Lady Lyuba Posted August 22, 2014 Posted August 22, 2014 Sure, in real life, when people see my art, they are amazed, because it's more common to come across people who can't draw there. But online, good artists are a dime a dozen, so much so that I just pale in comparison to them. No matter how hard I work, no matter how long it takes me, I get no attention for my work. Nobody notices, nobody comments, nobody even gives me criticism or help. Do I not have talent? Am I a terrible artist? Why is it that nobody, I repeat, nobody, cares at all when I post my art on Tumblr or deviantART, why I get no recognition for it, and people don't follow or watch me for my art? It makes me feel like I have no talent, and it discourages me and makes me feel hopeless. All I want is some recognition and nobody gives me it. Why doesn't anybody care? Navy 1 Quote
siniri Posted August 22, 2014 Posted August 22, 2014 It could be that the internet is too much like a DC Metro station: Finding people to appreciate and comment on your art requires you to market it so that people can actually see it. I'm sure some artists do SEO, comment/like/communicate with others, do something attention-grabbing to stand out, etc. I'm a writer, and I don't care about all that marketing stuff, so I don't take it personally that no one really sees/comments on my blogs (not that my blogs have the best examples of my writing, anyway). I did join a poetry forum for a while, where you were required to comment and critique others' work before posting any of your own (you had to offer twice as much feedback for each piece you submitted). I suspect there's some similar community of online artists who mutually offer feedback. The only downside is that sometimes (at least for writing), bad or mediocre feedback can be worse than no feedback at all (after mor than one revision, I was told that I'd made the piece worse and robbed it of any originality it might have started off with -- doh!). I'm not really sure how deviantART works, but I know that I only received followings (and eventually feedback) from other people once I started commenting on a decent number myself. (Just following them didn't do much, but people notice comments, and often check the person out -- I know I don't want my dash cluttered with a lot of rebloggings, so I look for people who post mostly original stuff that I find somewhat interesting.) The people with fewer followers are more likely to interact with you, too -- you're just another faceless name to that person with 1k+ followers. P.S. If you drew the art for your avatar, I think you've got a lot of talent. Katsuokai 1 Quote
ThroughMyEyes Posted August 22, 2014 Posted August 22, 2014 It happens to me too, don't worry. I only have a DeviantART, since I've gotten a bit of flak on Tumblr in the past about some of my art... :/ Personally, people on DeviantART are a bit nicer about critique and such. I don't really care if I don't get any favorites/comments/etc. on my stuff, since I really draw for fun. But I guess as long as you like what you've made, that's what matters. And if you feel like it isn't good enough, then just try to keep improving. After all, practice is key. For as long as I've been drawing, I know I've improved greatly over the years. At the end of the day, that's the best feeling, more so than just a comment or a favorite :laughingsmiley: Quote
Shelley Posted August 22, 2014 Posted August 22, 2014 Okay so I don't have a deviantart or tumblr or participate in any kind of online art forum/community. So I can't really relate much to the problems your facing on these websites. As a painting major though I can understand how you feel. Sometimes I feel like my work is just mediocre, not bad enough to get people gossiping and not good enough to get people praising it. I've worked incredibly hard over the years, many sleepless nights and I've made a lot of sacrifices. I've applied to contests and scholarships and lost. It was the worst feeling in the world to me when one teacher told me my painting would be featured in this special exhibit and then changed her mind the day of, after I had already invited my parents to drive 3 hours to see my painting on the wall. I NEVER let this get me down though. I kept trying and I networked. I reached out to local galleries, I got to know some local artists, and I made success happen. I've had a lot of great opportunities come my way recently and have gotten into galleries. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that the art world is a really harsh place. But you have to use your emotions to motivate you, and don't let them get you down like this. You should be having fun on sites like deviantart and not letting them upset you :( I actually think your solution to your problem is a lot easier than you might think. What gets me recognition for my art is my friends and community I'm involved in. On on online community it might be harder to network or get involved with a small group of people to throw ideas and critiques around. Do you have like a facebook that you can post pictures on for your friends to look at and enjoy? Have you ever posted your work on these forums? It's hard to rely on strangers to care about your work or even notice it. Plus strangers are more likely to give really nasty, negative critiques -_- I think it would be cool to see some of your work! I could use some critiques on this digital stuff I'm doing now myself. I really need some help :/ So if you ever want to chat about art, I'm here :) Katsuokai and Lady Lyuba 2 Quote
leverhelven Posted August 22, 2014 Posted August 22, 2014 Why don't you post a link to your tumblr/deviantART here? This way we can all check and appreciate your art :) Lady Lyuba 1 Quote
Katsuokai Posted August 23, 2014 Posted August 23, 2014 First of all, you shouldn't feel that way about your art, after all it can be very hard to get followers on the internet among all the other great artists, so if you want recognition for your art you'll have to do a lot of marketing. I took a look at your profile and I saw no links to your tumblr and deviantart, so I can't follow you even if I wanted to. Maybe you could make a nice banner as advertising and use it as your signature? I'm also interested in publishing my art online, but I would either need a good scanner or a graphic tablet (and also start drawing regularly again), so my tumblr and deviantart are void of content. lol Once I get back into the swing of things again I'll make sure to get myself a good ''online presence'' in order to get followers and maybe start taking commissions. My recommendation is that you should take a look at how the successful art blogs started out, how they advertised themselves and all that stuff, that could help you see what you should do in order to get some followers. ;) Continue enjoying what you're doing and do not let the lack of feedback get you down. I hope you post the links to your deviantART and Tumblr here so at least we at the forums can look at your art. :D Lady Lyuba 1 Quote
Aquamentis12 Posted August 23, 2014 Posted August 23, 2014 Hmmmm maybe you just need to network a bit more? Watch/Follow other people's Tumblrs and Deviantart accounts? Try the forums on DeviantArt. It's been said in this thread that we have an art gallery forum here at TDN. There isn't always a lot of activity there, as far as comments and new posts go. (has done 4 edits to his last posts with uploads) but you never know. I'm sure people DO look at the threads. Since you have a tumblr, you can link the images in your posting if you decide to create your own art thread. Just remember, the no double-posting rule goes there too. lol That's why my last post has had to have 4 edits because nobody has commented in awhile. LOL Anyway, I agree, you should start a thread in the art gallery forum on TDN. I for one, enjoy looking at other people's art, regardless of their age/level. I've had only 5 self-paced do what you want style art lessons since High School, I know there are PLENTY of artists out there that blow my work away, but practicing is KEY and keep trying to improve. If YOU can see progress in yourself, then that's good enough. Right? ;) Good luck! Quote
HomuraAkemiTheHero Posted August 23, 2014 Posted August 23, 2014 Well with DeviantArt since there's so many people it's hard to get discovered there.I don;t get much feedback but when i do it helps brighten my day. With DeviantArt maybe you could join some groups and submit your art there. Most groups have a limit of 3 submissions a day though. Also I know other people suggested this but posting a link in your signature can also help you. Also interacting with others on sites can help you out as well. I have been writing fanfiction for awhile now but really I have been lacking motivation to write much. Just don't get too down over the lack of feedback and continue on because once you start getting recognition you can see how far you have come along the way. Quote
96037 Posted August 23, 2014 Posted August 23, 2014 I know how you feel. Somedays it seems like you get no attention. Sometimes people have even harrassed my saying that my work costs too much even though many of our local artists say i am offering a steal of a deal on most of my work. Getting started is hard! Quote
Lady Lyuba Posted August 23, 2014 Author Posted August 23, 2014 Many of you have suggested to link to my Tumblr or Deviantart in my signature, thank you. However I must warn you I am not very active on my Deviantart anymore, and my Tumblr is not specifically an art blog but also a random blogging blog as well. Maybe I should make an art-specific side blog. Quote
AJ11 Posted August 23, 2014 Posted August 23, 2014 Many artists whos work is now selling for millions were not appreciated for many years -people just walked by and ignored Van Gough and thought his work was crude and simply poor, many artists work went unappreciated in their life time so they never got the praise at all. Being an artist can be tough and I beleive that until you can stop worrying about what everyone else thinks you will find it hard to produce the best art that you the moment I wonder if you are getting hung up on other peoples opinions and that when your work is not noticed that is hitting your self confidence and that in turn could mean that you are holding back in your work even though you dont mean to. Changing your state of mind when you approach your work can allow you to free yourself from caring what others think, producing a work of art can be about your expression and pleasing your own image of what you want to achieve..if after doing that other people begin to like what they see thats a bonus. Your work is your expression so perhaps others can not ever see how good it is. Also in many art forms people can be like sheep - for example some very famous singers have gone in disguise and sung in tube stations and people did not form huge crowds to listen ... much of art appreciation and recognition is about marketing and us humans sometimes needing to believe someone is 'seen by others to be good' for us to accept that they are worth paying attention to. Believe in yourself and simply work towards producing what you are proud of and forget the rest - Good Luck X Quote
Katsuokai Posted August 23, 2014 Posted August 23, 2014 Many of you have suggested to link to my Tumblr or Deviantart in my signature, thank you. However I must warn you I am not very active on my Deviantart anymore, and my Tumblr is not specifically an art blog but also a random blogging blog as well. Maybe I should make an art-specific side blog. I really encourage you to do that. Many artists I follow on Tumblr have various blogs for different things, e.g. one art-only blog, one ''mod-blog'', one inspiration blog... etc. and some also use their mod-blog to sometimes reblog some of their own art in case they want to get more attention to their art-only blog. Even if you currently aren't very active on any of these sites it would help you get you started. Also, this way you won't have to do any work in the future to set up all the different blogs once you'll start posting more often. ;) ...Hm, but in case you don't want to manage various blogs another option would be to add an art-only tag to your blog so people don't have to see your reblogs and text posts in case they don't want to. Use a tag like ''ladylyubasart'' or something along those lines instead of ''my art'', since the second tag would only help your followers find your art while on your blog... instead of easily finding it while checking out their followed tags, a common mistake I see way too many artists do. That tumblr dash is way to cluttered to find anything on it, so a good tagging system helps a lot. :P Or a gigantic button with a link to your deviantart from your tumblr, that would also do the trick lol (people are lazy, so making things overly obvious can be useful sometimes). :P I'll make sure to check out your blog once you post the link! :D It's always fun to see some nice art. ;) Quote
Lady Lyuba Posted September 4, 2014 Author Posted September 4, 2014 Nobody notices my text posts on Tumblr, either. Not even after I tag it properly to get attention. Quote
leverhelven Posted September 5, 2014 Posted September 5, 2014 Well, I for one am still waiting for you to put your links up here at TDN so we can check it out :) Quote
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