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Earthquake Hits Tyrannia!


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Can't wait for the plot to start! My mind is already racing ahead... Like "Hmm, mayby that rock is a kind of kryptonite that will only work on the uber-boss and there will be a group challenge where we need to forge a magical sword (Eg. melting, forging,...)."

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Oh wow. I was off neo for awhile and now this? How cool! I'm super excited to see what will transpire. For now I'll just keep training, etc. ;) I wonder how Tyrannia is going to play into the whole kankrik thing though? Hmmm...

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I knew it was coming. I KNEW the shaking was coming. I most definitely did not jump a little when my screen started violently shaking, nope!

Psh, I did. And I was expecting it! Scared my roommate with how loud I squealed. Whoops?
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Ha I jumped when my screen shook ^_^. I haven't been on here in a while but hi everyone who may remember me :P best of luck to all with the plot! ^__^.

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Yeah, but hopefully it'll be really awesome when everything gets going. Anyone else think that the Beast from Lair of the Beast might be included in a fight? :P

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Eeee, this is very exciting! I hope this unfolds slowly- I'm gone for a week come Wednesday, and I don't want to miss anything! ;_;

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I just read about this on their fb page but wasn't expecting the screen to shake.. kinda freaked me out /:

Hm, if this "plot" starts this week then I hope it isn't until after Wednesday so I can go home to a faster connection. LOL

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Hm, if this "plot" starts this week then I hope it isn't until after Wednesday so I can go home to a faster connection. LOL




If it starts this week, I hope it's til after wednesday because I have a concert to go to, and I can't miss it for neo. But I might if I have to.

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I'm so not a Battledomer, so not super excited about this plot, but oh well.. I'm more put out at the possibility of NC items being involved, I'm already bled out from Valentine's (my own fault, I know).. And then St. Patty's Day is just around the corner too, like, what the H??? Not sure how much I'm going to be able to invest in this plot either as I'm leaving for Cuba on the 24th and will be gone for a week; now, I'm bringing my laptop with me and my hotel does have an internet cafe, but I'm not sure what their rates are like, so not sure how much I'm going to be able to be online.. Poop..

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Did anyone get the Mad Cackling of a Pirate random event, too? Is that a known one or does it also tie into the plot? Cause I thought it'd be Krawk Island related, too, considering how TNT left the krawken attack event...

Nah, that's an ooooooold random event. It would be nice if TNT picked up the Krawken event though.

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I was excited, but I really don't do the Battledome too much. I'm just hoping that NC won't be a requirement at some point. I'll lose interest completely.

Looking at the source code with nc_mound & what not, there will prolly be some NC elements but I doubt (really hope) it will affect the

main part of the plot (fingers crossed!)

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Holy Farnswap! I got this!


Something was buried in the rocks. Your digging has uncovered:

Wooden Flail


I don't care how HTS it is, it's a 400k item :P

Edit: oops. The price is way lower than the Battlepedia's old review says... -_-

I'm an idiot :arrowhead:

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