Novelista Posted May 11, 2014 Posted May 11, 2014 Bck32808 started a topic about where our offline pets got their names and said we could talk about our Neopets, too, but I thought it would be better to start a separate thread, rather than get off track with the original.===MainEmpress of the Night: one of those pets where you want a really cool sounding name. I think "Queen of the Night" was already taken. :PLord Koschei: I'm not really into Doctor Who (despite having BBC-A now), but I briefly had a crush on Julia Roberts's brother, who is the only American to have played The Master. Wiki mentions a possible name for The Master as "Koschei", who was an antagonist in Slavic folklore. Koschei by itself was taken, so I added "lord" on the front. I think I originally meant to have him look as evil as possible, but after crosspainting him shadow, I thought he looked pretty cool with some of his "hatching clothes" intact. I also like the Lost Desert wings a lot better than his natural wings, so that's why he has them. ^_^Primary SideIsis-Andraste: I had an FFQ and needed a good name for a Desert pet, so that's what I chose. For those of you who don't know, Isis is an Egyptian mother goddess and Andraste was a war goddess invoked by Boudica.Beloved Greg and Darling Dominic: as you know, I have quite the crush on Greg Hicks. ;) | My crush on Dominic West has been touch-and-go since Burton and Taylor (for which I watched solely to see Greg!), but apparently I decided he'd make a terrific gelert. So there we go. :DEverwind Heart: another "cool name". I've tried variations on "otter" in different languages, but I don't think I've been as satisfied with any names as this.Secondary SideOstara's Bunny: honestly, I don't know why I have a cybunny. I was going to get one because of my best friend/heartmom, but she and I broke up early last month...yet I still got one. Ostara is the Pagan celebration of spring and that's where the "Easter bunny" comes from. In goddess form, Ostara is usually referred to as Eostre, but I like "Ostara's Bunny" a lot better. My poem "Lady in Green" even has Ostara using Boudica's famous bunny divination, saying something like, "If he runs left, six more weeks of winter...if he runs right, spring will soon come." Mark Harmon: my favorite NCIS actor! I wanted him without the hypen, but Mr. No-Hyphenate is on an abandoned account some Lindsay Lohan fan created after seeing Freaky Friday. I don't necessarily think Mark/Gibbs would make a good skeith...more that I like the fact that skeiths eat everything and he needed a good name. :D nousha and .Brianna. 2 Quote
Deltacow Posted May 11, 2014 Posted May 11, 2014 First of all I would like to state that I have some fetish(of sorts)in naming my neopets which is that they are usually 2 words combined Without further ado here are my names: Deltacow:Delta is a letter in the Greek alphabet and when I first heard of it I thought it sounded cool and cow because well frankly,it's a cow. Deltaw1ng:Delta(explained in description do Deltacow)and I put w1ng(Sadly Deltawing was taken)cause I felt like it,also I would like to say that when I first created my account I decided that all of my Neopets names would be in this formula:Delta(Something related to the pet I was creating)but I quickly decided,ah screw that. DolphinBrainz:Added 2 words together that had to do with a zombie flotsam,also wanted a zombie flotsam for no reason. StarR3x:My trash can(Used a starry grarrl MP cause I wanted him to have a non-basic colour)I'm pretty sure you can guess why I named him StarR3x Sides: SaiBunni:Got his name when I saw the silver sai in wondrous weaponry,at that time it was the cybunny festival,inspired me to name him SaiBunni(Planning to paint him stealthy) Deltari:Again with the naming theme except that I added the last 2 letters of lutari to delta instead of adding something that has to do with lutaris BetaHissi:Beta is the 2nd letter of the Greek alphabet,I am planning on making him a mutant cause the mutant form has 2 heads. And finally Inudi:Adopted her from the pound cause I liked the name. Quote
Angeló Posted May 11, 2014 Posted May 11, 2014 I love this topic !!!! This is going to take a while : darkobsession : i made the account darkobsession and couldn't think of a name for my first pet .. so i created a blue Eyrie with the same name .. it sounded cool ! I later changed him into a Mutant Lenny because they're awesome and evil looking .. darkinvention : the site glitched and wouldn't show me darkobsession *not born yet* , so i made an identical pet and called him "darkinvention" with the intention of making him a permanent lab pet , because inventions keep changing and updating .... Then I found that darkobsession was indeed made .. darkphilosophy : by that time .. the "dark" thing started to grow on me .. so I made darkphilosophy who was supposed to be a gothic type of pet ... who likes the dark arts and poetry etc ... (started as a Uni but is currently a Pirate Ixi with gothic customization) ... and darkintuition ... i made this pet as a korbat ... because bats have "radars" and strong intuitions ... Alsou : named after a Russian pop singer who I was so in love with ... Fairuz : named after a legendary artist (singer) from my country .. it's also a real word in Persian and Arabic that means Turquoise ... CoatofArms : I like real word names for pets and with my love for Royal pets .. I thought the name is perfect for a Royal Uni .. 16B : one of my oldest pets currently ... he is named after an English DJ ... EdwardHyde : another themed pet ... a Halloween Scorchio named after Mr. Hyde from the famous book (the Halloween Scorchio is also inspired by that book) .. Peophus : I needed a brother for Peopha *who I didn't name , I got her from the pound* and I love Latin names ... ALL MY OTHER PETS WERE NOT NAMED BY ME ... BUT I COULD RELATE TO THEIR NAMES SO I ADOPTED THEM Quote
.Brianna. Posted May 11, 2014 Posted May 11, 2014 Oh geeze okay. Main account Evaechme: comes from Greek mythology. I was an English major so I needed at least one pet with a literary name. xpaternox: named for Joe Paterno, former Penn State football coach. xcoalyx: another Penn State related name (I'm an alum), Coaly was the unofficial original Penn State mascot. xprimx: named for Primrose from The Hunger Games. Side 1 xcerseix: for Cersei from the Song of Ice and Fire series/Game of Thrones xsansax: see above. xnittanyx: another Penn State name :D sensing a theme here? xtouchofbluex: Penn State inspired once again. Side 2 xelphabax: for Wicked - the book or the musical either one :D xgalindax: again for Wicked xcyrenex: mythology once again xbluesapphirex: one last PSU name I never realized how themed my pet names were until I put them all together like this... Quote
hrtbrk Posted May 11, 2014 Posted May 11, 2014 All of my pets, except for two, are adopted so I don't know their origin. My draik was loosely named after my Great Grandma. The other pet I named is a RN and picked it during a purge lol Quote
Totu487 Posted May 11, 2014 Posted May 11, 2014 Hmm... Good question, actually! I only have one pet, so that makes it kind of easy. NeoNeko2: 1. Well, first off, I wanted a name that had something to do with Neopets. So, for beginners, I added the part "Neo". Of course, there was already a pet with such a simple name. I had to add something more! 2. Ok, I admit it. I like to watch anime. You know, as in One Piece. Anyway, most anime were made by the Japanese. And- wait. A little back up. NeoNeko2 is a Kacheek, and Kacheeks look a little like a cat. Ok- back to what I was talking about. Neko is Japanese for "cat". So I thought it would be better fitted than just "cat". 3. I should've been done right there. But guess what? That name was already taken! Ok, it DID make me feel a bit better that someone had the same "tone" as me. But I definitely had to change the name. And I didn't want to be the ones that had crazy and absolutely random numbers attached to their pet's name. So I did just a simple little "2". There you go! That's how my pet got her name! ^_^ Quote
Shelley Posted May 11, 2014 Posted May 11, 2014 I'm only going to list my main account pets :) Harakhte (Desert Hissi): Named after the Egyptian sun god (sometimes known as Re-Harakhte Leucothya (Mara Kacheek): From Greek Mythology. Leucothea was transformed into a sea goddess of types. Thrakos (Draik): Thrakos is Greek for Male Dragon (I took a gamble and she hatched female haha) Phean (Faerie Lenny): was gifted :) I didn't pick the name :p Quote
nousha Posted May 11, 2014 Posted May 11, 2014 The pet on my main account is named Rrea - it's the name of my very first pet, a lovely black cat called Rhea after the Greek goddess. But the name was taken so I modified it a bit :) On my side the pet is called Sinia Zora, which in Bulgarian means Blue Dawn and since it's a blue Lupe and I wanted something poetic, bu everything i English was taken, I named her like this :) Great topis, by the way :) Quote
Novelista Posted May 11, 2014 Author Posted May 11, 2014 Oh, I know what you mean, Shel...I took that same gamble with Lord Koschei. I got lucky. O.o Quote
cartoon_dreamer Posted May 11, 2014 Posted May 11, 2014 Oh dear. All my pet names are really old. Animated_sweetie and Digital_darling were meant to sound like my username "Cartoon_dreamer" My other two pets have gibberish names. Enmi_hema was supposed to sound a little evil (to go with his original Halloween Aisha look, he's painted zombie now so it still works I guess). Kashnekiti was supposed to sound ancient Egyptian because he was destined to be Desert painted. I had bad taste when I was 12. :P Quote
Cloysterbell Posted May 12, 2014 Posted May 12, 2014 For me, it's mostly a lot of playing around with Google Translate and seeing what looks cool. Peppperito (Darigan Eyrie): I made a gryphon character a while back called Pépier which is the French word for 'chirp'. Sometimes as a joke I'd call her Pep, which then became Pepito or Pepperito. Since 'Pepperito' was already taken, I added an extra P. Harteko (Island Hissi): Basque word for 'island' minus the first letter (uharteko) Ahtru (Mutant Acara): started off as the Latvian word for mutant (mutantu) but got a bit warped when I tried to get it to something I liked that also wasn't already taken. Syddol (Tyrannian Lupe): part of the Welsh word for 'prehistoric' (cynhanesyddol) It helped a lot that I knew what all of my pets were going to be painted before I created them. Quote
Mouseykins Posted May 12, 2014 Posted May 12, 2014 On my main I only put a lot of thought into Eavvy and Decreta. Stripes and Nappy were whim names that I thought of at the moment. Later on I decided that Nappy is short for Napaea which is from the Greek Nymphs of the Valley. On her lookup I had to change it to Faeries instead of Nymphs. Stripes is still Stripes and I'm currently working on a proper name for her, and Stripes will be considered as her nickname. Decreta came from a Greek Goddess of fertility. Eavvy was inspired by a fictional character in the Circle Universe series by Tamora Pierce. I just altered the spelling a little bit. Quote
WhiteWolf Posted May 12, 2014 Posted May 12, 2014 This is going to take me a while. Adopted or created, I painted my pets (Except for Acinaciform and Salie__nn. I adopted them their current color). Adopted Pets: Acinaciform (Chocolate Kougra)...I looked Acinaci up. It's a short saber or sword. Salie__nn (Speckled Lupe)...I have no idea where this came from. Secret60 (Speckled Aisha) ...No idea. Snuffles419 (Biscuit Kacheek)...Again, no idea where that name came from. Created Pets: MoroWolfGuardian (Starry Lupe)...This was a take on a character's name in "Princess Mononoke". PrincessDimitra (Desert Aisha)...My unconverted Desert Aisha. Her name just hit me. PrincessDimitria (Blue Aisha)...Twin sister of PrincessDimitra. Her name needed to reflect she's a twin. AnjolineScully (Cloud Kougra)...My first pet. I was into X-Files, and added one of my favorite names to Scully. GillianKana (Christmas Kougra)...After Gillian Anderson and Kana (Dana in Hawaiian). KanaRose (Rainbow Usul)...Kana is Dana in Hawaiian, Rose made it sound pretty. ChadSado_47 (Red Gelert)...This came from my favorite character in the anime "Bleach". TeddieBear_214 (Island Xweetok)...My nickname for my fiance, and the numbers are for Valentines Day. He was painted Island after a FFQ. Quote
georgeringo Posted May 12, 2014 Posted May 12, 2014 I named all my pets after other OCs I have... I'm lame, I know //dies Quote
Novelista Posted May 12, 2014 Author Posted May 12, 2014 I just remembered that I forgot about Miss Kotora! I recall reading in one of my geisha books that Ko + Momo = "little peach", so I figure that if you put "ko" on "tora" (tiger), it should mean "little tiger". (Not that I'm at all positive about that!) I probably could've gotten away without the "miss", but I felt it was appropriate; so she's "Miss Little Tiger", the white kougra. (Since that's as close to a white tiger as you can get on Neopets...and white tigers are my favorite.) Quote
Guest Sabs Posted May 12, 2014 Posted May 12, 2014 I've only named two neopets that I can remember. I really wish I had a say for my uc grey kacheek(sf_grundo1)! lol Lotl- Her name came from my pet Axolotl. Lotl is often a nickname for them. I was hoping to zap her into a maraquan kacheek, but I enjoy customizing her too much right now. :P Decimbur- One of my good neofriends gifted me a PDE for Christmas, so I wanted a name that reminded me of that season. It was so difficult to try to find a good combination that was somewhat pronounceable. Quote
WhiteWolf Posted May 12, 2014 Posted May 12, 2014 I named all my pets after other OCs I have... I'm lame, I know //dies Are you kidding? That rocks! OCs are great because that's what they are...original. If I had to count the OCs I've made over the years, I'd be sitting here forever. What universe(s) do your OCs occupy? jennybean 1 Quote
jennybean Posted May 12, 2014 Posted May 12, 2014 :D Okay, I have a lot of pets, soo, this one might be a bit long. Also, you will see that 8-year-old me wasn't very creative... Main Account: loele123: I don't remember what I originally wanted to name her, actually. But Neopets used to have a "randomize name" option, and I just kind of liked the sound of it. Just plain old Loele was taken, but 8-year-old me didn't care :) Tigren980: He was originally a tigren, but I didn't like the revamp, so I morphed him. How creative. Now he goes by Ty for short! Jibjib890: Yep. Has been a Jubjub forever (originally a Jibjib). Samie123: Originally a Jetsam, but that didn't make for a very nice name, so I just shortened it to Samie! Sides: {These four are names we'd like to give our future children :D} Abbysweets: My SO really likes the name Abby, and I told him I wanted to make a little Abby on Neo. Also, when I think of the name, I think that it seems sweet :) Alffons: A misspell of "Alphonse," after Al from Fullmetal Alchemist. Naomicake: I love sweets. And the name Naomi. Sebastiaon: A misspell of "Sebastian." Partially from Black Butler, partially because it sounds so pretty in English and in Spanish. Diior: The perfume reminds me of my dad (I received it as a gift from him). Also, it's my Ruki that's named Diior because my brother loves Rukis. She just reminds me of my family :) Jarekai: The account of my old friend (IRL) was purged, and Jarekai was her very lovely orange Kougra. Naturally, I had to take the name. But I couldn't make him a Kougra again; it would have made me sad. So I made him a Lupe, instead. Maybe later down the line, I'll morph him into an orange Kougra again. Tyyk: I just like the sound of it! It was partially inspired by Tyki Mikk from D.Gray Man! Zehkki: This one involved putting a couple of names together and lots of playing around before I finally found something that wasn't taken! Phew! Caliiforniah & Ariizonah: Two of my favorite places <3 After moving to the Midwest, I realize how much I miss the desert and how pretty the Southwest is! Aojiru, Adonica: Adopted from the pound! Quote
agrinwithoutacat Posted May 12, 2014 Posted May 12, 2014 Two of mine are Pugsleay and Wednesdeay, which are creatively spelled Addam's Family characters. Dunno why I went for that and not something Alice themed, but I did. ReallyRosieReal comes from a poem/song. I'm not sure where it originated as I've never looked it up, but I read it in a Stephen King novel, Rose Madder. "I'm really Rosie and I'm Rosie real, You better believe me, I'm a great big deal!" I don't really like that name anymore, but oh well. {These four are names we'd like to give our future children :D} Sebastiaon: A misspell of "Sebastian." Partially from Black Butler, partially because it sounds so pretty in English and in Spanish. I want to name a kid Sebastian, too, it's a name my boyfriend picked out and I like it. Should we ever get married and have two sons (the first would be named after him XP), the second will be Sebastian. My boyfriend's only stipulation is that no one call him "Sebby", as it's not manly, haha. I like "Basti" (boss-tee) better as a nickname, anyway. Quote
dawnshine Posted May 12, 2014 Posted May 12, 2014 willienelsonmandela and annefranksinatra seem self-explanatory. They are named after iconic people throughout the years, from a Holocaust victim to a modern day country singer and pro-legalization advocate. gypsyboots, my other pet, was just named thinking of a sweet name for a pet that would eventually have a gypsy or disco style. She was just a little Blue Kacheek then, but now as many people in the forums know she is a Disco Kacheek. :) I'm going to be making a Camo Krawk whenever I get the pet I've been fostering, Anankou, adopted out. But I haven't gotten a name for (him?) yet. Quote
fullonparanoid Posted May 12, 2014 Posted May 12, 2014 Main Account: Hotai: I adopted him from a Charter member. His name makes me think of Hotei, the Laughing Buddha. Ilio: Hawaiian for 'Dog' Kaizlar: Just liked the sound of it. Mermutt: Nickname of my best friend of 12 years (my dog who passed several years ago) Neoveo: Just liked the sound of it. Some from Side Accts: Yuppers, Slickari, Zaroxx, & Zeofyn: Just liked the sound of 'em. Syelmet: Creole for 'Sky Master' Jalouxi: A play on the French word for Jealous. Mauloakai: Combination of the Hawaiian words for 'Forever' and 'Ocean' Bonkin: A biking term for totally beat/sapped...lacking in energy. :P Quote
Master of Puppets Posted May 13, 2014 Posted May 13, 2014 I like this topic. well start Cloudino15: i was not very good with names but when I started with neo, i was hooked with FFVII, and elected the first part of Cloud, for the main character, for the his name, and had chosen as a dinosaur, Garrl, complete with dino, and has the date my age when i create. Raven_Shad: finally after waiting a while I could create me one Hissi, the name of Raven liked, and as got to middle name, my name lol, so stay this combination. Sylvanaz: When could also after 1 year of waiting, create me one Lutari, the emerged name when at the time was playing WOW, was Horde, of course, and I loved the queen of the undead, Sylvanaz and its tragic history. other pet my mind got in the adoption center so not influenced in their name. Shad. Quote
officialsarahjay Posted May 14, 2014 Posted May 14, 2014 Right now I only have one account with one pet, because more than two overwhelms me and as sad as it sounds, I feel like I can't properly devote myself to more than two virtual pets. I know, it's a game, but I want to give my virtual pets equal love. And omelette. But as I said, I currently have one pet, an Aisha named PrincessCatFarts. I created my account on a lark, and I had to quickly think of a name for my Aisha, and Princess Cat Farts is something I call my own cat (and fart monkey and wibby and cuddle butts and...I call her a lot of weird things). I actually think the name is hilarious in a juvenile sort of way, because forget being a mature adult. In a few months, I'm going to adopt a Lost Desert Aisha, but that's still the plan and until I for sure have her in my possession I'm just going to leave it at that. Quote
brookiebean Posted May 14, 2014 Posted May 14, 2014 My neopets names are pretty self explanatory :p CuteBabyUsulBecause baby Usuls are ADORABLE CuteLilPeaChiaPea Chias are small and cute. Need I say more? PeachyKeenChiaI just like the phrase "peachy keen", and Peach Chias are my FAVOURITE pet. TheChokatoChiaSelf explanatory once again. I love Chokato things, and Chokato Chias are not exempt from this. Quote
tapedeckheart Posted May 14, 2014 Posted May 14, 2014 I was not the best or most creative when I was younger and naming pets on here but.. Harrison_64 - named after George Harrison Kerouac1957 - after Jack Kerouac Schilling_38_ - after Curt Schilling WilkieCollins - is well... after Wilkie Collins Quote
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