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Happy Yurble Day!


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The Maraquan really confuses me. It's kinda stone-like but also plushie-like?

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The Maraquan is a Manatee !! that's a WIN ! .. I remember when randomsilliness was a Yellow Yurvble before I started zapping him ... I kinda want to change him back now he he he !!

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Totally with all the manatee lovers and diggin' the Maraquan Yurble (being from Florida, how could I not???) I did get a woodland/stone vibe but could also tell instantly what it was supposed to be. The marine biologist in me wants to dedicate all of my accounts to Maraquan... but sooo much NP and too many other amazing options.. boo four pet limit again.


I agree with the ax being very creepy as well. Very much "little red riding hood meets a lumberjack ax murderer"! :whaa:

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Also, the Maraquan Yurble looks that way because that's what manatee skin looks like.


As for the costume looking like Lizzie Borden - I think that's the point. I think it's supposed to.

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