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Your thoughts on legalizing marijuana?

Marijuana Legalization  

84 members have voted

  1. 1. Should the U.S legalize marijuana?

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Okay, so what with the recent legalization in Washington state and Colorado I wanted to get everyone here's opinion on this issue. (This may be a bit long as I have a lot of thoughts on this)


I am very pro-legalization for a few different reasons.


One being that the war on drugs is an utter and complete fail. Filling our jails/prisons with "drug" users is throwing all of our money down the drain, and for nothing. I think the war on drugs has probably done the exact opposite of what it was put in place for. Money would be better spent on programs and strategies that actually work. (For hard drug users specifically)


Economists project that the government would save up to $13 billion annually if it were legalized throughout the country. More than half of the money would come from not having to enforce current prohibitions while the other remaining $6 billion would come from taxing marijuana.This alone would help us with the deficit and give us more funding for programs that are suffering.


Another important reason is to keep the children here safe and away from drug dealers. If you think about it which is easier for a 14 year old kid to get there hands on (marijuana or alcohol?) It's easier for them to buy marijuana because (most) drug dealers don't care in the slightest how old you are as long as you have the money.


Medical marijuana (which is only legal in 18 states) has proven time and time again to be beneficial for AIDS, cancer, multiple sclerosis, ADHD, arthritis, insomnia and many other condtions. It's even been helpful in reducing cancer cells in certain types of cancer. I fail to understand why medical use is not legal here at this day and age.


& I'm sure most of us have already heard the argument that alcohol and cigarettes are far worse for us than marijuana. This is true. They are destroying lives everyday by throwing over 700,000 people in jail every year for possession. I've had family and friends who are still affected by the marijuana charges they have from over 10-20 years ago. They still have a criminal record and now are barely scraping by because they cannot find a job.


Last but definitley not least is the government really has no right to the current laws on marijuana as there is no basis for it. They are telling us that they know what's best for us better than we do. We deserve the right to make choices for ourselves. The only reason the government would have a valid excuse to get involved is if the individual was endangering themselves or someone else.


Those are my thoughts. I'm sure some of you will have a different opinion though. So please share and vote! :) Thank you for reading and I look forward to seeing your comments.


(After looking through the debate chat I just realized there is another topic for marijuana legalization that was made at the beginning of this year. Hopefully this is acceptable though because of the recent vote to make it legal in two states in Novemember, but if it needs to be locked I'll just copy and paste it there! I'm sorry for not searching first!)


I'm so lazy and uneducated I'm not going to write a long answer. But anyways here are my opinions briefly.


I've never smoked weed. I was taught from a young age that using marijuana would make you violent, blackout and you could stab your best friend without knowing it. Last year I was an exchange student for one year and I discovered that a lot of people used marijuana. I was shocked. But then I realized nothing of what I had heard was true. They just got a little lazy, ate some cheetos and would just chill.


Compared to alcohol, I have at least 2 friends who were alcoholics before they even turned 17!! I feel like I would rather they'd smoke weed than to come to school with hangovers and getting into fights while drunk. Alcohol and normal cigarettes are far worse and also since studies show that marijuana can be helpful for medical purposes I am all for the legalization of it. People are so uneducated about it and don't know the facts.


I think the whole world should legalize it , not just the USA

I ran out of "likes" but I totally agree with you!


I think it should be legalised for medical use only. As in prescribed by a specialist doctor, not free for any person who feels it will benefit them.


As a nurse I've seen both the good and bad sides of marijuana. And as much as people say marijuana has never killed anyone and doesn't have side effects, they're wrong. What happens when you take a drug? You lose your inhibitions, you can hallucinate and be completely unaware of your surroundings and self. I've seen plenty of cases of where kids have been under the influence of marijuana and only that and have stepped in front of cars.


It's silly to ever compare cigarettes, alcohol and drugs. They all are detrimental to the body and affect different areas (e.g. smoking harms the lungs throat, mouth and nose; alcohol liver and kidney; and drugs most potently the brain). I don't think that every person out there should have access to marijuana because look at where we are now with cigarettes and alcohol. We all know that eventually too much will kill us, but they will never be banned from society because of the tax benefits the government get and the fact they keep raising the tax on them and reaping more benefits from people's abuse of cigarettes and alcohol (I'm speaking for Australia here as we are constantly being given more and more increases on tax for legal substances).


Ultimately, yes marijuana should be legalised, but for medical uses only. Putting a drug substance out there that does have side effects without a control is asking for chaos.


Btw I just want to say I have smoked marijuana several times in my teens and it's a bit hypocritical of me, but nursing has opened my eyes to my naivety that any drug, cigarette or drink could be 'safe'.


I think it should be legalised for medical use only.



I agree , I was busy in the morning and didn't have time to edit and add this point


it should be supervised ... but it can also create problems ... imagine if it's sold in pharmacies as a medicine - then some guys go in to rob the place and take the drug ... things can get violent


I think it should be legalised for medical use only. As in prescribed by a specialist doctor, not free for any person who feels it will benefit them.


As a nurse I've seen both the good and bad sides of marijuana. And as much as people say marijuana has never killed anyone and doesn't have side effects, they're wrong. What happens when you take a drug? You lose your inhibitions, you can hallucinate and be completely unaware of your surroundings and self. I've seen plenty of cases of where kids have been under the influence of marijuana and only that and have stepped in front of cars.

You're right. Marijuana effects everyone differently. People will react differently who have different brain chemistry. I don't see how it's any different than alcohol though - everyone will react differently to that to. I don't see how it's silly to compare the two.


I don't think people say it has no side effects... but the side effects you mention many people do not experience. It's very rare to hallucinate while on marijuana, you would have to take very large doses to do that. I've never known anyone to become unaware of there surroundings from it unless they were a young kid/teen. Most adults I know who do smoke marijuana are actually very responsible people. Just like someone who would sit down after a long days work and drink a beer, except they smoke marijuana.


But, that's kind of beside the point. Whether you think people should smoke it or not it would make sense to be pro-legalization either way. If someone wants to smoke it, they're going to. I highly doubt making it legal will make more people start smoking but it will make them safer in terms of interacting with criminals. So why not tax and regulate it and make it harder for young kids to get there hands on it?


Overall, I'm pro legalisation, but it's a complex issue.

As with everything, if you overdo it, you're gonna have a bad time, so I do think that there needs to be some control. But the more control there is, the more the black market with thrive. The smart people in charge will need to find a balance.


I'm really on the fence here. If it isn't legalized it can't be controlled, but if it is legalized the government(s) will want to put a tax on it, and the users (to avoid the tax) will still buy it from the streets, possibly with other drugs mixed in(or used to cut it or something)


Short answer- Alcohol is freely available to those over a certain age, why shouldn't marijuana be? Just make sure it's properly regulated, as alcohol is. From a purely fiscal viewpoint, like Xandria pointed out, it could be a huge boost to the economy. And let's face it, people who smoke it are obviously going to use it, whether it's legal or not, so why not make some money off it?


People will still use it whether it's legal in their state/country or not, so I don't understand why we don't legalize it for both medical and recreational use and tax it. Bring in some extra money that could definitely do the economy some good, and regulate marijuana at the same time.


You're right. Marijuana effects everyone differently. People will react differently who have different brain chemistry. I don't see how it's any different than alcohol though - everyone will react differently to that to. I don't see how it's silly to compare the two.


I don't think people say it has no side effects... but the side effects you mention many people do not experience. It's very rare to hallucinate while on marijuana, you would have to take very large doses to do that. I've never known anyone to become unaware of there surroundings from it unless they were a young kid/teen. Most adults I know who do smoke marijuana are actually very responsible people. Just like someone who would sit down after a long days work and drink a beer, except they smoke marijuana.


But, that's kind of beside the point. Whether you think people should smoke it or not it would make sense to be pro-legalization either way. If someone wants to smoke it, they're going to. I highly doubt making it legal will make more people start smoking but it will make them safer in terms of interacting with criminals. So why not tax and regulate it and make it harder for young kids to get there hands on it?



I'm all for legalising it I guess, but governments are stupid, to put it simply and I'd rather people with a little more medical knowledge have control over its legalisation, then money hungry idiots.


I understand what you're saying, but there are more long term side effects of marijuana, just the same as chronic smoking and large amounts of alcohol consumption. I'm reading from one of my medicine textbooks now - the effects include distorted perceptions, impaired coordination, difficulty with thinking and problem solving, and disrupted learning and memory (which is practically identical to alcohol consumption, which is where I agree if one drug substance is legalised, why shouldn't the other one be?).


The long-term effects I'm talking about are the heart and their mental health. It increases a person's risk of heart attack and affects the lungs just as smoking tobacco does. There are a variety of other things connected with smoking and ingesting marijuana - but I guess it's truly no different from smoking and drinking. And if anyone over the age of 18 (in Australia) is able to do that then logic would suggest that they should be able to smoke marijuana.


As long as there's heavy advertising on the risks associated (actual proof of risks) so that future younger generations are actually aware; then when people hit a certain age I guess it's there right to choose whether they want to smoke and drink ... and smoke marijuana! I'd still prefer it just for medical use only, but I completely understand why it would be legalised for everyone. I just think government should hand control of to people with more knowledge on marijuana use.


I am pro-legalization however, I really need to point this out (and this apply to cigarettes as well),


As a person who lives within an apartment, I do not want to smell your stinky pot smoke. I shouldn't have to. Unfortunately, people really don't care if it bothers the people. Same thing with the smoking thing. I know it's the person's right and yadda, yadda, yadda, but I wish that laws could be enforced to protect other's within public buildings.


And yes, weed is not as dangerous as cigarette smoke. I'm aware of this. I'm also aware my situation is a unique and complicated one. Weed is a drug, be realistic. Anything which alters you inhibitions is a drug. This includes alcohol, which is a liquid drug and much worse than weed.


I don't smoke weed because I don't smoke anything. I don't want anything heading into my lungs; even if it doesn't cause cancer, it still irritates them. If weed wasn't something that needed to be smoked, I would be totally pro-legalizing it. I'd also like better tests to detect when people are driving and smoking it. You should never be getting high and driving; it slows you down.


So, legalize it, tax the heck out of it, but enforce some policies to ensure people aren't driving around with it in their systems.


Here's my little bit of input :3. So, I know I'm only 16 and so most of you would assume I'd be all "Yeah, like totes legalize it. Good times, getting drunk and high, OMG". Ha you're wrong. I reckon it should be legalised for a very different reason. Two words; Tax Revenue. Imagine how many people would buy marijuana if it was legal. Not only would half the teenage population want some, but hospitals all over the country, and plenty of other people. That would general an incredible amount of tax revenue, which may be just what the US needs to get out of the depths of debt they are currently drowning in. I mean really, did no-one learn from Prohibition during the 1930's? By the way yes, I know the whole "put a tax on it" idea has been mention, but I thought I'd just emphasise it :3.


I live in Washington state, and voted for the legalization of marijuana (as well as gay rights! :D Cause our state ROCKS BALLS). And in all honesty, I support my decision, and furthermore, I support our state for bringing a system for pot.


One thing that has only been brought up lightly is the decriminalization of pot - which is a HUGE thing. While it does suck for law enforcement to enforce DUIs for marijuana related offenses, it sucks even more to criminalize a pot smoker. Our incrimination system is effed up at best, and sending an average pot smoker to be incarcerated is giving them essentially a "You Suck" bill of status. There is not a lot of people once in the system that can maintain jobs, a healthy lifestyle, etc. once they get out and that just sucks.


To me, and I know people have arguments that it shouldn't, I compare it to alcohol. I am a recreational user, and I prefer vastly to smoking pot rather than "getting buzzed" off of alcohol. My body tolerates the drug better, and I don't have as many nasty side effects.


I guess I'm really just pro-education though. I'm tired of erroneous words going around that pot is a lethal drug, or that it induces hallucinations - especially from anyone that HASN'T tried it. I mean, I understand it from a medical point - THC kills brain cells. But so does every day things, and as long as we educate our society not to overdose on ANYTHING, and go about life a little bit more cautiously, I think legalizing pot won't really be the biggest deal. But then again, alcohol is linked to approximately 75000 American deaths a year, and I don't know how many times I've heard "Don't Drink and Drive" or "Drink Responsibly."


But all in all, for Washington state, nothing has really changed. Pot was put on lowest priority for cops years ago, and if you live in the greater Seattle area, chances are you've tried it at least once. We just eat a lot more cheetoes and listen to a lot more indie bands :D


Marijuana does more damage mentally then people think.

It stunts the brains growth which becomes more obvious once one gets older and hasn't matured due to the effects of Marijuana.

Also, Psychosis, anxiety, depression and other mental illness can be triggered or worsened.


Also, I have tried it and spend time around friends who use it a lot so my comment is based on that.

Personal Experience and observation.



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I only said no because I know for a fact that some people will abuse it and use it for unnecessary purposes.


I say no because who wants to smell marijuana on the street. If it is public, people will smoke weed the same way they will smoke cigarettes, and I just don't like that feeling. Although, I do believe in de-criminalizing marijuana.


I'm.. Err.. Canadian, but, a lot of the decisions in the U.S. affect us... So.. I guess I can kind of answer. I feel as though I lean towards the "no" a bit more than the "yes"... I don't use it, I don't plan on using it because the smell alone makes me feel sick. The stuff you said about how much the government would save, room in jail, etc, yeah. That's legitimate.. But at the same time, there are really stupid people in this world that would take advantage of it being legalized. I know it's not as bad as alcohol or cigarettes, but it still causes people to act pretty stupid when they use it. There would be more people going to school high than there already is, there would definitely be people who decide to drive whilst being on it ( which would cut down the governments savings due to accidents that will inevitably happen ), and bleh. I don't think it should be that big of a deal if someone used it if it isn't legal, though. The place they take in jail could have been used for a murderer or something. But, anyway, that's just overall legalization. If it was legalized solely for medical purposes, yeah. That's fine. When my Grandpa had cancer he considered getting it to help him, even. But, for all the reasons I've said, I do not think it should be legalized.


I think a lot of people are misunderstanding the term of legalization.


Legalization means that it is not ILLEGAL to do an action.

Legalization does NOT mean that we are encouraging the action to happen. It's just that if the action happens, it will no longer be considered a criminal act.


Before pot was legalized, people went to jail for smoking marijuana. If you do not support pot becoming legalized, people will still be in jail for smoking pot. So for those people that think it shouldn't be a big deal, that is sort of contradictory towards lawmaking. And if it's "okay" and "not a big deal" to break this law, then what does this say about our attitude towards abiding the law.


For example, it is ILLEGAL to have sexual intercourse with a 14 year old when you are 17 years old depending on the state. If you are 17, and your partner is 15 then it is LEGAL. That does not mean we encourage seventeen year olds to have sexual relations with fifteen year olds, it just that that is the age in which you will not be prosecuted under law.


I don't think we should encourage people to smoke more pot - any more than we should encourage them do to any other drug or alcohol related activities. However, the argument is not about its morality as much as its legality. And while morality plays a factor in it, it is not the main contributor.


I've already posted my views long ago in the old marijuana chat, so I'll make this brief. I want to address an argument that I see often.


The argument: We should legalize something, because people will do it regardless, and at least this way it will be easier to regulate.

My counter-argument: We should legalize theft, because people do it regardless, and at least this way it will be easier to regulate. (Discworld fans? Anybody?)

The rebuttal to my counter-argument: That's different, because theft is something that affects other people, whereas marijuana/abortion/etc. is something that only affects the person involved.

My response: Why didn't you lead off with that argument?


I'm just not a fan of nanny state laws, I guess. I feel like the argument is strongest when it's about how it affects other people.



Anyway, basic summing up of my views here...if you care about the reasons supporting it, you can find me in the old marijuana chat:


*Medical marijuana NEEDS to be legalized, absolutely, and I actually will take it as a personal offense if you disagree with me. Sorry, but it will not be too long before I will need medical marijuana once (ONCE!) every few months to reverse the damage from my disability and be able to walk.


*Regular marijuana needs to be decriminalized at a minimum. Jail time for marijuana is a waste of time, money, court systems, space...no. Just fine people instead--say, $200 for the first offense, $400 for the second, $1,000 for the third...whatever. Something like that.


*However, I ultimately think that legalization should happen, but very cautiously. It's hard--there ARE things you have to regulate. But just because something's hard to think about doesn't mean it's worth giving up on. We need to figure out a system for measuring how much marijuana in the system is too much for driving, we need to figure out discrimination laws (are employers still allowed to fire people for smoking marijuana? Within how long of work hours?), we need to figure out where you can legally smoke. The point of smoking in apartments is a really good one--and in all apartments I've lived in, you're not allowed to smoke cigarettes. Can you smoke outdoors? Only in specific marijuana bars? Only at home? (In the case of apartments, that will narrow it down.) There's more to think about than people think.


CANNABIS should absolutely positively be legal for every man, woman, and child to use as they wish. Legalization without taxation. Decriminalizing only makes the penalties not as severe and nobody should face penalties, fines or anything else to use such a BENEFICIAL herb. Let me begin:


We could save our economy (taxing products made from Cannabis/Hemp) and create jobs at home. Cannabis is a hardy plant (grows like a weed) that improves soil conditions rather than depleting them. Cannabis can be grown just about anywhere, quite efficiently, reducing transportation costs. We could produce our own fuel using hemp and not have to depend on foreign oil. We could make biodegradable plastic products which would help out our planet as a whole.


Cannabis has been used as an Oriental herbal medicine for 5,000 years. From 1850-1937 Cannabis was used as the prime medicine for more than 100 separate illnesses or diseases in the U.S. pharmacopoeia.


There has never been one documented case of it killing anyone. So no, I guess it's not fair to compare it to cigarettes or alcohol or drugs, that kill hundreds of thousands yearly. Scientists say it is impossible to lethally overdose on Cannabis.


Donald Tashkin of UCLA conducted the largest study of it's kind on the link between lung cancer and marijuana use:


"We hypothesized that there would be a positive association between marijuana use and lung cancer, and that the association would be more positive with heavier use," he said. "What we found instead was no association at all, and even a suggestion of some protective effect." http://www.washingto...6052501729.html


As far as Cannabis destroying brain cells, well that's just not true either. The U.S. Government has a patent (#6630507) Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants.


High-dose cannabis stimulates growth of brain cells in rats:



More articles on Marijuana and the brain can be found here:



As for mental health this study here: http://www.ncbi.nlm....says "Although cannabis use precedes the onset of illness in most patients, there was no significant association between onset of illness and CUD that was not accounted for by demographic and clinical variables. Previous studies implicating CUD in the onset of schizophrenia may need to more comprehensively assess the relationship between CUD and schizophrenia"


and this study: http://www.ncbi.nlm....d/20483565 The results of the present analysis suggest that (cannabis use) in patients with SZ (schizophrenia) is associated with better performance on measures of processing speed and verbal skills.


and this study: http://www.ncbi.nlm....bmed/22595870 Researchers reported, "[W]e observed a lower mortality risk-adjusted variable in cannabis-users compared to cannabis non-users despite subjects having similar symptoms and antipsychotic treatments." Authors speculated that the association between marijuana use and decreased mortality risk may be because "cannabis users may (be) higher functioning" and because "cannabis itself may have some health benefits."


This article: http://coloradoindep...es-lives talks about this study: http://dmarkanderson..._16_12_v1.pdf

Researchers analyzed traffic fatalities nationwide, and in those states that have legalized medical marijuana they found that alcohol consumption went down among those 20 to 29 years old, resulting in fewer deaths on the road.


Dr. Melanie Dreher did a groundbreaking study on Cannabis effects on pregnant women, mothers and children. She talks about it here: http://www.cannabisc.../1404.html and here:


This article is really interesting, talking about a study showing that pregnant women who smoke cannabis have a lower infant mortality rate: http://www.opposingv...nfant-mortality


Then we come to Cancer. Cannabis CURES cancer naturally without any harmful side effects. It's being done every day using Cannabis Oil or a.k.a Rick Simpson Oil. People are regulating their diabetes with the stuff as well as treating various other ailments. We have an endocannabinoid system, actually they have found that everything but insects have an endocannabinoid system. We create our own cannabinoids naturally. Scientists are speculating that a rise in disease could be linked to a deficiency in cannabinoids, because when the body is saturated with cannabinoids (like via Cannabis Oil) whatever is wrong, rights itself. This is fascinating stuff!



You don't HAVE to smoke Cannabis, you can eat it. In fact when you smoke it, you lose like 80% of the benefits. THC is only activated when heated, it's THC that kills Cancer that is why Cannabis Oil is used to cure Cancer. Many people juice cannabis to receive health benefits,



I have a page that I've been working on compounding all the information I've come across on Marijuana/Cannabis, you can check it out here: http://sarahjmuma.wo...na-information/


I would like to add that I have been smoking Cannabis daily pretty much non stop for the past 20yrs (I am 30yrs old). I was an Honor Student throughout school getting As and Bs (if you find importance in such things), I was in the Marching Band, had friends and was on friendly terms with majority of my teachers. I'm now a married, homeschooling, stay at home mommy of 3 who is a political and health activist.


Here's one quick point I'd like to make.


I know people often point to alcohol use as a way to excuse the tokers, but honestly, with ALL the drunk/buzzed driving we ALREADY have, why in the world would anyone want to create MORE distracted drivers? Buzzed, or looking for their bag of Doritos because they've got the munchies? IF National legalization happens, and I am vehemently against that, I would propose that the penalties for causing an accident while buzzed or completely plastered, be increased SEVERELY. To disuade people from driving under the influence.


I live in Wisconsin, the town and rural areas surrounding it have at least 1 dozen bars. the only eateries in the enttire area you can go to that don't have a bar would be the fast food joints. (pardon the pun) It's hard enough to curb the drunk drivers, if you legalize pot, what next? Crack? Meth? etc.? And there's always a HUGE influx when something illegal is legalized. Look at the states that HAVE legalized for proof of that. And it's not always "responsible" people who know not to drive while high.


We've got enough problems with people exercizing poor judgement, so why the heck should it be easier for more people to make even worse judgement calls by hampering their own judgement and wind up possibly killing someone?


It's a slippery slope, and to open the door would just cause a rush to legalize everything.


Besides, there've been studies out, that show when young people start to drink and/or do drugs, that their brain basically STOPs growing. So you've got young people who grow up to be adults, who never mature beyond the point of starting to drink or get high. Remember in our parents age, when they said that "Cigarettes will stunt your growth"? Before the public knew how bad cigs actually were? Well drinking and/or drugs stunt the brain's growth primarily when done illegally by young people who's brains are still growing and making crucial synaptic connections that will impact how a person acts/reacts their entire life!

I've seen this first hand in my own sibling. It's screwed up their life totally, and they are only JUST NOW, FINALLY (at the age of 29) able to start getting their life put together and figured out.


We start out with a limited number of brain cells anyway and they die fast enough as it is, WHY kill 'em faster?


And yeah, for me, this is one "quick" point. I could go into other points, but meh, maybe later. I've got things to do. But I'll close with this last bit. Legal or illegal, people WILL abuse this stuff, and it negatively impacts everyone around them. Isn't there enough pain in this world already?


Here's one quick point I'd like to make.


I know people often point to alcohol use as a way to excuse the tokers, but honestly, with ALL the drunk/buzzed driving we ALREADY have, why in the world would anyone want to create MORE distracted drivers? Buzzed, or looking for their bag of Doritos because they've got the munchies? IF National legalization happens, and I am vehemently against that, I would propose that the penalties for causing an accident while buzzed or completely plastered, be increased SEVERELY. To disuade people from driving under the influence.


I live in Wisconsin, the town and rural areas surrounding it have at least 1 dozen bars. the only eateries in the enttire area you can go to that don't have a bar would be the fast food joints. (pardon the pun) It's hard enough to curb the drunk drivers, if you legalize pot, what next? Crack? Meth? etc.? And there's always a HUGE influx when something illegal is legalized. Look at the states that HAVE legalized for proof of that. And it's not always "responsible" people who know not to drive while high.


We've got enough problems with people exercizing poor judgement, so why the heck should it be easier for more people to make even worse judgement calls by hampering their own judgement and wind up possibly killing someone?


It's a slippery slope, and to open the door would just cause a rush to legalize everything.


Besides, there've been studies out, that show when young people start to drink and/or do drugs, that their brain basically STOPs growing. So you've got young people who grow up to be adults, who never mature beyond the point of starting to drink or get high. Remember in our parents age, when they said that "Cigarettes will stunt your growth"? Before the public knew how bad cigs actually were? Well drinking and/or drugs stunt the brain's growth primarily when done illegally by young people who's brains are still growing and making crucial synaptic connections that will impact how a person acts/reacts their entire life!

I've seen this first hand in my own sibling. It's screwed up their life totally, and they are only JUST NOW, FINALLY (at the age of 29) able to start getting their life put together and figured out.


We start out with a limited number of brain cells anyway and they die fast enough as it is, WHY kill 'em faster?


And yeah, for me, this is one "quick" point. I could go into other points, but meh, maybe later. I've got things to do. But I'll close with this last bit. Legal or illegal, people WILL abuse this stuff, and it negatively impacts everyone around them. Isn't there enough pain in this world already?

You seem to be very misinformed about this. I definitley would ask if you would read evilminx's post if you haven't already. She is spot on and has done her research. Legalizing marijuana would not lead to some trickle down effect 'legalizing all drugs' as you seem to think. That just sounds silly. Crack, meth, speed, they are all harmful. Prescription pills are far more harmful, yet legal. Marijuana is beneficial and if someone wants to smoke it, the government doesn't need to stand in there way. It's not harming anyone. As someone previously mentioned, by legalizing it we are not encouraging everyone to smoke it. It just means those people do not face fines and penalties. Which is the way it should be. I feel terrible for anyone who has been judged from using or who has had to deal with being treated like a criminal.... over what? A beneficial plant. One that has so much crazy superstitiution attached to it that it has taken us this long to finally get somewhere. But we are getting somewhere, thankfully. I'm hoping in the next decade it will be legal everywhere.


Marijuana DOES NOT kill brain cells. That is untrue. Anyone who thinks it's true has been mislead.

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