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I've been working on increasing my avvie count lately, and I've realized that it's finally time for me to try for a few game ones. I've been avoiding it at all costs because I never know what to do or which ones to go for.

I already have snowmuncher, advert attack, meepit vs feepit, gormball, freaky factory, whack-a-kass,and eliv thade.

Does anyone have any suggestions on which ones I should go for next?


After you get used to playing it, Grand Theft Ummagine is a pretty easy avatar to get because you can replay levels without consequence. The TDN guide gives great walkthroughs for each level and with practice you should have no trouble getting an avatar-worthy score! I recommend waiting until the 1st of the month so you can try for a trophy too :laughingsmiley:


haha you're much better than me at flash games. I've been trying for snowmuncher and can't even get close. XD


I can say the sutek's tomb is definitely an easier one.

Dice escape you can find a guide for that tells you the exact buttons to press for each level and how many times.. so that one is easy to check off.

Gadgadsgame has always been one of my favorite flash games so I was able to obtain that one

and most recently I got attack of the slorgs.


oh and then things like sewage surfer, shapeshifter, and the neoquest avatars aren't too bad, they just take some time as they're a bit different than the flash games if you don't have those already :)


It kind of depends on what kind of games you're good at. some are definitely more frustrating than others :P A lot just take some practice.

Meepit Juice Break wasn't so hard, as well as Goparokko, Destruct-o-Match and Ultimate Bullseye.


Have you tried playing some of the browser games for avatars? Dice-a-roo, Gormball, Kiss the Mortog, Double or Nothing, and Cheeseroller are ones that come to mind. Also, if you don't use it yet, http://thedailyneopets.com/neoavatars/solutions/8/ might be of help to you in keeping track :D


As others have said, Sutek's Tomb, Gadgadsgame, Dice Escape, Ultimate Bullseye 2 and the browser games are the easiest IMO. You can get a vague idea of the easiest from TND's game avatar statistics as Rune said. Aside from that, just practice the scoreboard ones to get in there at the beginning of the month when it shouldn't be too difficult to get on board the high score ship.


Thank you all! I already have Kiss the Mortog and I think I'm going to try for Double or Nothing again. I'm definitely going to try all of the ones you guys suggested and figure out what I'm good at. I think I'll go for Dice Escape first, I'll keep you posted :laughingsmiley:

I'm also going to judge it by the statistics, that was a really good idea.


I thought that Gadsgads game was a bit tough for me, but I got it. I also got the Bullseye II avatar on accident! One of the bilge dice avatars are relatively easy at random if you win with a perfect 24.


I could use some tips on level 4 of Shapeshifter, and Snowmuncher if anyone can help.


I just got the Dice Escape avatar, thank you! I think I'll try for the Feed Florg again next.


nightfall: I'm not sure if this is the place to address it, but for snowmuncher, I suggest getting as many points as you can in the first few rounds, when the blocks are mostly the same colours and you can get really good combos. Also, I try to work down as opposed to across, so I focus on getting to the bottom of the level instead of moving all over the place to get gems. I got the avatar by accident and I tend to get over 5000 pretty often and that always works for me. Best of luck to you!


i'd make sure to play tyranu evavu every day too. it stops you after a while just like dice-a-roo, so just spend a few minutes each day trying to get it. i get a lot less frustrated at games that take luck rather than skill because i can just chalk it up to not getting lucky instead of my being terrible at a game. lol.


I'm not a great gamer, but I managed to get these, so you must be able to get them too!


- Advert Attack

- Attack of the Slorgs

- Cheat!

- Cliffhanger

- Deadly Dice << not really a game though, and you'll lose the avatar if you tie and lose. So after I got the avie, I stopped playing with those Deadly Dice

- Dice Escape

- Gourmet Club Bowls

- Coconut Shy << takes a lot of tries and some good luck!

- The Castle of Eliv Thade

- Apple Bobbing << just to it daily and one day you'll get it. I also had an Imposter Apple in my inventory all the time, cuz I thought maybe it increases the chance of getting the avatar. If I won't get an Imposter Apple, maybe it can fall into the barrel. Do not now if it's OR get it, OR let it fall.

- Stratchcard Avatars << I tried to do it at least once a week. The Kiosk Wocky avatar I got with the first try, but the Ssssidney one took a few tries.

- Fearie Crossword Puzzle << Of course you can find the answers on the Dailies page at TDN

- MAGAX: Destroyer II

- Spinning Wheel avatars <<< just spin them daily, well, the cheap ones. I just need the ones from the Excitement and Knowledge Wheels.

- Kacheek Seek

- Mutant Graveyard of Doom II

- NeoQuest II (NeoQuest II - Weakling) <<< you can get the avatar right at the beginning, I just started the game and lots and got the avatar and stopped right away.

- Pick Your Own <<< try to do it everyday and eventually you'll get it!

- Plushie Tycoon <<< there are great tutorials all over Neopets

- Poogle Racing <<< bet on Poogle #1, if you won't get it the first time, the second or third time you will!

- Shapeshifter <<< again, you can find lots of tutorials

- Suteks Tomb

- Cheeseroller

- Kass Basher


I vote for a Habitarium avatar! A little nest avvie. Right? Lol. When you hit level 50.


Anyway, Tyranu Evavu is pretty easy. It is a card game and you just guess if the next card is higher or lower (like card sharks- I am revealing my age here, lol). I think once you guess 10 right you get the avatar. It isn't as easy as it sounds. Obviously. It costs 30 per hand, but you get NPs for each correct guess.


Attack of the slorgs was easy ..it had to be ... I got it :) seriously I think its the easiest I have found


Man, I stink so bad at games. I half wonder if it is my age. :D


Is it better to use a mouse or a touchpad for games?


Do they make joysticks anymore and, if so, do they work on Neo-games? /laughing


I think my reaction time is just too slow for most games.


Ah well. /grin


Good luck to everyone trying for game avies!






I am just now starting to try game avatars too since I am awful at games as well...ones that I have that you don't have listed are:

-Better Than You (it's worth it to check every Wednesday!)


-Cliffhanger (all you have to do is lose lmao, I bet you already have this one though, you just didn't list it because it requires no effort)

-Deadly Dice

-Double or Nothing

-Grarrl Keno (bet 1 np, pick 10 eggs, keep refreshing -- it charges you every time and it's quicker than going through the process over and over)

-Sutek's Tomb (I used TDN's guide)


I'm playing Faerie Bubbles right now for the avatar...right now I'm 75% to the avatar haha. TDN's guide is really, really useful for that one.

I got the avatar score for Mynci Beach Volleyball once and it didn't send <_< That one requires a bunch of time and practice. I haven't been able to get the score since, though.




Poogle Racing is a pretty easy one, I just got it in my first try.

Just bet on Poogle 1, give it food, and spamclick that cheer button!


I'm not here to brag about getting it, but I made a neat strategy, go check it out:




Thanks for making that site, haha, it's really handy-dandy to check the cards off like that. I used to create a spreadsheet in Excel but this is a whole lot easier! (:


Omg, I got it with 15 correct answers exactly, like my fifth try or something today, haha.


Something Has Happened! jarbjarb.gif

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