LUNACHARM1037 Posted July 27, 2012 Posted July 27, 2012 I understand you guys don't want short one word responses or text lingo, but the whole 7 word thing is a bit ridiculous, I was just reading a was a complete sentence...6 words, and the post was edited for a forum violation. I see that a lot are we supposed to add extra random words to meet the quota? Maybe the rule should be changed to every post needs to have a proper and complete sentence rather than worry about word count?
Batman Posted July 27, 2012 Posted July 27, 2012 I think it is more of a did you read the rules, yes. Then this is our rules and do it. Also if you have vague rules like complete sentences you might start seeing things like, "Oh, that's cool." It really would add to a lot of spam and short unneeded comments. Just keep things happy and friendly. I mean you have to follow rules no matter what you do so just think of this as one of those. Spritzie 1
Tedhaun Posted July 27, 2012 Posted July 27, 2012 Maybe this excerpt from the The Daily Neopets Forum Guidelines FAQ on posts under 7 words can explain why posts under 7 words are not acceptable at our forums. Short Posts Q: What is a short post? A: A short post is any post that contains less than 7 words. Smilies are not included in this count, as they are not words. Quotes are not counted either because they are someone else's words rather than your own. Q: Why are short posts bad? A: Short posts are considered spammy because they do not add much, if anything, to the conversation. Q: I really want to post, but I only need four or five words to do so. Do you have any suggestions about how to lengthen my post? A: For starters, try elaborating on the topic at hand. If you're posting in the News forum, add in why you like or dislike the news you're posting about. If you're posting in a dicussion, explain why you agree or disagree with someone, or expand on your point of view. There are lots of ways to add more words to your post, and all of them are related to expanding on your point and adding to the dicussion. If you can't think of a single way to add to your post, you're probably better off not posting and simply leaving a comment on someone's profile or sending them a PM. Q: Do abbreviations count as words? A: Used sparingly, abbreviations are considered a single word. "ALP", "kthxbai", and "idk" are all examples of abbreviations that, while they stand for several words, will only count as one. Q: What do you mean by "used sparingly"? A: Overusing chatspeak (abbreviated or otherwise) is considered spam. If you just have one or two cheatspeak words or abbreviations in your post, there is no issue. If your posts consists entirely of chatspeak, it is considered spam regardless of the length of the post. Source: http://www.tdnforums...guidelines-faq/ Hope this explains your case on posts under 7 words. This does not apply in the forum games section of the forums (the 7 word rule however still applies in the Roleplaying and Contests subforums).
Emily Posted July 27, 2012 Posted July 27, 2012 The seven word rule is in place for a number of reasons. First, like Batman said, it's an indication if you read the rules. If you didn't pay attention to the 7 word rule, it's a sign you may not abide by other rules as well. Second, the rule is meant to encourage people to contribute to a conversation. How much of a contribution can you make in under 7 words? Do you agree with someone? Rather then saying "I agree with ___" perhaps expand on WHY, like the guidelines suggest. In short, the rule is meant to encourage people to talk because they have something to share, not just for the sake of talking. Lastly (and kind of tying in with the second point), we don't want people posting short messages simply to increase post count. Don't talk just to talk, talk for the sake of contributing to the conversation/topic at hand. This is especially important in regards to the ALP where posts are taken into consideration when determining collateral for lends. Some people will post anything and everything to increase their post count for lending, which is not allowed. The seven word rule helps to curb this. Spritzie, Lydia Trebond and Mouseykins 3
karmacow Posted July 27, 2012 Posted July 27, 2012 It can seem silly to get warned for a 6 word post but this rule helps the quality of the forum and really make threads worth reading, because in order to post you really need to have something to say. But since this was brought up, I'd like to make a suggestion I've been thinking about: Exclude the faerie quest thread from this rule. It's not a discussion thread and its sole purpose is for users to get links to the cheapest shops so they can hand in the item they're asked for.
Mouseykins Posted July 27, 2012 Posted July 27, 2012 And also if you have six words there is always a way to reword your post so that you at least meet the 7 word minimum. If you put the effort into your posts it's really not that hard. It may seem like a silly rule, but its actually for the benefit of everyone around the forums.
Leigh Posted July 27, 2012 Posted July 27, 2012 I get why you have the 7 word minimum, but honestly, i feel like i'm rambling on most posts to take up space. And believe it or not, this isn't the only forum that i frequent. It's not a matter of "i didn't read the rules so i won't obey the rest", it's "i'm used to bottom line up front" and i forget. i get to the point and don't waste space doing it, so i really have to catch myself here because i'm so used to just "ok", "that's fine", "awesome, i'll write that down" on other forums because 7 words is too much for the post. In those, it's just 7 characters and i usually just type "7char" to take up space. I get it, but at the same time, if the punishments wrack up over time because i, or someone else, forgets, i can see it getting super annoying real quick. And this post is an example of why i'd rather type two words. Because i get on a ramble and miss my kad times. *harumph*
Angeló Posted July 27, 2012 Posted July 27, 2012 I like the seven word rule. Makes me express myself more :)
Batman Posted July 28, 2012 Posted July 28, 2012 I get why you have the 7 word minimum, but honestly, i feel like i'm rambling on most posts to take up space. And believe it or not, this isn't the only forum that i frequent. It's not a matter of "i didn't read the rules so i won't obey the rest", it's "i'm used to bottom line up front" and i forget. i get to the point and don't waste space doing it, so i really have to catch myself here because i'm so used to just "ok", "that's fine", "awesome, i'll write that down" on other forums because 7 words is too much for the post. In those, it's just 7 characters and i usually just type "7char" to take up space. I get it, but at the same time, if the punishments wrack up over time because i, or someone else, forgets, i can see it getting super annoying real quick. And this post is an example of why i'd rather type two words. Because i get on a ramble and miss my kad times. *harumph* This is exactly what the rule is trying to stop. There is no need to respond to a post with "Okay" or "Thanks" or "That's nice" we want conversations and experiences not just the one word responses you might text a friend. It is supposed to encourage new ideas and not just every person posting the same thing. Also it is super important with the ALP, I completely forgot because I don't need those any more. It is a lending based completely on trust, which has been stated before. Therefore being around a lot and helping people is what they want to see not just the "Thanks" or "cool" at the end of another persons thoughtful comment. EDIT: Also you can look at it this way. From the quote of "If you don't have something nice to say, then don't say anything". TDN has taken a slightly different approach to it, if you don't have something constructive to say don't say anything. It isn't that we don't want to hear other peoples opinions, we just want to hear the thought out opinion. evil_minx 1
Crimson Posted July 28, 2012 Posted July 28, 2012 I have been on a couple forums where the "liking" system was replaced by new posts. So if someone made a really good point or opinion (in someone's mind), they would simply post "+1". On several occasions such posts had so many people "liking" it that by the time I got to the next content post, I'd already forgotten what the original post was about. :P
Ashbash Posted July 28, 2012 Posted July 28, 2012 I actually really like the 7 word rule. I think if you're saying something that is less than that, you really aren't adding much to the conversation at all. Another forum I belong to doesn't have a rule like that and we're constantly getting posts that are just like "Cool." or "Awesome." And it gets annoying when there are so many people doing that and you just have to keep scrolling through posts that aren't really adding anything.
passiflora Posted July 28, 2012 Posted July 28, 2012 I actually really like the 7 word rule. I think if you're saying something that is less than that, you really aren't adding much to the conversation at all. Another forum I belong to doesn't have a rule like that and we're constantly getting posts that are just like "Cool." or "Awesome." And it gets annoying when there are so many people doing that and you just have to keep scrolling through posts that aren't really adding anything. Agreed. I've also been on other forums where there's no rules like that and the thing that annoys me more than scrolling through one-word posts is clicking a topic to read new replies and there's only one new post with "lol". Ugh. :P It does seem silly to get a warning for a 6 word post, but they need to set a limit somewhere and I'd rather have it that way than arbitrary rules about what constitutes a constructive post.
Finn the Human Posted July 28, 2012 Posted July 28, 2012 I sort of like the seven word post. It makes it so I dont have to keep clicking on the next page just to read "omg" "lol". But for some reason I always post 6 word sentences. :sad01_anim:
Heirofslytherin Posted July 29, 2012 Posted July 29, 2012 Now if you are just posting something like bump i can understand why they have the seven letter minumum it is to control spam, but if someone asks one word questions such as Tell me what your neopets username then they could make an exception. Even saying "My username on neopets is "neopetuser111" only takes six words and that is a full sentence. I have more issues with the security code you must type in to indicate that you are not a robot. The letters that you must type are so jammed close together that it is hard to see what they are and you have to get a new set and it takes five or six times before your application is accepted. I know that there is no control over this. Then there is the whole answer the neopet question thing where they select a random neopet, if you are a new neopet player this too will slow the registeration process down.
Xepha Posted July 29, 2012 Posted July 29, 2012 Now if you are just posting something like bump i can understand why they have the seven letter minumum it is to control spam, but if someone asks one word questions such as Tell me what your neopets username then they could make an exception. Even saying "My username on neopets is "neopetuser111" only takes six words and that is a full sentence. I have more issues with the security code you must type in to indicate that you are not a robot. The letters that you must type are so jammed close together that it is hard to see what they are and you have to get a new set and it takes five or six times before your application is accepted. I know that there is no control over this. Then there is the whole answer the neopet question thing where they select a random neopet, if you are a new neopet player this too will slow the registeration process down. Usually, moderators won't increase warning of people without sending them verbal, explaining them the rules, etc. Even if someone sees a mod edit in a post, it doesn't equal warning. Regarding security measures, before we added Neopets related questions, we had to deal with many spam bots. At least 10 of them would register on a daily basis and advertise links to all kind of places you don't want to see, and content kids don't need to see either. Does it still seem like unnecessary steps when explained to you? Crimson, Spritzie, Mouseykins and 1 other 4
Ashbash Posted July 29, 2012 Posted July 29, 2012 Now if you are just posting something like bump i can understand why they have the seven letter minumum it is to control spam, but if someone asks one word questions such as Tell me what your neopets username then they could make an exception. Even saying "My username on neopets is "neopetuser111" only takes six words and that is a full sentence. I have more issues with the security code you must type in to indicate that you are not a robot. The letters that you must type are so jammed close together that it is hard to see what they are and you have to get a new set and it takes five or six times before your application is accepted. I know that there is no control over this. Then there is the whole answer the neopet question thing where they select a random neopet, if you are a new neopet player this too will slow the registeration process down. I think most questions that require a one word answer could be done via PM. Maybe that is just my personal preference though. If I wanted to know one person's username or anything in general that pertained to that one person, I'd just send them a PM rather than post a new topic or post it in a current topic.
Finn the Human Posted July 29, 2012 Posted July 29, 2012 Usually, moderators won't increase warning of people without sending them verbal, explaining them the rules, etc. Even if someone sees a mod edit in a post, it doesn't equal warning. Regarding security measures, before we added Neopets related questions, we had to deal with many spam bots. At least 10 of them would register on a daily basis and advertise links to all kind of places you don't want to see, and content kids don't need to see either. Does it still seem like unnecessary steps when explained to you? Thats what I like about TDN- a lot of fun rules with chances before you get warning increase.
Rebecca~ Posted July 29, 2012 Posted July 29, 2012 This is one rule I really like actually- even though I sometimes break it. XD I don't always notice that a post only has six words in it before I post, lol. Without this rule, I think that TDN wouldn't be nearly as awesome as it is. When I look at news posts especially, I am tempted to just say "Oh, I like!" or "Ick", or something similar. Because of the 7 word rule though, I stop and think about what it is I like or don't like. Do I not like a new colour because it just isn't my taste, or do I think it was badly designed? What about new petpet colours do I like? Stuff like that. Having the 7 word rule generates discussion- if you can't find a way to get seven words in there, it's just not worth posting. Mouseykins 1
cup_of_chai_tea Posted July 29, 2012 Posted July 29, 2012 what i do is for example, "gross" one word, so i say "gross i cant believe you said that!" or if i couldn't think of anything, i'd say something like "gross thats really really badly bad disgusting!" lol :laughingsmiley:
Anime Posted July 30, 2012 Posted July 30, 2012 As has been stated several times, the rule is in place to promote discussion and prevent people from just posting random things to increase post count. That's really all there is to it! TDN has anyways had a word count rule in place, and it always will because it helps keep the forums clean, informative, and active. Also, please note that adding something like "seven words" or whatever to a post is liable to have a mod edit attached to it as that doesn't contribute to the discussion. Don't encourage others to do so. Mouseykins 1
darkfairy13 Posted August 20, 2012 Posted August 20, 2012 Exactly. I have an account on another website where there's no minimum number of words required, and it gets VERY annoying. You have to look through a bunch of one or two word posts, and by the time you get to a post that contributes to the discusion, you forgot what the discusion was about! The seven word rule really makes you think about what you're posting. It makes you think about if you are really contributing to the disscussion. (although sometimes you don't count and accidentally post something that's only six words...) This topic has been edited by a member of staff (Spritzie). The original topic had been answered. Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this topic. Per the reason above, this topic has been LOCKED. Please contact Spritzie if you have any questions regarding this action. Mouseykins 1
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