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I'm moving to the Japanese countryside!

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I'm finally achieving my dream of moving to Japan! I'm going to teach English to high-schoolers in a very little town in rural Japan, which is exciting and intimidating in so many different ways XD I've never been anywhere truly rural before, so this is going to be quite the adventure. I'm looking forward to improving my Japanese, and I really hope I can help the kids I teach to learn English in a fun way that will stick with them. I'm also teaching at an all boys school, so that'll be interesting XD


Never give up on your dreams, people!


How exciting! When is this happening?

Is this rural town going to look like places on Ghibli movies? :heart: Little canals running between the houses and so on.


Congrats!!! I'm sure you will have an amazing time! I taught ESL myself in Korea for several years. My favourite thing was being able to travel so inexpensively (travelling anywhere from Canada costs a fortune). I think it's so cool you will be going somewhere rural - I imagine there are traditions and such you just wouldn't get to experience as much in a big city. I know you will be a welcome addition to the community and I bet everyone will be so excited to teach you about their home :) Selfishly I hope you still will have access to neo/ tdn so we can hear all about it!!


WOW!! How lucky!!! :ohmy:

It is my dream to visit Japan!! :wub:

If you can (and it is allowed here) can you post photos of the place you'll stay? You don't have to appear in them, just the surroundings and parks and streets and AHHHHH ALL :heart:


I'm moving at the end of July. I guess it'll be kind of like Ghibli. No little canals, but I've heard there's a lot of really great scenery. I found an azalia festival that looks pretty Ghibli-ish. Oh, and it snows higher than the buildings and winter lasts for five months :P I think I'm allowed to post pictures, I've done it before and nobody got mad at me.






Are you prepared for how cold it's going to be during the winter then? The girl I know who teaches in Japan says the Japanese don't believe in insulation in buildings. >_< Everyone at school keeps their coats on all day because it's so cold in the classrooms.

How does the climate where you're going to compare to what you're used to?

I love how Japan celebrates flowers, I wasn't aware they did it for more than the sakura blossom though, those azaleas are over the top amazing, lol.


Oh, I'm sooooo ready :P My idea of paradise is eternal winter XD That thing with insulation is absolutely true, though. That's going to be a bit of an adjustment. I'm in the New York area, so it's a pretty even four seasons.

7 hours ago, firaplays said:

Oh, I'm sooooo ready :P My idea of paradise is eternal winter XD That thing with insulation is absolutely true, though. That's going to be a bit of an adjustment. I'm in the New York area, so it's a pretty even four seasons.

Oh well then, you're going to have experienced the odd bit of chilliness in winter then, LOL! New York weather being pretty extreme when it gets the notion - which is every winter, right. :ph34r:

There's some "lake-effect" thing that has an impact on snowfall in that area isn't there...I read about that, but I can't remember a single thing other than the words "lake-effect" now, lol. :rolleyes:

See I'm trying hard to not do the thing that many people do when you mention where you live and New York in the same sentence, which is to immediately assume you mean you live in NYC. >_<

  • 4 weeks later...

I wish I could go teach English in Japan. I want to visit the country someday, as I've been obsessed with its culture since I was a kid (I started teaching myself the simpler alphabets when I was in sixth grade). If I was going to be a teacher there, I'd like to teach young kids, just because I like younger kids more (I used to work at a daycare/Sunday school). Also, I really enjoyed reading Mary Cagle's comic about teaching English in Japan. It's called "Let's Speak English." Those kids seem sooo cute.

  • 8 months later...

I believe the word is, Omedeto! LOL I don't have the software to type characters, but I think "Omedeto" is "Congratulations", correct?

LOL I was fortunate enough to take a Japanese class back in high school. I don't remember much, honestly. But, I remember a little. ;) And it's neat when I'm watching an anime and there's a sign in Hiragana or Katakana, I can sometimes read it. Though if it's in Hiragana, I probably won't know the translation without looking it up. LOL

I've always had an interest in Japan as for a long time. Even before I was born, my Uncle was a minister of some sort (dunno of which religion off-hand), but he did missionary work in Japan for decades. He and my aunt moved back to the states when his first grandchild was born.

To the best of my knowledge, he still travels over in the Asia region for work sometimes.

Wow, moving to Japan! Sounds very cool! I didn't know they don't insulate their buildings though. LOL I'm not wild about really COLD, I mean, I'm used to it, living in WI, you never know what the Weather will be like. I mean, I've LITERALLY seen Snow IN JULY here! XD A few flakes, that's it, but still! lol It's good you love Winter!  ;) I love Winter as well, as long as the snow and ice avoids the roads. LOL

It must be exciting for you! I hope that you have a WONDERFUL time! I hope you'll be able to continue playing Neopets, and of course,visiting TDN. ;)

And if I remember this last phrase correctly, Ganbare!! Go for it and ENJOY your time there! ^_^


Go for it!! Let me know what it's like there! And haha, maybe you'll see Hirohiko Araki on your way there uwu

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