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Whats your staff tourney picks? (2015)

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  • Forwards: DJ Skellington / Senormalo
  • Defenders: Dark Lord / Bancha Ninja
  • Goalie: Ehlo Froyo

I figured I'd go for the Maraqua player for at least the first round.  I thought it was nice that Dark Lord was participating, so I went with him.  Maybe he'll feel extra pressure to represent Jump Start.

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My team for this week is Senor Malo, Lawyerbot, Bancha Ninja, Kikocat, and Breik. I've always had Senor Malo and Bancha Ninja on my team, so that was pretty exciting to see them back. Breik always has had a good showing too in the past, even though I usually went with Snarkie as my goalie. Lawyerbot was some kind of naive hope choice in that I want him to do well because the previous Lawyerbot did well. Kikocat was not originally on my team. I had chosen Droplet, but modified my choice based on what hrtbrk said above about her being laid off. Just to be safe. I had been debating between Kikocat and Droplet to begin with, so it wasn't that difficult a choice for me as to who would replace Droplet this round. Kikocat... chosen solely for the snake bite piercings, tbh.


Good choices! I didn't want to alarm anyone about the situation but I figured users should know about it in case she is unable to participate now. Of course, I don't know how the scoring works; it could already be completed for all I know, so it's a risk either way.


Glad you were able to change without much hassle :)

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I chose:
Forwards: Cherry Blossom and SenorMalo

Defenders: Bancha Ninja and Kikocat

Goalie: Ehlo Froyo

I've never competed before, so I really didn't have much logic in picking them.  It looks like I picked fairly common choices though.

Best of luck to everyone!

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I picked:


Forwards: Senormalo & Ninjakins

Senormalo was a good pick last year so picking him again.

Ninjakins because I like the name, I have a good feeling about her, lets hope the feeling is right.


Defenders: Bancha Ninja & Kikocat

I've always had Bancha Ninja in my team

With cat in her name and a cool look I could not resist!


Goalie: Breik

He played great as a defender last year with really high scores, so I hope he'll be as good a goalie.

edit: he was a goalie in 2013 and played great back then! Just found some old results online.


(I do miss Snarkie though :( )

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I'm really confused by why Droplet was added to the staff team in the first place, if they had ever intention of laying her off once she was back from maternity leave. From poking around on Google this seems to be what people are assuming has happened. You can't get rid of staff when they're on maternity leave, so you wait 'til they're back at work so you can do it all legally.

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Droplet was laid off so I'm not sure if... or how she will continue being apart of the staff tournament. If anyone chose her, you may wish to switch to someone else in case she is actually unable to participate now.

Breik and dj skelliton were also laid off :(


Apparently according to the law jumpstart had to wait for droplet to return because she was on maternity but they let her go right away

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Who knows? Surely they'd not leave it with 3 players that have no players behind them. But I doubt we're likely to find out what's being done, we'll just hear a load of wild rumours.

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I chose all old TNT members. I know how they've done in the past and I miss them. And it'd just be a stab in the dark if I chose anyone new :( I'm not sure how it'll workout with the lay offs but I guess I'll find out tomorrow.


Forwards: DJ Skellington & Senormalo

Defenders: Bancha Ninja & Droplet

Goalie: Breik

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Forwards: Senormalo (1220) & Lawyerbot (339)

Defenders: Kikocat (1095) & Firefly (956)

Goalie: Ehlo Froyo (941)


Overall total: 4551



Well My team did fantastic putting up all 900+ scores,  except lawyerbot who got a 300  :tired: *stairs at lawyerbot angerly* So I swaped them out for cherry blossom from team Terror mountain. How did she do? Anyway I recommend choosing Senormalo and Kikocat, they both got 1000+ scores :) Also it doesn't look like the old TNT staffers got replaced yet, or even changed their dialog. I might change cherry blossom depending on new people :)



Forwards: Senormalo & Cherry blossom

Defenders: Kikocat & Firefly

Goalie: Ehlo Froyo

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Forwards: Senormalo (1220) & Lawyerbot (339)

Defenders: Kikocat (1095) & Firefly (956)

Goalie: Ehlo Froyo (941)


Overall total: 4551



Well My team did fantastic putting up all 900+ scores,  except lawyerbot who got a 300  :tired: *stairs at lawyerbot angerly* So I swaped them out for cherry blossom from team Terror mountain. How did she do? Anyway I recommend choosing Senormalo and Kikocat, they both got 1000+ scores :) Also it doesn't look like the old TNT staffers got replaced yet, or even changed their dialog. I might change cherry blossom depending on new people :)




Forwards: Senormalo & Cherry blossom

Defenders: Kikocat & Firefly

Goalie: Ehlo Froyo


I picked Cherry Blossom for the previous week and she scored 580, so I wouldn't really recommend her. Breik was surprisingly disappointing too with a score of 296. And I followed your recommendation and picked Senormolo :) hopefully he'll ace next match!

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"Okay... so that's... times 4... carry the 7... ah! Given your chosen team's performance, you've earned yourself 2683 Neopoints!"


Yeah I was pretty disappointed with Breik, he was the only one I chose that wasn't 1000+ points.

Senor Malo: 1220

DJ Skellington: 1305

Kikocat: 1095

Bancha Ninja: 1450

Breik: 296

TOTAL: 5366


I'll only be changing Breik to Binary Sugarpoo for this next week.

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I found out after the fact that Breik left (though I heard he left on his own but that's not important). At any rate, it showed in his scores so I have to swap out my goalie for week two.


Excited to see everyones scores. Don't forget that you have to confirm your team again, even if you didn't make any changes!

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New current team time :)



Forwards: Senormalo & DJ Skellington

Defenders: Kikocat &  Bancha Ninja

Goalie: Ehlo Froyo

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