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So, JN says 35 NP on the POAB. I went to go buy two for my pets. Next thing I know, its 100 NP, almost 3x that of what it says. Then, 5 minutes later, its 150?? Then it was 200-250?? I seriously think some person is just hoarding them like the Puzzle Cubes, waiting to release a LOAD of them into the wild for a lot more in cost than they were. It has already had like 714 percent inflation.. lets hope someone can eventually get some and put them into the wild for cheaper..


It's possible someone's buying them all low to try to resell high. They picked a bad item though. They're so common that the minute they step away from the computer for a couple hours, the price will fall back down again.


I'm not sure if I am allowed to post this or not, but I looked in the shop wizard myself and found http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=taffytaffyyumyum&buy_obj_info_id=53185&buy_cost_neopoints=125

This person has 75 for only 125NP and when I keep refreshing they are dropping... So I'm not sure if you just have the short end of the straw with searching items on the shop wizard today. Sometimes I look up items and they are way to expensive so I look them up later and I find a better variety. Good Luck.


When people talk about items inflating, is that always what's really happening? Or is it maybe that - in situations like the item being needed for The Coincidence and so on - the cheaper ones have all been bought up already so what's left is the pricier ones? I wondered this during the charity corner event; I was buying The Mystery of the Kougra Paw which was consistently 100np at the start of the event, the next day it was 150, the next 200 etc. It was a slow climb, not a sudden jump, and when I did spotchecks on the profiles of sellers, they were all inactive and had been for years.


So I figured that it wasn't so much everyone jacking their prices up to take advantage of the immediate need for books (I know a lot of active players did, I sold a few r.90s myself for a nice profit) but that these were items that had sat gathering dust in abandoned shops for years, overpriced by current standards, and were finally being bought simply because of short term demand.


Makes me wonder just how much of an NP sink events like Charity Corner are, because so much of it's being removed from circulation if people are unknowingly buying from inactive accounts. Maybe...that's part of the whole point of the event!


Another thing to keep in mind, is that JellyNeo doesn't update every item price every day. The 35 np price was from way back in October. Looks like they just updated today and the price is now listed as 100 np. So minor price increases have probably been occurring for the last two months, but nobody was reporting those changes to JN. 


When people talk about items inflating, is that always what's really happening? Or is it maybe that - in situations like the item being needed for The Coincidence and so on - the cheaper ones have all been bought up already so what's left is the pricier ones? I wondered this during the charity corner event; I was buying The Mystery of the Kougra Paw which was consistently 100np at the start of the event, the next day it was 150, the next 200 etc. It was a slow climb, not a sudden jump, and when I did spotchecks on the profiles of sellers, they were all inactive and had been for years.


So I figured that it wasn't so much everyone jacking their prices up to take advantage of the immediate need for books (I know a lot of active players did, I sold a few r.90s myself for a nice profit) but that these were items that had sat gathering dust in abandoned shops for years, overpriced by current standards, and were finally being bought simply because of short term demand.


Makes me wonder just how much of an NP sink events like Charity Corner are, because so much of it's being removed from circulation if people are unknowingly buying from inactive accounts. Maybe...that's part of the whole point of the event!


That's a really interesting theory and it would certainly explain a lot.  When I try and price things for my shop, I'm constantly amazed by some of the prices that people seem to be asking that show up on the shop wizard.  I've shaken my head and wondered how those players have gotten so out of touch, not just with the market (because I've done that myself a bunch), but with what's realistic and reasonable in a Neopian sense.  But if people priced things eons ago and then haven't played, well, that would make sense.


Is it swings and roundabouts, though?  Yes, a whole lot of NP could be being removed by something like Charity Corner, but then we have things pop up like Trudy's Surprise where we are essentially rewarded quite handsomely for doing pretty much nothing.  I know I've been spending more freely since that, in particular, arrived.  And the more money I get, the more I seem to generate, which results in more relaxed spending and definitely more impulse purchases!


That's a really interesting theory and it would certainly explain a lot.  When I try and price things for my shop, I'm constantly amazed by some of the prices that people seem to be asking that show up on the shop wizard.  I've shaken my head and wondered how those players have gotten so out of touch, not just with the market (because I've done that myself a bunch), but with what's realistic and reasonable in a Neopian sense.  But if people priced things eons ago and then haven't played, well, that would make sense.


Is it swings and roundabouts, though?  Yes, a whole lot of NP could be being removed by something like Charity Corner, but then we have things pop up like Trudy's Surprise where we are essentially rewarded quite handsomely for doing pretty much nothing.  I know I've been spending more freely since that, in particular, arrived.  And the more money I get, the more I seem to generate, which results in more relaxed spending and definitely more impulse purchases!

Yeah, I've totally done the same myself. Sat here wondering if people are completely insane to be asking 4 or 5 times the going rate for an item :laughingsmiley: it was then that I started seeing if they were active. Though some of them are active. I've just done a search for main codestones, something you can easily pick up for less than 3k, and there's this guy... http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=ikeb102801&buy_obj_info_id=7463&buy_cost_neopoints=4999 He's active, he's got a LOT of codestones, and they are ALL overpriced. Maybe he just likes stockpiling them, lol, because surely he has so many because no-one's gonna buy them at those prices.


I give in to impulse purchases because of Trudy, too! On the day I get 100k from her you can bet your life that I'm going to be doing some spending :shiftyeyes_anim:


Hmm, now that makes me wonder...whether the influx of cash from Trudy has actually had much of an impact on inflation over all. Going back to the OP's original question, people do have more available cash now if they did decide to try and manipulate the market value of any particular item by buying as many up as possible, so I bet there's some out there who are at least trying it.


I just want to make sure you know, because it sort of sounds like this might be the problem- do you know that when you use the Shop Wizard, it searches a different section of the market each time? The prices may be different each time you search because of that, so if you're trying to find the lowest price you can you may have to refresh a couple times. The only way to search the whole marketplace of user shops at once is with the Super Shop Wizard, which is a Premium feature. (For some reason.)


I just want to make sure you know, because it sort of sounds like this might be the problem- do you know that when you use the Shop Wizard, it searches a different section of the market each time? The prices may be different each time you search because of that, so if you're trying to find the lowest price you can you may have to refresh a couple times. The only way to search the whole marketplace of user shops at once is with the Super Shop Wizard, which is a Premium feature. (For some reason.)


You can search the entire marketplace at once with the SSW?  Woah!  That would save me so much time!! 




With regards things like The Coincidence pushing up prices, I didn't play for many years because my son had grown disinterested.  Then my daughter got into it.  When going to buy food that I recalled as being very cheap, I was stunned at the price shifts that had occurred for some items.  To the OP, maybe you should consider investing in Piles of Apples backgrounds and watch the market?  I've tried buying things in multiples before, but I generally choose something far too common and I'm way too impatient to wait around for upward trends in the market.


I was the one who reported the 65 NP change, at first before I bought any to confirm prices it was like 20 NP.. I also bought a few Pile of Apple Backgrounds to invest in, havent got on yet to check if they have gotten pricier or cheaper. And yes, I am aware that the shop wizard will search different sections. However, almost all of them were 100+ NP when I checked.

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