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Looking to Advertise an Item to Buy or Sell?


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I am selling a Night Stone (TCG). This is the image:




It is valued at about 6mil NP. I really need the money to get Kadoaties! I am willing to trade it straight out for a kadoatie or add NP for a colored kadoatie (depending on the rarity of the brush). Or sell it for 6mil. Or trade it for other easy to sell items.


I REALLLY need to sell this, please please PM me if you are interested or go to the trading post I made:




Oh and I forgot, will give discount if you need it for your trading card set. :)

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I've completed the Packrat avatar so I have shop which I am constantly updating. Some of it is the cheap stuff associated with packrat but there is also trading cards, food, BD stuff, clothing, plushies, toys and collectables. I try to stay under all SW prices however I'm willing to negotiate if anyone wants something and it's too expensive.


If I'm honest, I just want to get rid of the stuff!

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hey howdy hay guys shadaw's back in the house. my gallery is being restored again to sell things from it. paintbrushes lots of them really soon like. so drop me a neomail or a pm and ill talk to you about doing a trade today for pet paintbrushes or petpet paint brushes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi I have a few Neggs and other items in the trading post. I will sell the items at a bit of a discount if asked via neomail. Right now for the 6 items I am asking 17,600np.


Here's the link to my trade:



I would prefer pure nps as I'm working on saving for a pink paint brush.

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I'm looking to sell an Orange Koi Morphing Potion. From what I can gather from the Trading Post, these things are going for about 30K. I'm willing to let mine go for 25K.


You can find the trade here.


EDIT: Sold it. -_-

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I'm trying to turn my shop into a food shop, but I still have tons of items that arn't food.

Right now, I have books, plushies, and food.


Check it out.



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I decided to focus on snow for my gallery, so I`m selling off the other seasons.

I will go lower in all trades for TDN members.

In my trades I have:

Bottle of Purple Sand - 500k

Regal Sand Sculpture - 450k

Goldy Garden Umbrella - 350k

Choccy Corn - 750k

Faerie Spyder - 650k (paint brush is selling for around 700k at the moment)

Pumpkin Club - 175k

Link: http://www.neopets.com/island/tradingpost.phtml?type=browse&criteria=owner&search_string=little_miss_scare_al

And my shop (yes it`s small - I refuse to pay to upgrade, it`s gotten that far thanks to random evets): http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=little_miss_scare_al

It has lots of sand and umbrellas at the moment.

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I'm really trying to sell these items, in my shop. Trying to get 800k.


Modern Christmas Tree(12k), Dung Jelly Eraser(19k), Meridellian Potion of Defence(89k), Snoogy Shampoo(37K) and Blueberry Nova Pop (7.8k)




Edit: I sold all of them.

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Have a Plushie petpet paint brush and a Painting Poogles book up in the

Trading Post, no one has offered.


Paintbrush-40,000 to 50,000 will discount to 35,000 for TDN Members...


Book- 9,000 Auto, will discount to 6,000 Auto for TDN Members...


Also, check out my shop...It is small but I am working on my packrat avatar and I will haggle with TDN members :)


Neomail me to haggle for anything :)

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Anyone out there have a kiko in need of battle equip?


I have Kiko Battle Legs in my shop, should be lowest price on shop wiz. If someone has the superwiz and can confirm, that would be awesome. I've been trying to get rid of these for a while now. :crying:


I'll discount for TDN members, feel free to neomail offers.


This'll teach me to click randomly at the attic.

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