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Good Sunday everyone!


I am working like an avatar addict (I am) to get the Top Gamer avatar.  I do have some questions and need some help if possible.


First, please forgive me if I've posted in the wrong place. 


Ok, I have an HP PC that is running on Windows Vista, ~sigh~  I have used TDN's Top Gamers games and plowed through those and the mirror games provided as well.


Here is my problem:  the avatar says 250+, so do I need 250 exactly or 251, etc?  I am currently at 249 and Chrome doesn't use Shock wave anymore, nor will it update my Chrome.


Firefox and Chrome want 3DVIA, which won't load without messing up my entire computer, forcing me to restore to an earlier point in time.


Explorer won't load the shock wave games, either.  SO, does anyone know if Opera works for Neopets?  I really don't want to load a new browser and risk messing up my PC.


I have tried to host Armada, but it appears no one plays it anymore.


In the scheme of life, this is nothing, but to be SO close...yet so far, makes me crazy.  


Any suggestions? 


Thanks for letting me vent.  :)


250 works fine. Yeah, the Shockwave games aren't working - personally I'm using Chrome and I can't even load them. I tried Opera as well but that didn't work either. Other people have said that even if they get the game to load, they can't send scores. I don't know how long it's been like this, but I wouldn't expect a fix soon. 


The only thing you can do is go through the games list and search for the outlier. Like I said, 250 will work fine so you just gotta find that one game you haven't played yet. Remember that non-flash games like Sakhmet Solitaire, Shapeshifter, etc. count towards your games too.


I'm sure there must be some non-shockwave games you haven't played yet. Advertisement games also count. Because you're going for the top gamer avatar, I was curious to see how many games I've sent scores for. Last time I checked was ages ago, but over the requirement for the Top Gamer avatar. Well! I was quite surprised when the counter said I had submitted scores for 443 games(not to bad after 12 and a half years. lol). Though this DOES include shockwave games, as I used to play some of them before they stopped working. As has been mentioned, on-site games that are not flash can count too.


Anyway, Neopets is CHOCK FULL of games. Even if it's a game you dislike, Play it enough to send a score and you'll get that avatar! XD I took a look at your ULU, and 249 games in 6 months is quite impressive! I don't know how many games are currently active and non-glitching, but I'm sure you can find some that you probably haven't played yet!


I WOULD have suggested Bilge Dice, but I went to double-check, and that non-flash game is also Not up right now. :( A shame, if you play that game well, it CAN be a bit of an NP-maker. Of course my win average was something like, 1 win for every 5 losses. lol But it was a pretty fun game, I hope it's restored someday.


Oh well, good luck! Hmm... I forget, but perhaps a Brain Tree Quest, might score you a game credit? I think the Test Your Strength does as well, in case you haven't tried those yet. ;)


Thanks Goldjet32, 250 sounds so much better than 251+ I went through all the games and played them all, including Graal Keno.  I am working on Round Table Poker and Neoquest to see if either one will get me that elusive avatar.   :)



Thanks Aquamentis12.  I played many years ago and have recently just gotten back in.  i looked at my old account and there were so many sponsored games, it was great.  


I even had the Survey Shack scores.  


I do all the dailies and got myself playing Food Club, which I really enjoy (which counts).



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To get the top gamer avatar, all you have to do is send a score, any score, for 250 games. When I mean any score, it could even be 1 point. You don't have to be an expert at the game. Just enough so to send a score to earn you 1NP.


As for the Shockwave games, very few can get them to work and most cannot. No known reason, at this time, and no general fix. firefox will let you play the Shockwave games, but will not post your scores. Has been happening for a very long time. Again, no known reason why. Chrome, if using the latest version, stopped supporting several plugins, last September. Shockwave was one of them, along with Unity Web Player. Chrome will not load those games. An earlier version may work, but I haven't tried it. Oh, and Unity Web Player is used to play Ghoul Catchers on FaceBook, so Chrome will not load GC, either.


Some have had luck with Shockwave games using the last version of Safari, 5.1.7 for Windows, Internet Explorer, and Opera. I never used Opera, and I know they made some changes/updates, so I cannot confirm if Opera still works. If using Internet Explorer, make sure you add "neopets.com" (without the quotes) to Internet Explorer's "Compatibility View Settings". If you don't, IE may tell you that Shockwave isn't installed, even though it is (sad "Usul"). However, that is no guarantee the Shockwave games will still load. Safari doesn't require anything special, and I do not know about Opera, but I don't think it does, either. You may have to refresh the pop-up game page several times (10-30 minutes), just to get it to load,especially if you just see a blank/black game window, that is what most people get, myself included. If after refreshing for that long and a Shockwave game doesn't load, then those games may never load. Just so you may already know, Shockwave games (there are eight), may be out of reach.


For the 3DVIA games, (Shenkuu River Rush, The Last Blast & Terror Mountain Tilt), they only seem to post scores with Internet Explorer. Again, "neopets.com" must be in Compatibility View Settings. To get your score to post, however, you must play the game on the "main" Neopets game page, and NOT from the pop-up game window. When the 3DVIA games load, they load in both the pop-up window and the "main" game page, for some reason. Play in the "main" game page, and your score should post. It will make sense the first time you see that. You might want to download/install 3DVIA from the Dassault web page. A google search should find it. If not, I can post the link I used. 3DVIA hasn't been updated since 2009, so it should work on your Vista computer. You could also try right-mouse clicking on the install file and selecting "Troubleshoot Compatibility". That might get it to install. If not, my apologies for wasting your time. And, with those games, as many don't play, it is possible to get a trophy, just by posting a score, especially on Game Reset day. If you can get it to work, that will be 3 more games off of your list.


Best of luck! If you have anymore questions, please post.


Thank you Scoobert_Doo!!  Not a waste of time at all, in fact very much appreciated.  I'm off to see if I can get myself that avatar.  ~Fingers crossed~


I just make playing a new game another daily, and work through this list:


Even if I don't remember playing a game, if I have a previous High Score I just don't play it and move on to the next one. It's a slower way of doing it, but it seems like less of a chore this way, and I actually get a feel for the games this way as well :D


I just make playing a new game another daily, and work through this list:


Even if I don't remember playing a game, if I have a previous High Score I just don't play it and move on to the next one. It's a slower way of doing it, but it seems like less of a chore this way, and I actually get a feel for the games this way as well :D

That list is going to be a big help to me, so thanks for linking to it, I don't click around enough to find these things myself. I've only played 105 games, so got quite a way to go towards having any kind of chance at this avatar!


Hope the OP discovers the elusive game that they need to get to 250 :thumbsup:


Hey! flpatsfan, I noticed you have a score of 200 for Terror Mountain Tilt. It's on the high-score table for that game. Did you get your "Top Gamer" avatar? If so, congrats!


EDIT: And I noticed you scored 23 in Shenkuu River Rush for 17th place on that high-score table, enough for a Bronze trophy! And, because I'm not a robot, I noticed you did get the Bronze! Congrats on that!


EDIT EDIT: I didn't see a score for The Last Blast. I'm not great at that game, but I believe you can get enough to post a score, and, if so, that should give you 250 games played. Were you able to get that game to load? The Buzzer Game should be easy to play, too, well easy to play to get a score. Tying "cheese" will allow you to see your cursor and changing your browser's zoom will make the wire easier to see and follow. I'm rooting for ya!


Hi Scoobert!  Thanks for that info on Terror Mountain Tilt, and Shenkuu River Rush.  I did a happy dance over the trophy.  Both those games were fun too play.


I haven't gotten that Top Gamer yet, but I know it is just a matter of time.


The Last Blast is among the games that I can't load, and the Buzzer Game isn't being polite right now, but I am optimistic.  Thank you so much for being my cheering section, you give me optimism!  :D


Once last tip for 3DVIA games. If the games load, but the controls (arrow keys, space bar, etc.) don't seem responsive (not working), try running Internet Explorer "as an administrator". Close out of your current IE session. To do so, you may have to click "Start", then "All Programs" and look for IE there. Once found, right-mouse click on it and select "Run as administrator". If the UAC pops-up, click Ok or Yes. Then, just log into Neopets, as usual, and try the 3DVIA game, again. The controls should now work. I had to do that on a few computers.


Scoobert:  My High Scores


You have achieved 250 high scores!

Something Has Happened! topgamer.gif You are now eligible to use 'Top Gamer' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!




OMG!  I got it on the Buzzer Game.


Thank you my biggest cheerleader.  :)


Scoobert:  My High Scores


You have achieved 250 high scores!

Something Has Happened! topgamer.gif You are now eligible to use 'Top Gamer' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!





OMG!  I got it on the Buzzer Game.


Thank you my biggest cheerleader.   :)

Woo-Hoo! You did it! I knew you could! Glad you were able, too, with several games being "unavailable". Make sure to post here, http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?/topic/42898-avatars-what-have-you-got/page-461, on "Avatars: What have you got?"


Yes I did!  i actually shed a tear of happiness.   Such a feeling of accomplishment!


Posted on the above link.


Now, I think I am going to start buying Kad food so that I can at least feed one.  :)


Sheesh, I feel like I just graduated from school!   LOL


Huge congrats on getting it! Especially on such a horrible game, too! You've definitely inspired me to work towards this avatar though, I've increased my games total from 105 to 107 already! :woot: Lol ><


Thanks jellysundae, and good luck!! I truly enjoyed playing all these different games and found a few new favorites along the way.  It went by much faster than I thought it would.  Using TDN's top gamers link was a huge help.


I'm posting the link to it, if I shouldn't, I apologize in advance.




Ooh! That's really helpful, thanks :D I can't see there being a problem with you linking to it, it's a TDN thing after all.


Thanks jellysundae, and good luck!! I truly enjoyed playing all these different games and found a few new favorites along the way.  It went by much faster than I thought it would.  Using TDN's top gamers link was a huge help.


I'm posting the link to it, if I shouldn't, I apologize in advance.



Posting the link is perfectly fine!


Congratulations on getting this avatar. When I was working on it we still had the New Game challenges and those helped me a ton when they brought out a new game to play. It took some time, but in the end I got my shiny avatar and that's all that mattered to me. :)


I've got a question now about the games for the gamer avatar...ones like slots games, Kiss the Morthog and Dice-a-Roo, do these only count when you win the jackpot?


Scoobert:  My High Scores


You have achieved 250 high scores!

Something Has Happened! topgamer.gif You are now eligible to use 'Top Gamer' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!





OMG!  I got it on the Buzzer Game.


Thank you my biggest cheerleader.   :)

Hey, congratulations! Knew you'd do it.


I've got a question now about the games for the gamer avatar...ones like slots games, Kiss the Morthog and Dice-a-Roo, do these only count when you win the jackpot?

Definitely not, for example my listed score for Double or Nothing is 320 but the "jackpot" is 5120. I think there's probably a minimum amount that you need to get before the score gets counted. So collecting 1 NP in Dice-a-Roo is probably not enough.


Definitely not, for example my listed score for Double or Nothing is 320 but the "jackpot" is 5120. I think there's probably a minimum amount that you need to get before the score gets counted. So collecting 1 NP in Dice-a-Roo is probably not enough.


OH! That makes me a lot happier! Thank you! :D *runs off to try*

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