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I've been very scared about this whole end of the world thing. I'm actually starting to think that the world is going to end. I've quit doing fun things because I see no point in doing them if the world is going to end. All I want to do is sleep and listen to music. I can't listen to any songs with the words "end of the world" in them or else I get highly paranoid. So I'm not doing anything fun until I see what happens that day. I'm sleeping with my lamp on and expecting the worst.


Has anyone ever been fearful to the point where you don't even want to bother doing fun things anymore?


If that's how you feel, I think you should be doing the fun things. If I thought the end was near, I'd probably be shaking in my boots too, so it's hard to give advice. I guess I don't see the logic in not wanting to bother doing things you enjoy. My thoughts have circulated more around not wanting to bother buying presents if the December 21st is judgement day, and practical stuff like that. But then I figure that I'm going to be screwed if and when we're alive by christmas and I haven't made any preparations. Not that I have it any serious consideration. I'm more in a "whatever happens, happens" state of mind.


The only thing my fears prevent me from doing, is things that make me fearful.


Personally, I don't think the world is going to end. I consider the Bible a far more reliable source than a primitive civilization from hundreds of years ago, and the Bible says that no one knows when the world will end (except God, obviously).


However, if it is going to, there's no point worrying about it. As karmacow said, if it is going to end, have as much fun as you can before it does!


Ease up, girl! *hugs*


I'm confident in believing that the world is NOT going to end and people are going on with it more as a joke. Plus, it was already stated that it was just the end of the Mayan calendar, that's all.


Moreover, rapture was also supposed to happen twice in 2011 (they got the date wrong the first time, if I recall correctly) and here we still are!


Don't let some whackadoodles crazy thoughts, or people on the internet taking things too far, stop you from living your life. :)


See you on the 22nd!


Personally, I don't think the world is going to end. I consider the Bible a far more reliable source than a primitive civilization from hundreds of years ago, and the Bible says that no one knows when the world will end (except God, obviously).


However, if it is going to, there's no point worrying about it. As karmacow said, if it is going to end, have as much fun as you can before it does!




I mean come on.

There's been hundreds of theories on when the world is gonna end. 1/1/2000, May 21 2012, upon many others. I doubt it's gonna end this one. I mean, I have been a bit scared, but that doesn't stop me from living life as usual.


Although, having said the above, this thread inspired me to make the following:




Is probably only funny if you live in the UK or somewhere else they have Lynx deodorant... :P


More seriously - this page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_phenomenon is also helpful:


"Scholars from various disciplines have dismissed the idea of such cataclysmic events occurring in 2012. Professional Mayanist scholars state that predictions of impending doom are not found in any of the extant classic Maya accounts, and that the idea that the Long Count calendar "ends" in 2012 misrepresents Maya history and culture, while astronomers have rejected the various proposed doomsday scenarios as pseudoscience,stating that they conflict with simple astronomical observations."


Like Finn stated, so many failed predictions.


It sort of sounds like you may have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or depression. What you said sounds a lot like what I go through everyday. The anxiety of doing things stops me, and perhaps you staying in is your compulsion? I'm not a doctor, but being like is an odd sort of behavior. (Yes, I have OCD. Diagnosed at 14.)


But this is a silly thing to even consider. People always predict it and it never ever happens.


I too highly doubt the world is going to end on the 21st. However, if I did believe the world were going to end, I don't think I'd stop doing fun things - I think I'd do all the fun things I could find to do! If the world is going out, might as well get all the good stuff out of the way before it goes, right? There's no point in spending your last days terrified.


I'm not worried about the world ending ... it's already tomorrow in Australia




Quite funny you mention that actually. Most Australians I've spoken to have said they'd wake up on the 22nd and rejoice (greatly as a joke mind you), without actually thinking that the Mayans would have calculated it in their own timezone and therefore the world will (supposedly) end on the 22nd Australian time.


I'm not concerned. If the world was going to end in a dramatic hell-on-earth senario I highly, highly doubt it could be predicted by anyone, let alone a civilisation of people who believed the first world ended when a Jaguar ate all the people on earth (http://www.exitmundi.nl/Maya.htm).


And anyway, as disaster movies have proven time and time again, things manly unfold in America. The rest of us should be fine :D


And anyway, as disaster movies have proven time and time again, things manly unfold in America. The rest of us should be fine :D

Well geez. Way to be considerate of us. :P

  • 1 year later...

This might not sound very optimistic, but this is what I believe in. This is what my English teacher told me back in high school.


If the world is ending tomorrow, that would be great because we won't have to go to work/school and not care about mortgages/loans etc. If you got hit by a bus on the way to school/work, wouldn't it be better not to have a job/school so that you didn't have to die from that accident? But no, we don't know. We live, go to school/work because we believe in the possibility that we're not going to die and there's no one to help us when we don't die.


I live on the possibility that tomorrow will come for me, even if I don't want it to.

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