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Decent Neopoint income recommendations/guides?


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Used to play Neopets 24/7, but I would always just suck at games and have a pathetic income.


After coming back to Neopets I found out about restocking and I'll end up giving that a shot and see how it goes,

I'm also buying 1,000 15NP stocks every day. Is there anything else you guys would recommend?


Aside from knocking out as many of the recommended games on the "100k a day" list that I can.

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Welcome back to Neo and welcome to our forums!


My main sources of income are through dailies, you can use our dailies page. Trudy's Surprise (listed on the Dailies page) gives out free Neopoints with each spin and every 25th consecutive spin, without missing a day will earn you 100,000NP no matter what combination you get. Also do your daily battles. If you can battle the Koi Warrior he drops several codestones regularly that can be sold. Including the red codestones which go for more Neopoints then the regular ones. I rarely play the flash games as I really don't have time to sit and game all day. I have other work to do on my computer. :)


Hope this helps! :)

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Welcome back to Neo and welcome to our forums!


My main sources of income are through dailies, you can use our dailies page. Trudy's Surprise (listed on the Dailies page) gives out free Neopoints with each spin and every 25th consecutive spin, without missing a day will earn you 100,000NP no matter what combination you get. Also do your daily battles. If you can battle the Koi Warrior he drops several codestones regularly that can be sold. Including the red codestones which go for more Neopoints then the regular ones. I rarely play the flash games as I really don't have time to sit and game all day. I have other work to do on my computer. :)


Hope this helps! :)


I should definitely start leveling up my poogle, I'm still super excited that I got her today. :) Thank you Delshnya!


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When it's working, Ghoul Catchers is my main source of income. I play the first level again and again until I reach the 50K/day limit. Joining a winning faction for the Obelisk War can also be a help depending on the boons you can get. Increased interest at the bank & 10NP buying price for stocks are two of my favorites.

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If you can save up for a Cursed Elixir, then it makes battling the S750 Kreludan Defender Robot super easy! They cost 59,000 NP, but after a few days you will have already earned that back through Codestones and Neocola Tokens! What's also great about that is you don't have to constantly heal your pet, and you can literally do it without training your pet!

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Especially for old accounts, Food Club is great. The time commitment is really low, and the payoff is pretty good. My overall return is about 1.84. I've earned millions of NP this way over the years. It's pretty much my main source of income.
You can learn the system and make your own bets, or you can follow someone else's bets. Here are some links: Food Club - A Complete Guide of Definitions and How to Bet, Anisa's Food Club Bets, Garet's Food Club Bets

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Especially for old accounts, Food Club is great. The time commitment is really low, and the payoff is pretty good. My overall return is about 1.84. I've earned millions of NP this way over the years. It's pretty much my main source of income.


You can learn the system and make your own bets, or you can follow someone else's bets. Here are some links: Food Club - A Complete Guide of Definitions and How to Bet, Anisa's Food Club Bets, Garet's Food Club Bets


After reading the guide, my head is spinning a bit haha. But to make it a bit simpler, would I just go to http://foodclub.daqtools.info/and bet on the one with the highest estimated probability (Name highlighted in green) and then cross my fingers?


However, in the betting section he talks about "If your max bet is 2,000 you would play that multiple times"

So do I try to bet my max for all of them?

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You should always bet the max for Food Club, yes, because that gives the highest returns. I don't quite understand how it works, either, so I don't try to make my own bets. I follow Garet's FC bets, and it's served me pretty well thus far.

I also battle the S750 Kreludan Defender Robot in the Battledome, and most days it pays back pretty well in Neocola Tokens and Codestones (with the occasional red!).

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You should always bet the max for Food Club, yes, because that gives the highest returns. I don't quite understand how it works, either, so I don't try to make my own bets. I follow Garet's FC bets, and it's served me pretty well thus far.

I also battle the S750 Kreludan Defender Robot in the Battledome, and most days it pays back pretty well in Neocola Tokens and Codestones (with the occasional red!).


Don't have any neopoints and my little poogle is only level 2 :'(

I'd love to do Battledome, just can't anytime soon.


I'll try to get Food Club down, I had a good bet ready today this last one but I missed the entry by about 4 minutes...

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I don't play Food Club a whole lot, but when I do I try to bet on the ones with 2:1 odds except the places where there are multiple 2:1 odds. It seems to work pretty good.


Have you tried playing Pyramids? It's a very simple game that costs 50 NP to play and you can earn a maximum of 5,000 NP a day.

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Instead of making one bet, I would spread whatever np you have to bet with across the ten bets that are recommended by Garet or Anisa.  You will still have days that you don't win anything, but the tricky part of Food Club is choosing a set of bets that comes closest to guaranteeing a profit.  It's more reliable than an all-or-nothing approach with only betting one or two times.


For battling, I would pick up two Scroll of Ultranova, if you haven't already.  Each one should cost you only 1 np.  My battle pet still just uses two of those when doing my daily battles.

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Don't forget to check out the Igloo Garage Sale.  While you won't make a killing from it, you can very often get items for a fraction of their current market value and on-sell them in your shop for full value.  Just be sure to have a quick check on what the item is worth at the Jellyneo database ( http://items.jellyneo.net/) before you buy it because not everything sold there is good value.  You can only get 10 items a day, but between all the things there are to do on Neopets to gain points, I consider it just one more string to my bow.  I don't have a superfast internet connection so restocking is not really an option for me but I find less competition over at the Garage Sale.


Definitely pursue the stock market.  When I first started buying stocks, I didn't really see the benefits because I had so few stocks.  It has taken me months to build up my portfolio, but I got the million stocks avvie and now I make a good profit at least twice a week.

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Yes, for Food Club, the key is to bet your max bet for all 10 bets. Like others said, you want to set up a profile of bets for the day so you're likely to get at least 10:1 back, which will cover your original investment. For example, if I can bet 1,000 NP per day, then I bet 1,000 NP on 10 bets, I've spent 10,000 NP. If I win 10:1, then I win 10 x 1,000 NP = 10,000 NP, so I haven't made any profit but I haven't lost any NP. On the other hand, if I win more than 10:1, like 20:1, then I'll win 20,000 NP, and I've just doubled my investment.


When I say my overall return is 1.84, that means my returns average about 18.4:10. So if I bet 1,000 NP 10 times, I average winning 18,400 NP. Of course, my max bet is closer to 10,000 NP, so I generally bet around 100,000 NP and win about 184,000 NP. It's not exact, of course. Some days I win 36:10 and some days I win nothing. Sticking with it is the key to overall income.


I also second the Employment Agency. You can generally win more than playing games in faster time. Unfortunately, you can only do 5 jobs a day, but it's still a fast way to get NP.

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Also, make sure to put your savings in the bank, and collect interest every day. It may seem small, but it adds up!


I just did that eeeearly this morning, I even got into one of my friend's old dummy accounts that he said I could have if I cracked the birthday and had an almost complete Lab Ray (Minus a 50k piece) and a little over 1m neopoints!


I decided to deposit the 1m and leave it there for interest.

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