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TNT are liars.

Lady Lyuba

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They TOLD us they would take Habitarium down every night from 2-4AM NST. BUT NO! GUESS WHAT THEY DO INSTEAD!? THEY TAKE IT DOWN FROM 1-6 AM!!!!!! This had better be temporary because that is awfully long for people in other time zones to not be able to access Habi and what they are doing is cutting off access to the game for people where it is the middle of the day or the evening when they are usually online.


Did TNT get their times mixed up and say it 2-4 AM when they really meant 1-6 AM!? Is this temporary, are are they just lying to us!?


I think we all looked a gift Uni in the mouth. I did anyway. Man oh man am I furious at TNT. I really have a lot of words to say at them that I really shouldn't say.....I'm so enraged.

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I know! Ugh, the night before it was taken down at 1am NST. I think maybe they meant to say 1am NST but it was just an accident?

They are doing it for way over two hours though. Last time it was four hours! I don't remember it being 6amNST... because last night I was able to access it by 4amNST.


Either way it stinks! I had habi running and wanted to have my pets resting while the maintenance was being done. D:

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Write into the editorial or submit a ticket asking for clarification. Only thing you can really do imo


Wrote an editorial question, hope it gets answered. A lot of other very angry Habi players are complaining about the same thing and are sending in tickets, complaints, and questions. Hopefully TNT will do something about this.


I'm surprised nobody has locked this yet. Shouldn't this belong on the Habitarium Help Board,since this topic is Habi related? But then again, it does seem to be partly a different issue......

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I think it might be best to wait a couple of days before getting angry! The extra-long downtime might just have been a one-off.


Quite why the Habitarium needs 2 hours of maintenance a night is an interesting question, but I'm prepared to wait and see...

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I think it might be best to wait a couple of days before getting angry! The extra-long downtime might just have been a one-off.


Quite why the Habitarium needs 2 hours of maintenance a night is an interesting question, but I'm prepared to wait and see...


They most likely aren't doing any "maintenance" and if they are it is very minor. I think the reason this was set up is because they kept getting ticket after ticket of people that were locked out. They were probably just sick of it and got fed up. Maybe they are working on adding new levels or something. I don't know for sure. Honestly though, I think it's just an attempt to stop people from leaving it on over-night and getting locked out. Too bad they didn't take into account people in different time-zones, like the OP.

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Write into the editorial or submit a ticket asking for clarification. Only thing you can really do imo


I did both of these. I'm annoyed at TNT but not exactly angry. I should be sleeping during the maintenance times anyways and I never leave habi running over night. After about 30 minutes of inactivity my internet connection cuts out so it's not worth it. But tonight I was planning on putting everyone in houses for the night so that I have less to do in the morning. The least they could do is put a notice on the main Habi page to let us know. But what can you do.

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Yes this is quite frustrating, but keep in mind also that the time change is this weekend (-1 hour!) so they might be "testing out" their daylight savings adjustment if habi is taken down nightly by a program. Of course, if this happens more than 3 days in a row I'm going to be questioning the ability of TNT programmers because it really should not take more than 3 tries to fix something. I don't really know why the "maintenance" ::cough:: would be 2 hours long every day either, unless maybe, MAYBE, they're actually doing something for habi. (Someone mentioned the possibility of nightly backups to be used in future lockout cases.)


If this is deliberate time-fudging it is a very odd move on their part, especially with the BD being down right now as well... a lot of people getting upset, and it's not as though Neopets is F2P for everyone so there are those with a right to complain. Yeah, I WENT there, white knights.


Regardless, they need to set a time and stick to it. In my experience people care less about longer maintenance than they do about extended maintenance. If it needs to be 3 hours for a legit maintenance, ok. But don't tell us it's 2 hours and then start EARLY especially if you're going to end late, that's just cruelllll. :(

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I don't know if I'd say they're always lying. I like to cut TNT some slack. With all the new things they come out with and all the different things there are to maintain on the site, I think they're doing a great job! And if they weren't doing site maintenance everyone would start complaining when things weren't working properly. It's a lose lose situation for them but I think they handle things really well.

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TNT are a little lazy, and i'm no fan of them after this last AC, but you gotta remember that they were trying to help the site by fixing Habitarium.

And they're already busy enough with the new BD.



I'm very anti-TNT is most subjects, but the new BD is keeping me happy, so even I can look past little things like Habi being down.

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the moment i saw their answer ... i wasn't surprised !!!


they blatantly and continuously lie in our faces !!!!!


but that's TNT , a bunch of liars and hypocrites


If that's how you feel, why do you play on neopets? Why not go and find another site where the people running it are pure as the driven snow, always transparently honest and basically angels in human clothing?


Personally, I love neopets, and the site has given me many, many hours of happy enjoyment - and for free as well. I call that pretty good value for money :P Of all the gaming sites out there, I haven't found another where you can play for free, for years, still have plenty to do, and not feel any need to sign up for the paid-for parts.


By extension therefore, having created this wonderful site, I think TNT are a pretty good bunch, all-in-all. Of course, they don't get it right all the time - but does anyone?

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Let's look at it this way. If the maintenance is continually going overtime, it's very likely that something is getting done, even if it's just backups. Progress is good. And would you rather have it taken down for a few hours a day, or have it be down for a solid block of 2-3+ weeks?


Remember, it's just a game. Breathe.

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This topic is getting a bit out of hand.


TNT isn't going to be taking down Habitarium just for the fun of it. If they're bringing it down, even if it's earlier than they thought they would need to, it's obviously for a reason. Let's all be patient as they work things through.


Also, there is no need to be attacking other members, whether you agree with their views/opinions or not. Let's keep our posts respectful to everyone, both members and TNT.

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There's no reason to rage about the maintenance of Habi.

Their downtime is to improve and test out any serious issues that could be affecting YOUR gameplay.

Even if it's just a few hours of waiting, why not?..

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I did feel a bit annoyed last night when my Habi was down at 1 and not back up at 5am. But I definitely don't think that we should be bashing TNT. I mean, they are the ones that made this site for us to enjoy in the first place. It won't solve anything by complaining about TNT. If someone does have a problem, sending in a respectful ticket is the way to go.

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TNT are a little lazy, and i'm no fan of them after this last AC, but you gotta remember that they were trying to help the site by fixing Habitarium.

And they're already busy enough with the new BD.



I'm very anti-TNT is most subjects, but the new BD is keeping me happy, so even I can look past little things like Habi being down.

After this years AC, the BD might turn my anti-TNT back into neutral mode!
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Honestly I'm also really frustrated about this. I'm in a completely different timezone and lost all my playing time today. I guess I have to start leaving it on overnight from now on, since I can't get any playing time during the day. This really, really annoys me. I completely agree with Lady Lyuba!!

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There's no reason to rage about the maintenance of Habi.

Their downtime is to improve and test out any serious issues that could be affecting YOUR gameplay.

Even if it's just a few hours of waiting, why not?..


I don't think the OPs reason for starting this topic was the complain about the downtime in general, but more so the time frame that we were told to expect and the downtime we have been receiving.


We were told two hours, between 2AM - 4 AM NST, when really, it's been down between 1AM-6AM NST. That is a considerable difference by anyone standards and can really be a giant thorn in people sides because that could be their entire window of time to play Neopets for the day.


2 hour downtime when it's really 6 hours is a bit of a difference and TNT should have mentioned something IMO.

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I don't think the OPs reason for starting this topic was the complain about the downtime in general, but more so the time frame that we were told to expect and the downtime we have been receiving.


We were told two hours, between 2AM - 4 AM NST, when really, it's been down between 1AM-6AM NST. That is a considerable difference by anyone standards and can really be a giant thorn in people sides because that could be their entire window of time to play Neopets for the day.


2 hour downtime when it's really 6 hours is a bit of a difference and TNT should have mentioned something IMO.

Yea but two hours a day for 1 month is better than 6 hours a day for 10 days. It;ll get done faster. :P
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Yea but two hours a day for 1 month is better than 6 hours a day for 10 days. It;ll get done faster. :P




Do we know that that is TNT's plan? No, we don't, because they told us one thing and are doing another lol You seem to be missing the point entirely.


The maintenance is permanent. It doesn't expire at the end of the month.

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Ouch! I had no idea that the maintenance has been lasting so long :( For those in other time zones, losing two hours of playtime permanently is a bummer, but 6 seems excessive! I do hope this is only temporary.


I suddenly feel very lucky that I'm in the same time zone as TNT; my sympathies go out to the many players that are seriously affected by this :sad01_anim: !

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tnt are liars. They said paying members don't have game play advantage over non paying ones and they come up with fq, lab and game cookies. Worse, they make a stupid excuse in the editorial to say it's not an advantage. In regards to habi, it takes too much maintence to maximize profit, I just shut mine down since last december

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