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Got temp. silenced for talking about the daily neopets!

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NeoMail® Web Messaging

Anyone found to be breaking our rules will have their account permanently frozen. If you spot anything that isn't right and our monitors haven't addressed the problem, please notify us using this form and it will be removed ASAP.

From: tntasplode.gif
[theneopetsteam] The Neopets Team
» Make this user your Neofriend Sent: 25/9/2013 02:17am Folder: Inbox Subject: Official Warning from The Neopets Team Message: Your account has been silenced for 24 hours 0 minutes. for breaking the following rule: Please do not post off-site links of ANY kind or advertise commercial websites. Also for your own safety, do not exchange user information for other websites and games (this includes friend codes!)

The following is the message(s) that caused you to receive this warning. Any profanity, inappropriate language, or bad acronyms have been replaced with asterisks (****):

Do you have an account on jellyneo or the daily neopets forums?
While your account is silenced, you will not be able to communicate with or contact other users, or edit any of your content. You can still play Neopets during your account's silencing, though. Please remember that communicating with other Neopets users via the Neoboards or Neomail is a privilege, so it's important to be a good Neopian citizen and treat others with respect.

If you feel that your account has been silenced in error, please contact support.

Just... WHOA, and here I was thinking they ALLOWED us to speak of neopets fan sites!

Basically, you can talk about information on the TDN Forums, but asking outright if someone has an account/attempting to communicate with them outside of Neo is a big no-no. Also, no linking to it. (it's not a certified fansite; tdnforums.com =/= thedailyneopets.com)


They make this so because you're not to attempt to contact certain Neopets players outside of Neopets for protection, because if they divulge that information, people will be able to track them down and communicate with them outside of Neopets. This can be dangerous since outside Neo, communication can't be monitored, who knows if you'll be discussing real-life information on the forums, etc.


Basically, you can talk about information on the TDN Forums, but asking outright if someone has an account/attempting to communicate with them outside of Neo is a big no-no. Also, no linking to it. (it's not a certified fansite; tdnforums.com =/= thedailyneopets.com)


They make this so because you're not to attempt to contact certain Neopets players outside of Neopets for protection, because if they divulge that information, people will be able to track them down and communicate with them outside of Neopets. This can be dangerous since outside Neo, communication can't be monitored, who knows if you'll be discussing real-life information on the forums, etc.

I have to emphasize that Neopets is a site that has a sizeable population of non-adult players (not just children but teenagers). This is the reason why they have ZERO tolerance policy. In fact, I believe they are legally bound to act like this.


Well I think it's a load of bull-crap, since beneath your neopet on the left is:


Neopets on Facebook



If that is'n't hypocrit I don't know what is. Facebook is MADE for online networking and socializing, even more so than any forum could ever be. and Facebook is a lot more likely to have pedophiles than thedailyneopets forums.


I'm sure if you would have said the daily neopets without the forums you would have been fine. I can understand your frustration but be glad it's just a silencing and only 1 day. You have to be really careful at what you say.


I do agree though that facebook is worse.


I wanted to clarify that even though the TDN main site and JN are Official Fan Sites, you are still not allowed to try to get people to contact you there. Even if TDNF was an Official Fan Site, you could still get a warning for it. They clarified that in a recent Editorial.

The Editorial: (It's the 2nd question below the Unicorn images)

TNT, I've seen a lot of people getting warnings over posting the Jellyneo link to their wishlist. Just wondering where you guys actually stand on posting the link? ~jotty346


There's a bit of confusion with a few different links out to fan sites, so here's the skinny. As we already know, it's against the rules to give out information with the intent of meeting up or contacting each other on another site. (It's part of the "Personally Identifiable Information" set of rules that state you can't give out any information that people could use to contact you outside of Neopets, like your email address, AIM username, off-site forum username, or blog, etc.) That doesn't change just because the link happens to lead to a Recommended fan site. If you link to your profile on a fan site telling someone to look you up there, then you're attempting to facilitate off-site contact and that's bad. Now, if you're linking out to a Recommended fan site because you're using a nifty feature of theirs to enhance your Neopets experience (such as a game guide or wishlist or avatar checklist), then that's totally fine. The difference is that one has the intent of meeting up off-site and the other has the intent of providing information to another player for gameplay purposes (to get a better score in Daily Dare, to trade items with you, etc.).


Well I think it's a load of bull-crap, since beneath your neopet on the left is:


Neopets on Facebook



If that is'n't hypocrit I don't know what is. Facebook is MADE for online networking and socializing, even more so than any forum could ever be. and Facebook is a lot more likely to have pedophiles than thedailyneopets forums.

It's a link to their facebook page, giving out information about Neopets. It's still against the rules to get information about another player and contact them on Facebook, the same way it is on the forums, tumblr, or any other site.


Still, a 14 year old girl could talk on that facebook page, and a predator could approach her! she shares her neopets info, predator sends her neopets gifts on her account. They get close and share more contact info over facebook and tada! Everything neopets tries so desperately to avoid made so very easy by facebook.


They should throw a big fat pie in the facebook >.>;

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