fullonparanoid Posted August 5, 2014 Posted August 5, 2014 Hey gang! I'm curious to hear how y'all named your pets...where the names came from and/or what the meanings behind them are. Here are mine: fullonparanoid acct: Hotai - I adopted him, but his name makes me think of the Laughing Buddha "Hotei" Ilio - Hawaiian for "Dog"! Kaizlar - My gal and I created 'twin' Draiks on the same day...hers is named Larzkai. We just liked the names. Mermutt - My first and forever favorite Neopet. Named after my best friend of 12 years (my pup that has since passed on) Neoveo - I just liked the sound of it! furiousbandersnatch acct: Awexius - Gifted to me by a Neo-friend who knew I wanted a Sea Turtle! Dynomita - Adopted as a Grey Grarrl so that I could get the BGC avie...I morphed her Maraquan so I could have a Shark! Merminxy - A play on one of my nicknames for my gal. Yuppers - Just something I say ALL the time. shastathetwitch acct: Bonkin - A biking term that means TOTALLY worn out/gassed. Slickari - Just liked the name. Zaroxx - Just liked the name. Zeofyn - Just liked the name (as with Zarrox, above, I like 'Z' names) getlostinaz acct: FurMinxy - Another play on the nickname. MermuttsGhost - Pretty obvious, I'd think. MermuttsShadow - Again, not hard to guess. ShastatheDisasta - An inside joke. manxomefoe acct: Jalouxi - A play on the French word for 'Jealous'. My gal got an amazing Shadow Ixi from the Pound. I was, indeed, jealous! Llamastud - Just a silly name I came up with on the fly on Lutari Day. MauLoaKai - Hawaiian for Forever Ocean. Syelmet - Creole for Sky Master. Those are the origins of MY Neopets names...what are YOURS? :P patricebee and Katsuokai 2 Quote
spencerkatty Posted August 5, 2014 Posted August 5, 2014 blackbusterbori: 3 parts Bori: Was a Bori before I started zapping... will be again when I decide I'm finished zapping him (her? it?). Buster: Name of my favorite cat (has since escaped into the wild) Black: Just wanted to keep the alliteration going. patricebee and fullonparanoid 2 Quote
nbbug132 Posted August 5, 2014 Posted August 5, 2014 I'm only doing my permanent pets.1010011010 - I created her with the express intention of painting/zapping her robot. After a little less than an year of zapping I got my wish! Her nickname is "Binary".Armonaja - Was stuck in the pound. I didn't name her. Her nickname is "Angel Puff".Chalbi - Was an adoption, I didn't get to name her. But it like it, it feels squishy.Cherlynn - I thought it sounded like a princess name, so I grabbed it from the pound. Going to paint Royal someday.Dyvios - His name was vaguely inspired by Davos Seaworth from Game of Thrones.Kailmi - Needed a "cute" name for a baby Aisha.Lupecool132 - I was young and dumb and thought that Lupes were awesome and that all my pet names should end with 132. No idea why that number, I just liked it for some reason.Planxty - He is named for the Irish folk band Planxty. I am a huge fan of their self-titled album: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planxty_(album)Poogleacolypse - Named in honor of my brother who always wanted a Poogle and has a habbit of naming pets like this. If he ever starts playing again then I'll send Poogleacolypse to him.Roisin_Dubh - Translates to "Black Rose" in Irish. Is sometimes a nickname for the country of Ireland. Inspired by the album & song Black Rose by Thin Lizzy.Spanishing - Was adopted, I didn't get to name her.tosweet132 - Ditto Lupecool. She was also the first pet I ever made! :)Transpearency - Misspelling of Transparency I found in the pound. Perfect for a transparent skeith! fullonparanoid 1 Quote
Zafie Posted August 5, 2014 Posted August 5, 2014 This is a really cool idea. Here are my pets from both my main and side account. :rolleyes_anim: Pawloin - Well dogs have paws, and at the time I was also thinking of the Pokemon called Purrloin but wanted a canine variant of the name Rhychew - Adopted her from the pound, but her name represents the name of a Pokemon which is a misspell of Raichu. Suxa - Traded for a Maraquan Bori a while back and it the first 4L named pet I've had. Zyerael - A transfer from an adoption agency and also one of my dream pets. Cerleve - A transfer from an adoption agency and also one of my dream pets. Gleaf - Created on Lutari Day and the name comes from her being colored green and a leaf. Nothing too special really. lol Miladie - A transfer from an adoption agency and also one of my dream pets. Her name is a misspell of the RW 'Milady'. fullonparanoid 1 Quote
thunderlight25 Posted August 5, 2014 Posted August 5, 2014 Lets see.. yujinori was adopted so I didn't get to name him. But I like his name so much I started using yujinori (or sometimes yuji) as my username on several online games. He's my little baby :wub_anim: (as in he's my favorite pet out of them all, not baby as in the color Baby :P ) Iemondrops is a play from lemondrops, but I replaced the "L" with a capital "I". Back when before they changed the fonts on neoboards and stuff the letters look exactly the same so I thought it was a cool trick to play. XD Maisely is a gift from a very kind neopian on the secret lender boards so I didn't name him. Laienas is not my pet - she was lent to me so she will only be with me until tomorrow I used to have a zafara named the same as my username, but for some reason I decided I didn't like having a pet with the same name as me so I pounded him. Right now he has been adopted by another user but that user hasn't been online for a long time. My poor zafara :( fullonparanoid 1 Quote
nousha Posted August 5, 2014 Posted August 5, 2014 Rrea is named after my first pet, a cat, and she in turn was named after the Greek goddess Rhea, the mother of Zeus. Bubalula is just a random name that sounded good to me. JubJub98765432112501 was adopted :) fullonparanoid 1 Quote
patricebee Posted August 5, 2014 Posted August 5, 2014 Only the pets that I named: lonibee - my dog is named "Kaloni" and her nickname is "bee" so just a combo of the two luluhead - I thought "lulu" was cute but taken. For some reason the "head" part just stuck (my favorite neopet and my BD pet) Pearljay - named after my favorite band but their name was taken and I must say wasted on a pet that is rotting :( gabrie11a - I just love that name but the correct form was taken Tyrannius_Maximus - it fits my darigan grarrl Kalohni - again, the proper version was taken and is on a rotting pet. This one is a skunk lupe to reflect my dog (see avatar) chat_des_bois - in French "cat of the woods" for my woodland wocky lulabellita - my pretty female lenny - lula and luluhead must be related. :D Auriennee - an extended version of the French name "Aurienne,", which I love Nikkika - my baby lenny and named after a family member Mattax - my stealth draik - just liked the name Catrienne - again with the French names Zilza - Just liked it Zizzelle - was originally a female, yellow chia and the second cousin to a Brazillian supermodel. Now zapped into a snot yurble. Yuck Qyzy- a phonetic version of "Kizzy". I like your names and the origins. Love our pets!! Quote
KyokoHateshinai Posted August 5, 2014 Posted August 5, 2014 celebrationtime I picked this name because I was in a dance competition and the most memorable lyrics was that lol. Jouninninja because...obviously I was a big naruto fan Yurblefishball was adopted ;) Shoyrufishball was because I thought Yurblefishball would like a brother :) I actually don't remember whether he was adopted or I just named him after yurble. I think it was the latter though. Quote
Skathi Posted August 5, 2014 Posted August 5, 2014 Nemo - Nightwish song Set Abominae - Iced Earth's (My favourite Metal band) mascot Bruce - My best friend (my dog) who died last year Quote
deboratibi Posted August 5, 2014 Posted August 5, 2014 On my main account, I've named: Candrady - I made this one up... I wanted something that reminded me of candy, for some reason. Brodian - I wanted to come up with a boy name, and I was sort of inspired by the name "Dorian". I also have Ilesia and Yalise, but they were adopted. I think their names are lovely though, much better than the ones I've come up with, haha <3 On my sides, I've named: Jargho - I wanted a name that suited a Jetsam, and... This is what I got. It's not great, but it's okay, I think. Xweelyn - GUESS THE SPECIES. lol Bouvanna - Not sure how I came up with this one. It's one of my least favourites. Elvithia - My attempt at a gothy name, inspired by Elvira. Gargham - I just quickly came up with this one because I needed to create a Buzz for the Buzzin' avatar. Zihea - I thought this name would suit a faerie, but now I'm not so sure anymore. It's kind of weird to pronounce. Quote
snowangelmidori Posted August 5, 2014 Posted August 5, 2014 I've just got 2 pets I've named on my current account: Illuminacium: I am fond of the word 'illuminate' so I just attempted variations of that until I landed on Illuminacium. Maeruko: I just jumbled letters around until I landed on something that resembles a name. On my past accounts I had Pookie with a mess of numbers after it (named after mum's dog), Kyriia with another mess of numbers because Kyrii, and some other pet named something to do with a mechanical turkey because I was into Dragon Age and Adventure Quest at the time and there was a mechanical turkey involved in those games. I'm not a good chooser of names. :sad02: Quote
dayday0819 Posted August 6, 2014 Posted August 6, 2014 This is only my permanent pets. marie345644: I made her 10 years ago when I was really small, so honestly I don't remember how it happened, but I either adopted her or actually chose one of the randomized names Neopets provides when the one you want is taken. It's too bad about her name, but I totally love her anyways. kirouchan: I adopted from the TDN Adoptions page! She's still on my side account while I shuffle pets around but I can't wait to have her on my main. I'm pretty sure her name doesn't mean anything. awakenly: It kind of just hit me one day and I thought it sounded really pretty. I've since realized that I might have seen it on tumblr. She was meant to be a lab rat which I would eventually turn to a pirate Poogle, but she was zapped to chocolate Kiko and I've decided to keep her as is. convical: It's not a real word, but I thought it sounded cool. Currently my lab rat. I also have my baby lupe, but his name is just so unfortunate and was also made 10 years ago. It was definitely one suggested to me by the autosuggester, which is really weird considering Neopets' super strict rules. At the time I still got confused by some letters and I thought they were ps. :weird: Quote
nomnomnom Posted August 6, 2014 Posted August 6, 2014 omgosh hi josh :) i was actually on the tdn dailies site. i just happened to look at the right sidebar, and i saw 'how did you name your neopets?' and decided to click on it :P AngelDiva_9792: i created my shoyru when i was in elementary school, and i looved divastarz, so naturally (says my childhood mind), angeldiva marmeri16817: randomly generated by neopets battymcfatty: because i wanted something that rhymed :P Quote
Lady Lyuba Posted August 6, 2014 Posted August 6, 2014 Oh my word, I have a ton....I'll start from my main and go from there. I have certainly gotten better with names since I first started playing over 10 years ago. 3 of my pets (all on sides) are adopted: Kiinneey, Lighlet, and Adeinle. Onto the others: shuhune99520 - Came up on a name generator when unable to decide on a name for my Aisha. If renaming became possible, I might change it to "ShuhuneNekokai". _blossombabe_ - Yes, named after one of the PPGs, based off of some fans' OCs and usernames called "Bubbles Babe" and "Buttercup Babe". This was the spelling I went with and it was the only one available (I checked through Search before deciding). The name "Blossom" stuck, even though I've now written her real name to be "Mary Thornwell" in stories. Kristal_x_Pheonix - Based off of "Crystal Phoenix" and mispellings of the name/phrase. For some reason I always thought phoenix was spelled "pheonix" and hence the mispelling (but hey crystal is mispelled too). The unnecessary _x_ came from pounding a Kacheek with the name "kristal_pheonix" because I decided I wanted a Kougra instead and couldn't afford a morphing potion nor knew how to use the Trading Post. So he was re-created as a Kougra...and "Kristal" may be a girly name for a male character....so he's often called Kris instead. Blankstarr - No idea there. It popped into my 12 year old head at the time. HikaruIsanichi - He was a character I had for years before finally creating him as a pet on the site. The name is simply his first and last names. When flipped, his name means "under sunlight" in Japanese. (Isanichi Hikaru). Mweetho - Inspired by a NT article I read on pet naming. To my delight it hadn't been taken yet and I thought it was fitting for a Xweetok. Illhaze - Same as above, but with a lovely female Lupe, and I added an extra L because I thought it looked better and also was a nice homage to Illusen. Shiroumaru_ - Same as Hikaru's case. Underscore added because there was another pet with the name Shiroumaru. Means "White Circle" in Japanese. Seth_Amari - Another pet with first and last names, wanted a gypsy character with an Arabic last name. Azarale - May have been derived from the flower "Azalea" but made to sound a little more masculine. Mermallie - Derived from "Mermaid" of course, as well as the name "Emily". Pronounced exactly like a cross between that word and name. Terraluna - Latin for "Earth Moon" DaisukeKamoshi - Like Hikaru and Shiroumaru, he too was another character I had in high school who I created as a Neopet years later. (I was clearly going through an anime phase at the time). His last name was after a Japanese teacher I had, but Neopets' filters would not accept the full name of "Kamoshita", so I had to take the "ta" off. Eckert - Named after a Disneyland character, namely, the lead character at the ElecTRONica attraction that ran at DCA from 2010-2012. Also the name of a computer scientist. Rapira - Also named after a computer term I thought sounded "cool". Not only that, but it also has Russian origins related to weaponry. Pretty fitting for her character. Quote
Angeló Posted August 6, 2014 Posted August 6, 2014 darkobsession : i made the account darkobsession and couldn't think of a name for my first pet .. so i created a blue Eyrie with the same name .. it sounded cool ! I later changed him into a Mutant Lenny because they're awesome and evil looking .. darkinvention : the site glitched and wouldn't show me darkobsession *not born yet* , so i made an identical pet and called him "darkinvention" with the intention of making him a permanent lab pet , because inventions keep changing and updating .... Then I found that darkobsession was indeed made .. darkphilosophy : by that time .. the "dark" thing started to grow on me .. so I made darkphilosophy who was supposed to be a gothic type of pet ... who likes the dark arts and poetry etc ... (started as a Uni but is currently a Pirate Ixi with gothic customization) ... and darkintuition ... i made this pet as a korbat ... because bats have "radars" and strong intuitions ... Alsou : named after a Russian pop singer who I was so in love with ... Fairuz : named after a legendary artist (singer) from my country .. it's also a real word in Persian and Arabic that means Turquoise ... CoatofArms : I like real word names for pets and with my love for Royal pets .. I thought the name is perfect for a Royal Uni .. 16B : one of my oldest pets currently ... he is named after an English DJ ... EdwardHyde : another themed pet ... a Halloween Scorchio named after Mr. Hyde from the famous book (the Halloween Scorchio is also inspired by that book) .. Peophus : I needed a brother for Peopha *who I didn't name , I got her from the pound* and I love Latin names ... ALL MY OTHER PETS WERE NOT NAMED BY ME ... BUT I COULD RELATE TO THEIR NAMES SO I ADOPTED THEM , especially V00D00 , Faras & Peopha. Quote
Deltacow Posted August 6, 2014 Posted August 6, 2014 These are only the pets I named: Luprae(baby lupe):I combined the latin word for baby(praesent) and the latin word for wolf(lupus).Side note:He is my BD pet. Czyke(currently a blue xweetok):My lab pet. Illsaeth(island xweetok):I combined the french word for island(ile) which I warped into ill and then added the basque word for arrow(saeth,because she is a huntress). Jeithe(jelly jubjub):Random name;used to be lab rat until he got zapped jelly,then he became a permie. Delceina(eventide lenny):I was brousing through the cheap morphing pots and I saw that eventide lenny mps were only 100k,so I decided to get one(cause I wanted a eventide lenny for no reason whatsoever),thus Delceina was created and morphed. Ezaroth(ghost aisha):I was randomly using DTI and I tried to customize an aisha and I eventually came up with a pretty cool one for a ghost aisha,so I then proceeded to create and paint Ezaroth(im still missing a pirate eyepatch and earrings for his custom). Galrix and Galrex(blue grundoes):Randomly thought of the names,i'm planning on painting Galrix royal and morphing Galrex into a mutant. Ignik(magma krawk):Changed the last letter of the latin word for fire(ignis). Kraelius(pirate krawk):Randomly thought of name,sounded cool. Cairek(planning on morphing into desert krawk,currently a red xweetok):I got the first 4 letters from the capital of egypt(cairo) then added the -ek for the name to sound cool. Quote
Cloysterbell Posted August 6, 2014 Posted August 6, 2014 All of my pets were named as a result of me playing around with google translate. Peppperito: I used to have a cat called Pepier which is French for 'chirp'. I called her Pepperito sometimes but that was already taken so I added an extra P. Harteko: He used to be an Island Hissi and the Basque word for 'island' is 'uharteko', so. Ahtru: I don't remember what language, but it's a derivation either 'mutant' or 'monster' in some language. Syddol: 'Prehistoric' in Welsh is 'cynhanesyddol' so she got the Syddol and her petpet got the Cynhan. Quote
Katsuokai Posted August 6, 2014 Posted August 6, 2014 Fun thread; it's interesting to see how you decided on your pets' names. :DHere's the meaning behind my pets' names and my account usernames, since the usernames are important too. :Potaku_kiu account (yeah, horrible username, I didn't have a proper nickname at the time; too bad we can't change it)Leonirus the Eyrie was my first neopet. I thought it was fitting for an Eyrie since they're part lion and the ending just sounded cool. I have since decided to end most of my pets' names with ''us''.Lumineus the Lutari got his name because it is similar to ''Lutari'' and I think it must have reminded me of the word ''luminous'' + since Lutaris come from a tropical habitat I thought it was fitting.Ronaeus the Hissi got his name from the word ''ronae'', Thalassian word meaning ''peaceful''. Thalassian is the language of the Blood Elves in World of Warcraft.Ruarius the Ruki - a made-up name sounding similar to ''Ruki''.theforsakenhorde account (account name is a reference to the Forsaken and the Horde in WoW)Azwani the Aisha - I wanted a name that sounded similar to Aisha, so after coming up with a bunch of made-up names and looking them up on the internet I saw that there were names in... Hindi (I think...) similar to the ones I had come up with, so I decided to name mine Azwani, as a reference to some of those names that sounded similar. Although I can't remember which spellings and meanings of the names I based Azwani on... . I think it was something cosmic related if my memory isn't failing me... after all I really like the Alien Aisha's from Assignment 53 (my favourite game on Neopets), so the name had to be more unique than my other pets names, fitting of an Alien Aisha recruit. ;)Harkorius the Kougra - I thought about making a character in WoW named Harkor as a reference to a character in the game named Har'koa (a goddess) but with a masculine spin to it. I thought it sounded nice on my Kougra since the goddess Har'koa looks like a snow leopard and is my favourite out of the Loa Gods in-game. :PElusivius the Uni - his name is a reference to Rarity from MLP:FiM; her genderbent fanmade name is Elusive. That name, Elusives, Rarity and Elusivity are all taken, hence the choice of Elusivius... .Gnarubia the Gnorbu - made-up name sounding similar to Gnorbu, but with a feminine spin to it.alexstraszasconsort account (again a reference to WoW, this time to one of my favourite characters, Alexstrasza the Life-Binder. I thought about naming the account Korialstrasz (Alexstrasza's Prime Consort and her true love), but the name was already taken and thus I decided on ''alexstraszasconsort'', more fitting since I probably wouldn't mind that much being her consort... . Hahaha. x''DDD)Ogariun the Ogrin - similar to pet species name and sounded good.Arkadiun the Bori - sounded good and is similar to the word ''arcade'', which is nice since I'm a nerd. When I was a kid I loved going to the arcades. Hehe. :DDarzius the Flotsam - sounded dark and thus was fitting for a Darigan Flotsam. Although I haven't painted him Darigan yet... .Omnirus the Chomby - sounded fitting for a dinosaur and I liked the idea of maybe making him my lab rat, thus ''omni'', meaning ''all'' in latin. If I make him a ''shapeshifting'' neopet the name will always fit. ;)thedarkladysforsaken account (yet again a reference to one of my favourite WoW characters, in this case to Lady Sylvanas Windrunner, leader of the Forsaken, one of my favourite races alongside Blood Elves and Draenei :P)Lenaria the Lenny - sounded good, similar to Lenny, but with a feminine touch and also happens to be nice since ''aria'' is a real word. Will most likely be painted Faerie unless I change my mind.Xzyrabelle the Cybunny - I thought about different names, then the name Sweetie Belle (Rarity's little sister) came to my mind. I didn't want to name her that, thus the spin to the name, although it's heavily inspired by it and the fact that the Cybunnies bodies reminds me of a ''bell''. lolDrakoirus the Koi - I wanted a dark sounding name fitting a Darigan Koi, thus ''Drak'', play on ''dark''. I also added the species name ''koi'' and my signature name ending ''us'', in this case ''rus''. I pronounce the name as Dra-ko-irus.katsuokai account (just the username I tend to almost always use on the internet, too bad I can't have this username on my main account; if it weren't for all the nice perks I have on my main account I probably would have made this account my main lol)Xweriuz the Xweetok - Sounded nice; play on species name.Technicurious the Grundo - I was listening to this song and saw the word techné (art, craft, skill, science in Greek) at the beginning of the music video, thus I decided to name my Grundo something related to that word and the word technology. At first I thought about naming my Grundo Technicorius, but then it struck me that ''corius'' sounded similar to ''curious''... thus my Grundo's name's meaning in my mind is something similar to ''curious about technology/skilled technician''. :)I have 3 (4 if I ever become premium) pet slots left but I'm not sure what I'll name those pets, since the names I wanted to use are all taken... some on pets that will probably take years to be purged. Sigh... . ;/ Lady Lyuba 1 Quote
maikrowsoft Posted August 6, 2014 Posted August 6, 2014 Pokemon :) Lhukhario with Spinda the Spotted Harris - Lucario and Spinda Drahgolnait with Purrloin the Stealthy Mazzew and its Mootix - Dragonite and Purrloin Khroconaw with Gastrodon the Pirate Slorg - Croconaw and Gastrodon Phidgey with Arcanine the Royal Gruslen - Pidgey and Arcanine Quote
fishmonster Posted August 6, 2014 Posted August 6, 2014 I usually just type in whatever vaguely name-sounding-things I can come up with off the top of my head until one isn't taken, haha. Not a very detailed system, but I do love making up names! I have too many pets that I just made for the sake of coming up with names and then never got around to actually doing anything with, oops. The only other ones I have that weren't randomly named are - PorchMonster - Made this like 8 years ago or something, I have NO idea where that name came from at all? Hah. DoctorButtons - What someone called their calculator on an episode of Parks and Recreation and I just thought it was adorable, and I wanted a plushie grarrl so it fit nicely for a non-calculator too! Lady Lyuba 1 Quote
jenks Posted August 9, 2014 Posted August 9, 2014 Hi, Josh. :) I don't think about it, I just name them. A couple are named after family though. Quote
meatfalls Posted August 9, 2014 Posted August 9, 2014 All of my pets are either adopted or made when I was six. I believe I named howdy666 (who's now on a side account) to match my kiko, hia57, with the salutation-themed pet name. Quote
fullonparanoid Posted August 9, 2014 Author Posted August 9, 2014 Lots of awesome names w/ interesting stories! I even got a new music group to listen to out of the replies! It is fun to see what process each individual uses to name their pets. Keep 'em comin in! Cheers! :P Quote
DeepInTheMeadow Posted August 13, 2014 Posted August 13, 2014 How did you name your neopets? Answer: Badly. Luckily on my main,the names are ok- Gwelan main me think Welsh, jsena after a friend and Feldrans reminds me of a knight. Rejector is my lab pet, quite fitting since he was in the pound. If I could, I'd go for some sort of doctor who reference- a really obscure one *evil grin*. Quote
hanalways Posted August 13, 2014 Posted August 13, 2014 Javito: adopted, but a freaking awesome name. Still undecided whether I want to pronounce it with a Spanish j or not. Chihinoha: I knew I was going to end with a water lutari, and so I wanted something pretty but Islandery. I messed around with the name until I found one that was both and untaken. Quote
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