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Last Thing You Bought?

Naamah D.

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What was the last thing you bought? My mom and I went grocery shopping....


1. Rice crackers with wasabi peas

2. Beef taco yakisoba

3. Spicy chicken yakisoba

4. Laughing Cow Swiss cheese

5. 4 Vitaman Waters

6. White chocolate with strawberries in it

7. Pumpernickel-Onion pretzel twist

8. Arizona green tea


So my mom techically bought it, I just picked it out :p



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Not counting lunch on campus. . .


3 pounds of butter

8 large bananas

half a gallon cream

half a gallon half & half

5 pounds of flour

1 pound of powdered sugar

mascarpone cheese

bag of lemons

1 pound of ground chuck

box of crackers

1 can condensed milk


I'm sure I'm forgetting something. Anyway, baking much.

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Books! I went to barnes and noble yesterday. AH, I just love that new book smell. :P

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A yummy prawn burrito. :)



Me too - love the new book smell. <3 Bookshops are such a danger zone for me - I could spend so much money in them.

No kidding! Haha. I know the feeling. I always have to limit myself when I go in, otherwise I'll come out with a bag full of ten or so books. It's not easy to stay away either, because it's right down the street from my house. ):


Edit: Last thing I bought was some oldschool PS2 games at gamestop, haha. Dynasty warriors 6 and Jack and Dexter 2&3. I used to have the entire Jack series but they got all scratched up and thrown away during a move. I really missed those games.

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4 doughnuts yesterday. Technically only paid for 3, but the store owner was nice and gave me a free one. :)


Not exactly healthy, but I had a real hankering for some reason! Anyway I ate them all in one go, and I've decided not to feel too bad about it because I haven't eaten any doughnuts in at least a year, haha.

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I bought a buttered, toasted bagel with strawberry Nesquik at the corner store this morning.

Also, I went to Five Guys yesterday and got myself a burger and fries.

(yes i know yesterday was a friday during lent but i don't observe lent shut up)

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Caved & bought a cask key :P Philosopher's wig, I'll get you!

But if it's something offline, got a couple of tickets to a play :D

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Earlier today my boyfriend and I bought a hermit crab, and just now I bought 2 stuffed-crust frozen pizzas (one is 5 cheese and one is pepperoni), zesty curly fries, mozzarella sticks, and a jar of marinara sauce. Yummm :yum:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't remember food purchases but the last important purchase was my IMATS NY ticket ( :

unless you count the cruise I just booked


I'd definitely count that cruise! Where are you going?


My last purchase was a veggie twister on ebay for $4.49. I expect it to be an amazing product that will revolutionise my eating habits and strengthen my wrists.

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