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6th Annual Neopies Begins!


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I haven't been keeping track of my prizes for voting, but these are my votes so far:

Best Site Event: Spooky Food Eating Contest. (It felt mini-plot-ish, which I liked, plus I got a couple Halloween PBs, new petpets for my gallery, and an avatar.)

Best News Day: Faerie Festival (I love everything faerie, plus the eye shadows alone were amazing. I'm still working on collecting them all.)

Best Species Specific Wearable: Chomby Warrior (I was very, very, very close to getting a Chomby, just for this outfit.)

Best Premium Collectible: Opalescent Wig (I use this wig on nearly every customization for one of my draiks.)

Best New Neopet Colour: Relic Korbat (It was so much more creative than the others of the color, which is always awesome.)

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It came out on April 15th. For a full list of the premium items, we do have a guide for that. :)


I also voted for the background. It's the only one that really caught my attention. :)


Thanks for the link! Unfortunately it seems the best Premium items of 2013 were given before I became Premium... :P


Today I voted for the Mutant Poogle, but kinda regretted it. It's awesome, yeah, but it doesn't look Mutant. Meh.

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All the recent Mutants don't really look 'mutated' in my opinion, but I love them so hard anyway. :D I had a REALLY hard time choosing today, and it just made me realise that TNT released a lot of amazing colours last year! I ended up going with the Lenny, but it was a rough choice!

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Dang it, I forgot to vote yesterday. My internet has been slow, and it slipped my mind. :/ No bonus for me.

Anyway, I've gotten all books as prizes, which is always awesome.

Aww, not fair! :P I haven't received a single book so far!



Anyway, yesterday none of the options really impressed me, so I voted for the Taelia plushie just because I like Taelia and it is sort of cute (it's not something I would actually put on my pets though). As for today, it was a no-brainer: Relic Korbat! I love it! I like Relic pets in general, but the expression on the Korbat just makes it even more awesome. I'd totally own that pet! It's a shame it will most likely lose to the Mutant Poogle... Which, by the way, I don't understand why it's so popular. I just think it's too ugly (and not in the cool-mutant way others are) and has too much going on. It's like a weird combination of Magma, Robot and Dimensional.

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I was about to vote for the mutant Poogle. I mean I love details, I really do so it almost received my vote. Then I thought of some of the other colors and how not detailed their colors are. Totally unfair. Poogles and Korbats get this and Quiggles get a tan and three dots? No. I refuse to support this conspiracy. >:U

I have the same thoughts for the Korbat. The Woodland Ruki looks a bit messy to me design-wise.


I voted for the Camouflage Lenny although I don't like it that much either.


I received a Disco Pteri Plushie.

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I love the spooky Relic Korbat, but I'm gonna have to go with the Lenny just because I love the colours that emulate real animals. so, gonna go with that one instead.


Wow! Today's topic was FAR less unanimous that yesterdays - a lot of people voted for my fave! Darn, now I wish I could change it. DX But..still, the Lenny was the one that emulated a real bird, despite the Korbat being my favourite. I don't know why I LOVE spooky themed things so much, but, I do. *facepalms self*

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I voted for Kell for best hair. :laughingsmiley: Though Corbin was also nice.


For some reason, I don't even see Chadley's hair as "hair". It looks more like extended fur!


I received a Goldy Plushie as the reward for voting.

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Best hair, Neopies? Are we really going to do this? Am I going to judge hair? Okay okay.


Uh. I voted for Chadley's hair. The small curl part gets me. Plus, I like green.


I actually like when any Neo characters are designed as if their fur or mane is being styled into a cool hairstyle.

Something about Corbin and Kell bothered me-- especially their hair. I guess I'll say so now but I don't like either of them very much at all.

Siyana-- I don't even know.


I received How To Make Mud Sculptures.

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I have no idea who to vote for. I do know I'm not voting for Chadley however, as I can't stand him XD Siyana's looks pretty in the back, but the bull horn look in the front is just....I don't know. And I think most faeries are the ones with the best hair XD


I guess I'll vote for Corbin's then. Got a Tofu Pumpkin.

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Voted for the Tyrannia Revamp today. I felt the art was badly in need of a revamp and the new map looks pretty great to me. I do like that in the Money Tree revamp, we can now get NC items, but felt that the Tyrannia revamp was a bigger deal. Received: Decorating Your Hut

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