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Thank you so So SOOO much for the furniture for my neohome! I am bouncing in my computer chair. I can't wait to decorate my home. 


Hey! I've gotten quite a few faerie items over the last couple a days due to the gifting thread, so I'm not sure when some of the people are actually gifting due to that thread or if something came from here, although I swore I saw your username in there, so thank you! :)


I am sorry to hear of anyone quitting Neopets but realize that rl goals are more important, so I wish you the best of luck and good fortune and may you be successful in all of your endeavors. :nod_yes: I am also glad that you will try to "hang on" until this Plot (that is moving at slorg_green_slide.gifspeed) :wink: . It is very kind of you to gift what your hard-work and skill has gained over these past years, thank you for having such a big heart that extends to ppl you haven't met in rl, it is truly inspiring. wocky_present_shaking.gif :santa:

I wish that I could invite you to our guild The Kindness Project but perhaps we can consider you to be a Member-at-Large, sort of absent from our presence but always thought of in our hearts.:heart:

As for me, any gourmet food that you might have squirreled away or any petpets...actually anything you choose is more than fine. I would love to have something to put in my Gallery to remember your kindness, @miraiKT for how long as I keep playing on Neopets. My WL is this: https://items.jellyneo.net/mywishes/midnight_spell360/ 

Again, thank you for making a lot of ppl happy during this holiday season. 

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