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Official Neopets down/having issues board

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Yeah, it's been pretty up-and-down for me since last night. Habi hasn't been very profitable today. >.>


I thought it was just my bad internet connection - but it's been on and off all day for me, so bad that I haven't even bothered trying to load Habi. :( Other sites that will ordinarily not load at all - Facebook, for instance, are working fine, but I can barely get Neopets going today.


It's always done that for me. Like... for the last couple months. I don't bother anymore xD


I recently started playing it again after having had left it alone for a long time (cruddy prizes for the most part) so this is a new error for me. Wonder what broke it :sad01_anim:


It's back up for me (for right now at least!), hopefully it's the same for you two!


I'm occasionally getting this page while I'm feeding my site pets at the SK. I know it's lying but I'm kinda worried it will go down for real soon and I'm not finished feeding my pets. :(


Same for me - glad to see I'm not alone, though. I can go through a few rounds of a fight in NQ and then it's offline - very irritating!

That's what I was doing last night too-- so frustrating! Ugh. Hopefully I don't have the same problem tomorrow- I want to finish chapter 2 of NQII.

I've been getting the offline page for a few days now. I was wondering if I was only one it was happening to, but I'm glad to see I'm not alone.


I've been getting all the annoying errors too. Especially when I play games that constantly refresh, like solitare and pyramids. Literally getting an error every minute or so. Very frustrating. I've also had some crashes when on my habitarium but I don't know if I can blame that on neopets or not, could be my computer. I hope they get this issue fixed soon!


I ran into some trouble last night - was trying to gift a few habi items out and my friend requests were buggy. Like, at first it would let me approve, but the person wouldn't be on my list - and then it wouldn't even show up that I or they had sent a request.

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