also really like how this looks, but it's a bit more pricey overall 



Hopefully you get some ideas from these and what everyone else has shared ? 


This is my idea for if you keep him the same colour :) I have a few items that suit the background in the editing version so you could edit it yourself if you wanted. I really like the Breathtaking Night Sky with the cloud colouring, buts its like 700k. and the lunar cape is expensive but I have cheaper options listed :) https://impress.openneo.net/outfits/1638143

Screen Shot 2018-05-18 at 7.59.50 pm.png


I was not expecting this, it made me so happy!! All of your replies are super helpful. I can't "react" to all of them it says I ran out but thank you all!! I'd still be open to anyone else who wants to contribute.

@jessodey i'm having fun playing around with the editing mode! i had no idea you could even do that haha, thanks so much!!
@teukkie i have been eyeing off the rogue outfit!! and the bandana in the second too!
@Granny63020 Yours look so fun!! That's what its all about hey
@Acedemiro I looove that look!! I do usually have somewhat of an idea of a character for them but now I've been a bit lost with this one ? and yess I think you and @lakecat have an amazing point. I usually just try to figure out what I can afford now instead of a goal. I should figure out my dream and go for that, since i've been in a bit of a rut lately without goals! Thank you both !

@Nielo that background is a great idea!! and looking at contrasts to make his current colour pop is a good thought i didn't consider!! and thank you for the compliment!


Wow, I was going to come here and put my two cents in, but it looks like you don't need it.  I think I am going to vote instead.  LOL.  I really LOVE @jessodey, that is great! I love #2 from @teukkie with the bandana too. To me it has sort of a piratey feel to it (IDK why) and I love pirates.

@Nielothe background does look fab and the lantern with the top hat, spot on.

Everyone has done a great job, but those are my top three, in no particular order of course.  LOL

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