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6th Annual Neopies Begins!


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Yes, a Best Faction Leader or Favorite New Character category would be nice because... well, I just want to vote for them again :P

I like all the leaders so this is such a difficult choice...



edit: went with the Duchess & got me some cake: Lime Bori Cupcake xD

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Thanks For Voting!

It's like you just shared your opinion with all of Neopia! Oh, wait. You did. Nice.

All About Juggling

Also, because you are nineteen kinds of awesome and voted every day on the day, you've earned this as well:

Ultimate Fan Room Background

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Looks like today is finally the last day of voting! :D Well, I'm torn between Fighting in Style and Showdown at the Obelisk. I always do love the silly plushie caption images, but Fighting in Style has my favorite caption....hm.....


Just randomly picked one out of the two I liked most and got a Nuranna Plushie as well as the final prize.

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