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Easiest Game Avatars

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Guest JussttBre

Which game avatars did you find easiest to get? I personally struggle immensly with game avatars so wondering what other people found easy to try those first. Thank you ;)


Easiest flash game avatar, hands down, is the Whack-a-Kass one. Scoring 850+ in the game is a no-brainer. View TDN's Guide if you don't play the game, it's really fairly simple :)

Other game avatars I found relatively easy are Advert Attack, Sutek's Tomb, Meepit Juice Break, Meepit vs Feepit, Snowmuncher, Eliv Thade, Mutant Graveyard, Freaky Factory and Gadgadsgame. Now most games will have their corresponding guides and tips on how to obtain the avatar, so be sure to read up on those guides and practice a bit, since most games will take some time to get used to :) I played for hours to get the hang of the game, but not too much all in one day since it tends to give you a headache! Practice still makes perfect, even with "easier" games.
There are also a bunch of non-flash game avatars you can try for like Kiss the Mortog, Double or Nothing, Tyranu Evavu, etc.You can find all the available game avatars here. Good luck!

If we're talking about games all together, the easiest is Cliffhanger-Game over. All you have to do is lose! Easiest flash, I'll have to agree with Rune Valentine, Whack-a-kass hands down


I personally thought that Meepit VS Feepit was the easiest avatar for me to get. Again, if you just follow TDN's guide, it can be won fairly easily. Also, I racked up a decent amount (probably 650ish) of neopoints playing it. I got it on my first try.


Good luck!


For these avatars you needs some luck/time, but they are not really hard:

Bilge Dice, Count von Roo's Deadly Dice, Dice-A-Roo, Gormball - Gargarox, Mortog Smooch, Must... Keep... Smiling..., Poogle Racing Winner and Techo - Cheesy


These I find just easy games to get to the avatar score:

Cliffhanger - Game Over, Magax: Destroyer, Meepit Vs Feepit, Top Gamer, Turtum and of course: Whack-a-Kass


Yeah, I would definitely agree that Sutek's Tomb, Kass Basher, and Eliv Thade are the easiest to get. For the last one- there are both regular word anagram solvers out there, and neopet word specific ones. ;)

Guest JussttBre

Ok thanks guys. Guess I should go start working on getting those out of the way ;)


I found the magax II avatar easy..Im hopeless at games and to begin with I couldn't get above 80 points but then I seemed to get the hang of it and within an hour I had the avatar.


Do read the game guides if you are going for it and use the left arrow key like a brake, once you realise there is plenty of time and nothing is going to come at you that you dont expect its just a case of working your way through it methodically


I think the easiest ones for me to get were Whack-a-Kass, Suteks Tomb, Carnival of Terror and Snowmuncher (know the secret codes for the last three though). That's just off the top of my head, I can't remember all the flash game avvies right now, I'm sure there were a couple others I thought were easy too.


It does take a lot of practice to get better at them. Read the guides to help you, and just never give up. You'll get better.


I don't think Spacerocketed Is that hard but I am still working on getting that one. And I don't know what I am doing wrong with Whack a Kass but I still haven't got the one. So I guess Cliffhanger is the easiest to get!


And I don't know what I am doing wrong with Whack a Kass but I still haven't got the one.

Here's a tip I didn't know for the longest time: keep holding the left most button* down when you hit the kass until he reaches his peak right before it starts hurtling downward, then click again in time with its impact on the ground to make it bounce farther.


Oh, and personally I would add Destruct-o-Match III to the list. It can be a pain at first, but if you play everyday you'll get there.



*Or the spacebar, though I swear it doesn't work as well. Probably I'm imagining it.


Anyone have tips for Snowmuncher? I'm terrible at it, and I'm already doing the thing where I replay the second level multiple times. I think I'm not getting enough purple gems, but those worms are always in the way.


Anyone have tips for Snowmuncher? I'm terrible at it, and I'm already doing the thing where I replay the second level multiple times. I think I'm not getting enough purple gems, but those worms are always in the way.

It's mostly a matter of luck - if you don't get a lot of purple gems in the first round of you playing the second level, just restart :) You're less likely to waste your time that way, playing a level without a lot of gems kind of defeats the purpose. Keep trying, good luck! :)


In the early levels, i eat all the blocks I can before really entering the next level. Keep an eye on your bloated level though.

In the later levels I try to move to the middle if possible, to get to the potion more easily.


Anyone have tips for Snowmuncher? I'm terrible at it, and I'm already doing the thing where I replay the second level multiple times. I think I'm not getting enough purple gems, but those worms are always in the way.



Remember the code 'buuuurrrrrrrrp' (4 u's and 8 r's) to reduce your bloat by 50% when you get into a pinch.


I'm terrible at Eliv Thade! :sad02:

Meerca Chase and the Kass one were pretty easy for me. I nearly killed myself trying to get the Buzzer Game avvie, tho. (but I did get it, yay!)


For Eliv Thade, do the hard level and use an anagram solver ;)


Also, I went back to Advert Attack after 2 years of not playing it and got the avatar on my first try!

Strange, because I was terrible at it before...




For Eliv Thade, do the hard level and use an anagram solver


Yeah, I found a guide with an anagram solver! But my luck ended there.

I just finished playing Eliv Thade. Twice. On BOTH occasions, they couldn't process my (avatar winning) score.

Can I kill myself now? :sad02: :sad02: :sad02:


Yeah, I would definitely agree that Sutek's Tomb, Kass Basher, and Eliv Thade are the easiest to get. For the last one- there are both regular word anagram solvers out there, and neopet word specific ones. ;)


Agreeing with this.


Yeah, I found a guide with an anagram solver! But my luck ended there.

I just finished playing Eliv Thade. Twice. On BOTH occasions, they couldn't process my (avatar winning) score.

Can I kill myself now? :sad02: :sad02: :sad02:


This happened to me too. I nearly cried. Plus twice I lost concentration right near the end :(


Good luck trying again though, the feeling you get when you DO get the avatar will be worth it :)



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