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She's back right now! I got a Jelly Doughnut from her.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for letting us know! I was hoping I'd be fast enough to get something and I did. I got a book titled "First Flight". I just think it is cool when I get something from Tarla. Couldn't have done it without you!



Lucky you.
Tarla dropped a few things on her way out.
Rampaging Grundonoil Stamp
She's on her way out! Hurry!





Haven't caught her in a WHILE


Lucky you.
Tarla dropped a few things on her way out.
Desert Usul Plushie



Thank you for both posting! When someone posts, and I notice it right away and am fast enough, I usually get something.


Lucky you.

Tarla dropped a few things on her way out.

Halloween Meerca Plushie

Lucky you.

Tarla dropped a few things on her way

I got a Babaa Chair!

Thanks for the heads up jally_muse!!

Not sure what I got.. accidentally refreshed. But She's here!

It just love it when I refresh a page and see your profile pic and "Tarla's Toolbar Treasures" next to it! Because of that I usually get something from Tarla. Awesome!


Lucky you.

Tarla dropped a few things on her way out.

Darigan Peophin Plushie

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