Hugo_Renfield Posted February 9, 2015 Posted February 9, 2015 Hi there, I have absolutely no experience with the battledome. I would like to get into it but I have no idea where to even begin. I would very much appreciate any advice you have. Quote
Kennigma Posted February 9, 2015 Posted February 9, 2015 You're in luck! TDN has a whole section, called Battlepedia, dedicated to the Battledome. I found the Basic Weapon Sets super helpful. I ended up going with the Ridiculously Heavy Battle Hammer, Scroll of Ultranova, and Parasol of Unfortunate Demise just because they were super cheap. But seriously, they have a really good walkthrough here: Aquamentis12 and Lamppost 2 Quote
Shane for Wax Posted February 9, 2015 Posted February 9, 2015 One thing that can't be stressed enough is to try not to buy your own codestones ESPECIALLY once you get into the 2-a-lesson range. Plenty of dailies and doing battles against the opponents you can easily beat should get you there. But if you insist, try to get them in bulk if the prices are good. Along with the fact that you shouldn't bother with movement. It's useless. It's like a vestigial limb. It sounds helpful but it isn't. It only has its use in being able to use certain items that are crappy on their own to begin with. Same with intelligence. Beyond that I'm not a veteran battler despite what my trophy area says on my userpage so I can't be much more help. :P Other than to peruse the battlepedia especially the training guide and the best ways to proceed with training. Oh yeah don't be like me and turn your lab pet into a battle pet. The lab hated me and made my stats all much too high for the level so now I'm stuck trying to play ketchup, as it were. Quote
Kute Posted February 9, 2015 Posted February 9, 2015 I like what shane said. train a lot :) A nice way to train quickly is to get the fortune cookies from the mall. I would suggest the training cookie and you might also find the faerie quest cookie helpful as well. It gives you stats for usually the same price or less for a training session and its instant unlike the training schools. I recently wrote an article for the neopian times on how to train quickly. Also, once youre able to battle koi warrior with little effort I would advise you do so every day since he seems to drop the most codestones, and you wont have to purchase them yourself. Good luck with your training :) Quote
dotluvr Posted February 9, 2015 Posted February 9, 2015 Training wise, I would start training at the Pirate academy with Dubloons. One and two dubloon coins are only about 500-700NP each, so it's a lot cheaper in the long run, until you get up to 30, then switch to Codestone training. :) Quote
jellysundae Posted February 9, 2015 Posted February 9, 2015 This thread will be helpful to me! I'm in exactly the same position and the BD is pretty daunting D: The only weapons I have at the moment are ones I've picked up as game prizes, and my pet's got basically no training, so I just fight the Chia clown on easy, that's gained me 3 codestones so far, one of them red. Is it a better option for me to sell them or save them then? While I'm trying to get more in the bank I keep swinging between which would be the best thing to do. Quote
lfisher2 Posted February 9, 2015 Posted February 9, 2015 jellysundae, i personally sell my codestones. I figure if I can beat any of the battledome challengers and receive codestones, I can make money off them. I'm not worried about training my pet for more difficult challengers. This is just what I do. You can save the codestones and pay for training sessions for your pet if you are planning on battling a lot. Quote
jellysundae Posted February 9, 2015 Posted February 9, 2015 I'm not sure what my intent is right now, lol. Which is why I tend to swing between, "yay, a codestone, I'll sell that!" and, "yay, a codestone, I should save that!" >< Quote
Magaclite Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 Hey, I've just started battling and training myself. I agree with reading the TDN articles, saving codestones (you will win lots as prizes once you start playing the battledome everyday), not training movement, and fortune cookies. I will also add: get faerie abilities! I went with static cling, positive thinking (used to be useful when my level was lower) and stealth (pretty useful, although random). Personally, I'm at level 21 and I'm duking it out with a ridiculously heavy battle hammer (1 NP), a rainbow scroll (13K) [i used to have dual hammers, but the scroll is superior), downsize (I got this super cheap from someone mispricing in the SW, but I was willing to pay what it was worth -- 8K?), bronze scorchstone (11K). I also have a fish scale hissiplate for fun (2.5K), but I don't really use it. With this, I can beat 2nd level baddies on easy or medium from the Obelisk and 1st level baddies on hard, usually in one round. I do the easy ones w/ scorchstone for a few times to heal up to beat a 2nd level enemy for 3-4 rounds before my HP becomes too low to risk losing. In this way I can usually reach the NP/item daily limit on the battledome in one sitting and I don't need to be fully healed to begin battling for the day. The items I use are really cheap and pretty effective. I guess I would need a freezing weapon if I wanted to beat something hard soon for an avatar or something. I suppose I will need a better healer as well sometime in the future too. But I think I'll stick with these for a long time and the cost marginal for equipment. Quote
Shane for Wax Posted February 11, 2015 Posted February 11, 2015 If you're going to go with pirate training for the first little bit of leveling, make absolutely sure to do Anchor Management daily. I have gotten an absurd number of dubloons from it and I haven't even been using the daily that long thanks to my hiatus. Also, get the Forgotten Shore map filled out for a chance to get more dubloons and NP. If you don't have all of the pieces yet, hit me up and we'll see if I have any of the pieces you need. I'm sure you have it completed by now but I figure I'll offer on the off chance you haven't done it. (Links are to the daily articles on the TDN main site for prize inventories and such so you can check which level dubloons and such) Other than that, if you can afford it I'll agree with the cookies, though I haven't used myself because of my rotten memory about being able to do training a number of times a day. :P Oh and don't forget to get abilities and stuff, too as mentioned previously. They can be a gamechanger. Quote
jellysundae Posted February 11, 2015 Posted February 11, 2015 The abilities are definitely helping me! I chose the bandage ability and that's been a huge help towards not dying so much :D Quote
Hugo_Renfield Posted February 11, 2015 Author Posted February 11, 2015 Thanks for all the advice! I've started training at the pirate academy. My stats right now are Lvl : 11Str : 18Def : 20Mov : 17Hp : 23 / 10 So I'm thinking I should focus on endurance, is that a good call? Anything else I should be aware of? Also what is this "boost" stuff I keep hearing about? Quote
Aquamentis12 Posted February 12, 2015 Posted February 12, 2015 I'm not sure what my intent is right now, lol. Which is why I tend to swing between, "yay, a codestone, I'll sell that!" and, "yay, a codestone, I should save that!" >< Depending on your level, and how much NP you have saved up, I'd lean more toward saving them. Because then it will ease the straing on the red codestones that are in the marketplace. And you'll actually SAVE Np in the long-run by building up a stockpile of red stones for when you reach the level required for the red stones to be useful. You can always sell a couple here and there if you need the NP. It's entirely up to you. Red stones are as high as they are price-wise due to so many people "speed leveling" imho unnecessarily and impatiently, to level 250. It increased the prices of some of the red stones quite a bit, which is good for the sellers, but for the people training, well, I've come to prefer alternative methods to stat increases than traditional training as much as I used to. The only actual side-benefit I see to the focus on red stone-training, is that the price of some of the regular (light brown) codestones, aren't as highly priced as they used to be. Hugo, looks like you're well on your way with training! On the day a Pet species was discovered, the anniversary date of that discovery, the Pirate academy will offer, I believe it's free training for that day. I never had the chance to use that, my Peophin was too high up by the time Peophin Day came around, so I'm going by memory of what I heard before. lol Good luck all you new trainers! Don't forget to check out whatever opponent you're looking to battle before you press FIGHT! All the active regular challengers you can get presently are listed here. The list above does not contain the premium only nor the Skirmish profiles on that menu selection. You can find those in the drop down menu that currently says "Active Challengers" . You will also see challenger listings for previous war plots, opponents that can no longer be fought. Hope this is useful info! Happy battling! Quote
Shane for Wax Posted February 12, 2015 Posted February 12, 2015 As Aqua said, on the pet day you can train for free at the pirate academy (For instance, tomorrow if you have a Lenny you can train them for free at cap'n threelegs) which is useless to most people who might want to take advantage. But it's great for those who can remember to come back every couple hours or so and have decided to give battling a whirl. Or perhaps want to even out what the lab has done or anything else that changes stats such as faerie quests and deadly dice. Quote
jellysundae Posted February 12, 2015 Posted February 12, 2015 I'll admit that if I get any red codestones I sell them :* They are helping me get closer to my first million in the bank quicker though. Aquamentis12 1 Quote
Aquamentis12 Posted February 12, 2015 Posted February 12, 2015 LOL Well, you've got lots of training ahead of you, and that WILL take a lot of time, so you can always start saving them later on instead of starting right now. ;) And yeah, get your NP built up, upgrade your bank savings account, and that'll be a good booster shot of "free NP" to help build up your savings even more. :) However you wanna do it is fine. It IS your account after all, so the only opinion that really counts is your's. XD Have fun! :) lizzard03261964 and jellysundae 2 Quote
Shane for Wax Posted February 12, 2015 Posted February 12, 2015 You could always sell the red codestones for buying the brown/grey until you get up to red codestone level then just battle as much as you can every day and hope to get some red codestones within the 15 item limit. Or sell whatever else you get as prizes and such, obviously. However you want to go about it is up to you. No shame in selling now to buy later. Quote
jellysundae Posted February 12, 2015 Posted February 12, 2015 Knowing me, I'll probably flip flop between the two options; sell some, hoard the rest >< Quote
Lamppost Posted February 13, 2015 Posted February 13, 2015 Also what is this "boost" stuff I keep hearing about? "Boosts" are multipliers in the Battledome based on your pet's stats. One of the cool things about the Battledome is it's all based on math, so you can do a lot of predicting all by yourself. How boosts work: Check the Battlepedia's Battledome Strength and Defense Boosts page to see what your boost is. For you with 18 strength, your strength boost is 1 and your defense boost is 1.25. You can use these multipliers to calculate how much damage you'll do with any given weapon or how much you'll block with any given shield. For example, if you use one Scarab Ring, you will attack with exactly 6 damage, since 6 icons x 1 boost = 6 damage. If you were battling a pet with the 4.5 strength boost and they used a Scarab Ring, they would attack you with 6 icons x 4.5 boost = 27 icons. In the hands of a pet with the 16 strength boost, the same Scarab Ring would do 6 icons * 16 boost = 96 damage. Big difference! Along the same lines, using the Scarab Ring, your pet will defend up to 1.25 times the number of defense icons. Say you're battling that pet with 4.5 boost and they attack you with a Scarab Ring while you defend with a Scarab Ring. Of that 27 damage coming to you, 2 icons worth (which is 2 x 4.5 = 9 damage) of it is physical damage. Your Scarab Ring will defend 3 physical icons x 1.25 boost = 3.75 damage, which rounds up to 4. However, the Scarab Ring doesn't block the water and dark icons coming at you, so you take the full amount of damage for those. Thus, you will block 4 damage and take 23 damage: 9 water, 9 dark and 5 physical. (That sounds like a lot because this pet is a lot stronger than yours. I used that example so you could see the difference training can make!) If you want to know more about this, you can read more about How Defense Works at the Battlepedia in the Introduction article, or you can read a Neopian Times article about The Importance of Training. If you want my recommendation, the best thing to concentrate on is training HP, strength, and defense. The most cost-efficient way I've found to do that is to do lab ray training supplemented with codestone training. That way, you can keep your pet trainable and keep training defense (and level) while the lab ray gives you HP and strength gains. Yes, it's a little frustrating when you just trained level and the lab ray decreases it by 2, but at least you never have to pay for an HP increase. Quote
lizzard03261964 Posted February 16, 2015 Posted February 16, 2015 While I am no expert, I like to think I do all right in the battledome. While training you should first work on getting your stats: Strength, Defence and Endurance to the same number. As for weapons, Scroll of Ultranova is surprisingly good, also the Golden Compass and Frozen Wand of Crystals are good when used in the same round. Altadorian Swordbreaker and Downsize! will provide two rounds of good defence. A.S. is a dual duty weapon and provides some earth attack and 100% defence for one round and Downsize! is 50% defence for one round. Back to training, if you have a smart phone you should have a timer, set your timer to remind you that your training session is finished, this comes in very handy when using a training cookie. Faerie Quest cookies are a great way to boost your stats, for each completed quest one or more stats will be raised by a minimum of 2 points. When you get red codestones and decide to sell it, you can price it and exchange it on the trading post for regular codestones or dubloons that you actually need. If you like you can contact me on Neopets, I have lots of dubloons and regular codestones that I will be happy to trade. I hope this info comes in handy. :rambo: Quote
Shane for Wax Posted February 16, 2015 Posted February 16, 2015 While I am no expert, I like to think I do all right in the battledome. While training you should first work on getting your stats: Strength, Defence and Endurance to the same number. As for weapons, Scroll of Ultranova is surprisingly good, also the Golden Compass and Frozen Wand of Crystals are good when used in the same round. Altadorian Swordbreaker and Downsize! will provide two rounds of good defence. A.S. is a dual duty weapon and provides some earth attack and 100% defence for one round and Downsize! is 50% defence for one round. Back to training, if you have a smart phone you should have a timer, set your timer to remind you that your training session is finished, this comes in very handy when using a training cookie. Faerie Quest cookies are a great way to boost your stats, for each completed quest one or more stats will be raised by a minimum of 2 points. When you get red codestones and decide to sell it, you can price it and exchange it on the trading post for regular codestones or dubloons that you actually need. If you like you can contact me on Neopets, I have lots of dubloons and regular codestones that I will be happy to trade. I hope this info comes in handy. :rambo: Your endurance probably shouldn't be the exact same number as your strength or defence given you can train your endurance to 3 times your level compared to twice for the other stats. The fast training article in the battlepedia has more about that when it comes to what you should do with training your stats versus your level. Though you will likely have a time at some point where they're all the same until you start training that stat. Lamppost 1 Quote
Aquamentis12 Posted February 18, 2015 Posted February 18, 2015 Your endurance probably shouldn't be the exact same number as your strength or defence given you can train your endurance to 3 times your level compared to twice for the other stats. The fast training article in the battlepedia has more about that when it comes to what you should do with training your stats versus your level. Though you will likely have a time at some point where they're all the same until you start training that stat. I respectfully disagree. I kept my endurance pretty even with my Str and Def due to that if you train Endurance to 3x your level. You have to RAISE your level so the ratio is back to 2x your level before you can train Strength and Defense again. I tried the 3x level thing at one time, thankfully when I was at a low level, and was pretty annoyed when I discovered that my level had to be raised to train the other stats again. The only time I would say would be ideal to train HP to 3x level, would be after reaching the final boost level of 750 points in strength and defense. Because right now, all the additional training of any stat beyond 750, except for HP, does nothing. I continue to train all of my main stats in hopes and just in case, TNT will add new boosts in the future, maybe when the BD is finished? I don't know. But with more and more pets reaching the maximum boost level, it would only make sense to increase the boost levels eventually. Quote
Shane for Wax Posted February 18, 2015 Posted February 18, 2015 Which you would be raising your level anyways to train the other stats to begin with. Right now I have the issue with the lab ray having lowered my level too far. But to me it makes no sense to have your HP at the same exact number as your defense forever and ever (and obviously other people feel the same way). But each to their own, I suppose. Quote
Aquamentis12 Posted February 21, 2015 Posted February 21, 2015 Raising your level to train 2x the other stats. Then HP would remain at 2x the level. Otherwise you cannot train other stats if hp > 2x level. I believe that 3x would only really be useful in the scenario I laid out. When you are done training the other stats, or are training them via stat increasing items, quests, or the lab. Whether you train balanced like I tend to, or train only HP and Strength as many lab-pets do. As far as what options to use for training, yep, it's pretty much up to the individual player to do with what options TNT has opened for us. ;) Quote
rntracy1 Posted April 14, 2015 Posted April 14, 2015 One thing that can't be stressed enough is to try not to buy your own codestones ESPECIALLY once you get into the 2-a-lesson range. Plenty of dailies and doing battles against the opponents you can easily beat should get you there. But if you insist, try to get them in bulk if the prices are good. Along with the fact that you shouldn't bother with movement. It's useless. It's like a vestigial limb. It sounds helpful but it isn't. It only has its use in being able to use certain items that are crappy on their own to begin with. Same with intelligence. Beyond that I'm not a veteran battler despite what my trophy area says on my userpage so I can't be much more help. :P Other than to peruse the battlepedia especially the training guide and the best ways to proceed with training. Oh yeah don't be like me and turn your lab pet into a battle pet. The lab hated me and made my stats all much too high for the level so now I'm stuck trying to play ketchup, as it were. I made my battle pet my lab pet, just so I could get cheaper stats. But you are right in that it usually increases other stats and not level, it even DECREASES level quite often. So I find myself training level quite a bit. But I still find it helpful to use the lab ray on my battle pet none the less. Movement is useless, you are right, however intelligence people increase by reading books so they can get trophies. They choose to do that for their own reasons and that is fine, but you are right in that it is useless for battle purposes. Wait until you get to 4 and 5 codestones for training! Uggh! lol. I said the same thing, that I wouldn't purchase codestones. I had so many in my SDB. But once I got to the the level of 4 codestones, they dwindled quickly. Now I am up to 5. I still win them daily, but not enough to keep up. That is why I NEED those zaps and the faerie quest cookies. Quote
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