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Biscuit and custard...




a bit hungry :ph34r:

1 hour ago, jellysundae said:

Biscuit and custard...




a bit hungry :ph34r:

I hear ya, on that one. @jellysundae , mind passing the milk?

But, to stay on topic, these are kind of, well, bland, like plain ol' vanilla custard, and a store bought crunchy cookie. There is some detail with the Custard, but it looks similar to the Biscuit one - almost like it (Custard) is the Biscuit Hissi melting in the sun. I do like the outfit, though. And no disrespect to Hissi lovers, either. I guess I'm not really a fan of Custard or Biscuit, unless at a potluck.


The outfit is really cute! Love those wings and that wig especially. The colors don't wow me, but yeah, biscuit and custard aren't very popular anyway I think


at your service, @Scoobert_Doo foo_milkshake_marshmallow.gif


The outfit's not bad, if you can ignore the UTTER LUDICROUSNESS of the boot. :laugh: I have no words for how stupid that looks, just...


Actually no, I have words! Lots of them! Whoever drew this set of clothes? Yes, I'm talking to you... WTF WERE YOU THINKING?!

Oh wait, yeah, you weren't thinking at all, were you...

because if you were, if you had a brain, if you gave a monkey's, you'd not have drawn a species specific pair of boots for a creature WITH NO FEET.

I think it's time for my personal emote... newmsnslap_zps057b67ef.gif&key=8d55e26eb


Wow, can you tell I've had no breakfast yet? :laugh: I'm now going to look on DTI and see just how much Hissi "footwear" there is, and how silly it looks!


lol I know it's ridiculous but Hissi shoes have been done before... So that doesn't really bother me that much. I just don't like the outfit as a whole, it doesn't look very cohesive to me. It's called "Winged Warrior", but I'm not getting a warrior vibe. All I'm getting is "marching band with 80's hair and wings thrown in for some reason".

1 hour ago, deboratibi said:

lol I know it's ridiculous but Hissi shoes have been done before... So that doesn't really bother me that much. I just don't like the outfit as a whole, it doesn't look very coherent to me. It's called "Winged Warrior", but I'm not getting a warrior vibe. All I'm getting is "marching band with 80's hair and wings thrown in for some reason".

Having checked DTI, this is only the 4th Hissi specific "foot" wear, which is a relief, I was worried there'd be more. They dropped the ball with the design of the Hissi though, if the end of the tail had been drawn standing up - like a rattlesnake's does - that could have been used for holding things, wearing jewellery etc. You could even have stuck a boot on it if you felt the urge, it would look like the Hissi was gonna fling it at you. xD

I agree about the outfit, it's a thrown-together mish-mash. The individual items are fine, but a cohesive outfit they do not make!

Hmm, maybe it's a gay rights marching band? OH! In that case, maybe the boot IS to throw at people, hecklers! :ph34r:


I completely agree with Deb on this one RE the clothes. The items themselves are fine, but the outfit is pretty silly. The wig definitely has an '80s band feel xD I do quite like the wings though, and the doublet thingie is okay. That single boot sticking out at a crazy angle, though...yikes. 

And as for the colors, why oh WHY do they insist on these food-based colors? I just think they're ridiculous and completely unappealing. I know that since they invented these colors they kind of have to stick with it and keep releasing it for other species, but like...did BOTH the colors on a pet's day have to be the food colors? Could ONE have been biscuit or custard and the other be something worthwhile? 



I shall this post with a positive comment, since i've been dishing out negative comments about TNT work recently

Love the wings.


Spare me the horror of the colours and the atrocity of those boots.

TNT, you failed again



Custard is pretty! - it looks edible and the green eye is a nice touch. Biscuit looks more like sand and not enough cookie. And for the outfit, the coat and wings are pretty on their own, but the combo is really weird. De wig doesn't really fit, I think. And I guess the boot  is a joke of TNT's side :angel:


So, what good paint brushes are out there that don't have their full compliment of pets yet?

I STILL think they could easily find a viable reason for an Alien brush, SO many possibilities there, seriously.

21 hours ago, jellysundae said:

So, what good paint brushes are out there that don't have their full compliment of pets yet?

I STILL think they could easily find a viable reason for an Alien brush, SO many possibilities there, seriously.



Preach fellow sister

For your comment made me so happy


Thank you! :D

Good to know I'm not alone in wanting an alien brush to be a thing.

Oh and I said viable reason?...lol, who was I kidding? TNT in its new form could release an alien brush with no particular reason other than "because", it would just be nice if they dreamt up a good storyline reason for it happening.

@Angeló what did you say the reason for the Alien Aisha was? I can't remember ._.

Let's dream up reasons for more alien pets!

How about:

  • Some crazy Dr. Landelbrot experiment that went horribly wrong! (stretching things a bit there aren't I? NOT! xD)
  • Some nefarious plot of Dr. Sloth. (does he have any other kind?)
  • Alien Aisha superflu! Cat sneezes on you, you become alien too. (how's that for an RE?)
  • A meteor hit the paintbrush factory and contaminated brushes transmogrified into Alien ones.
  • meepits :ph34r:

Yeah I'm shutting up now, lol. :laugh:

10 minutes ago, jellysundae said:

@Angeló what did you say the reason for the Alien Aisha was? I can't remember ._.

basically i think one of the original artists of TNT loved Aishas so much they created an alternative species (the Alien Aisha) or it was going to be a plot of some kind but they didn't go through with it ...

i didn't comment on the Hissis because the idea of eating snake snacks wasn't very appealing to me 

1 minute ago, Angeló said:

basically i think one of the original artists of TNT loved Aishas so much they created an alternative species (the Alien Aisha) or it was going to be a plot of some kind but they didn't go through with it ...

Ah yes, it really wouldn't need a reason for an alien paint brush though, would it?

I mean, if it did, that would require a reason for ALL types of brush.

They should just start making alien pets, STAT!

*shuts TNT in cupboard under stairs and won't let them out till they do it* :angry:

15 minutes ago, jellysundae said:

Ah yes, it really wouldn't need a reason for an alien paint brush though, would it?

I mean, if it did, that would require a reason for ALL types of brush.

They should just start making alien pets, STAT!

*shuts TNT in cupboard under stairs and won't let them out till they do it* :angry:

Some Trans. pets are Aliens , like the Acara and Kau ... scary Aliens nonetheless

23 minutes ago, Angeló said:

Some Trans. pets are Aliens , like the Acara and Kau ... scary Aliens nonetheless

What colour are those though, mutant? A lot of the mutant pets could be aliens.

You calling this handsome beast scary?!

2.pngIt's cthulhu! :laugh:

Also, just GOT to say. The mutant poogle...just WOW!!


THIS kind of stuff is the kind of flights of imagination that I want to see from painted pets again...

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