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Wraith Resurgence: New Decipher, Potions and Enemies

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Hmm maybe we're getting an update on Monday. I wish they'd be more consistent with their updates. Hard to plan my husband's days off with all this uncertainty.


There's new dialogue, it's looking like the next stage is going to require something different so that's good. :D


Is there new dialogue? I saw some today, but it was a repeat of something we already saw back in November: 


Fyora: You say it turned into a Neopet?!

Aethia: I couldn't believe my eyes either, Fyora, but it looked like they were pets cursed to become wraith... or whatever that poor thing is now.

Fyora: That certainly explains how they got past the barrier spell! But we need to figure out how to lift the curse and cure them. Taelia, do you think you can concoct a potion that would heal them?

Taelia: There's no way we can approach them while they're wraith. Defeating them in battle seems to weaken the curse considerably-enough to reveal their true form, but not quite restore their former selves.

Fyora: If you can weaken them and bring them to me, I'm quite sure I can put together a potion that will heal them.

Aethia: Is there no way to do this without hurting the pets?

Fyora: If I can find out what the source of this dark magic is, I should be able to reverse its effects.

Fyora: We can try talking to the pets once they've recovered. They might also be able to shed more light on this.

I've been seeing various repeat dialogues for the last several days, usually one between Fyora and Taelia about making the potions. I click through and x them out, but then the next day it reappears again. 


Oh right, lol.

But things must be moving on if the wraiths have gone from the BD. I quite liked fighting them because we got either food or codestones and nothing else from them.


I'm pretty sure JS didn't mean for this to happen. Since the plot was originally going to end on the 10th, they probably programmed it so that the wraiths would automatically disappear today. Of course, after all the delays the end date was pushed back, but they probably forgot to make the wraiths stay there :P

EDIT: Welp, looks like they are back

Also, in case anyone's interested, someone on the neoboards found a couple of unreleased prizes:

wea_malum_sword.gif Sword of Malum (possibly the name of the bad guy)

mall_dress_malum_cloak.gifMalum's Cloak (NC item)


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