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It isn't gonna happen. On that day, I'll be up in my room playing video games, wondering what I got for Christmas, go to bed only to wake up to the 22nd.


Glad to see that (at least this second page) contains so many rational opinions. The title of this topic had me fearing the worst :laughingsmiley:


Either way, yeah, as others have stated before me here: previous predictions/prophecies never came true; the world is predicted to end by 'someone' nearly every day/week/month/year, without evidence and without it ever becoming truth; no evidence of the Mayans ever making such a prediction; even if they would have made a prediction, what would their motivation or evidence be; even if loads of people go crazy on that day it is more a self-fulfilling prophecy than anything else; no evidence = no reason to believe in it.


Glad to see that (at least this second page) contains so many rational opinions. The title of this topic had me fearing the worst :laughingsmiley:


Either way, yeah, as others have stated before me here: previous predictions/prophecies never came true; the world is predicted to end by 'someone' nearly every day/week/month/year, without evidence and without it ever becoming truth; no evidence of the Mayans ever making such a prediction; even if they would have made a prediction, what would their motivation or evidence be; even if loads of people go crazy on that day it is more a self-fulfilling prophecy than anything else; no evidence = no reason to believe in it.


Thank you. I'm so relieved that so many people think the same way I do.


If I've counted correctly, there have been over 100 previous dates where the end of the world was supposed to happen (take a look at this list: http://en.wikipedia....calyptic_events); what makes you think 2012 will be any different?


In 2013 I'll watch the movie '2012' and laugh.


Every year it feels like, SOMEONE predicts the end of the world, and people get on the band wagon and support it - my friend was actually scared it'd happen.


No one can accurately predict when the world will end; and yes, it WILL end, but not in my lifetime, and probably not in yours.


I think the obsession with it stems from the desire to end boredom - hearing that the world will end is exciting, it's different.


But nope, sorry guys, this date will pass and then there's going to be a whole new one with people attempting to back it up...


I believe that the Mayans were aliens and that they, therefore, were referring to an alternate universe, which I do believe will meet its end in december c:


I don't think the world (as we know it) will come to an end this december. Eventually, yes, it's inevitable, but not for a long time.


The world won't end in December. Technically, it will end in about 5 billion years when the Sun runs out of hydrogen. Then it will expand, possibly engulf Earth, which will be burnt to a crisp. I'm guessing that we will have depleted the planet of all it's natural resources by then and probably be extinct or aliens will come and abduct us all. :woot:


Sure, the world will end, but I doubt it will be any time soon. Probably when the sun dies, or we've polluted the planet so much that it is impossible for living things to grow any more.


If I've counted correctly, there have been over 100 previous dates where the end of the world was supposed to happen (take a look at this list: http://en.wikipedia....calyptic_events); what makes you think 2012 will be any different?


In 2013 I'll watch the movie '2012' and laugh.

Wow now I no longer fear an end to the world. YAY! :)

What a lot of people don't know is that yes, the calendar is ending, but the Mayans made several calendars, and another one is supposed to start after this one ends. The end of this calendar symbolizes a change...from what I remember from the show I was watching is that with the next calendar, the poles are switching, not drastically of course, but slowly over time.


I was reading about this too. Something about placeholders and all the numbers shifting foreward to carry on counting.


I think it's all crap. How many end-of-the-world predictions have to be false before people stop believing them? I think the only way the earth will end is A)

or B ) the sun reaches the end of it's life. Either way, it won't be an instantaneous thing. Pollution would really mess things up as well, as others have said.
  • 2 weeks later...

For some reason it's stuck in my head that the end of the Mayan Calender symbolizes the beginning of a new astrological age (Aquarius). I cant remember where I heard that, might be a load of crap.


I can see I'm going to be the one to break the chain of rational thought here XD I have a very, very uneasy feeling about the whole thing. My boyfriend and I have planned what we're going to do that day if something happens, and we're gathering supplies and whatnot. We live right on the south coast of England next to the ocean, and if I feel even the hint of an Earthquake I am getting the :) out of here to higher ground. We're no where near any tectonic plate faults so that really shouldn't happen, so if it does something's wrong and I am not hanging around XD


I have recurrent tsunami nightmares and it's one of my biggest fears so call me paranoid but yeah, I'm wary of the day and the ones surrounding it. It doesn't hurt to be prepared even if it is all nonsense.


I don't believe in the December 21, 2012 nonsense. Of course the world will end someday, but I think we're missing the point if we're trying to attach a date to it. When the world ends...it won't matter how much anyone "prepares." Because...death.

  • 2 weeks later...

I don't believe in it. But in MY opinion, there is only 1 man (Not really a man, more like an immortal/invincible person that was here since the beginning of time) that knows when the world will end (Not going to say it cause I respect everyone's opinion & I don't want to start any kind of conflict... but I think you know who I'm talking about ;)


So the only thing I'll be worried about in December, is what I'll do after the world didn't end. Maybe post a vid about how the mayans were wrong? Make a parody of 2012? Who knows? :P


If it DOES happen, it'll be the day before my birthday and I will never finish my first year of college :P so on that account, it'd be disappointing! But no, I'm not convinced it would actually happen. It's just fun to satirize.


I don't think it will happen at all, but I know someone at my school who does! He has a food storage in his basement and everything - he says he's getting ready for it so idk


I don't believe in it, but I'm definitely going to be nervous in the days leading up to it just because I'm that kind of person that always thinks about both sides.


My question is why on Earth would you prepare for it?! Let's say it was going to happen(which it isn't), you're going to die anyway. Death is a part of life. It's not something that can be prevented. Let alone if the world is going to end!


:facepalms herself:


So, I wonder if people who DO believe in it have a giant rabbit monster named Frank who tells them it will. Yes, Donnie Darko is one of my favorite movies!


Well. Hmm.




The Sun's odd behavior has been mentioned on many occasions recently. As we all await the Solar Cycle 24, scientists keep a close eye on the Sun.


Now astronomers have discovered huge dark strip on the surface of the Sun. It is estimated this filament is about 800,000 km in length!


Astrophysicists presume dark spots on the Sun are areas where the temperature is lower. However what we see here is not a normal sunspot and it is growing at an alarming rate.


According to researchers the region has increased to almost one million kilometers in just three days.


This image (above) from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) shows a very long, whip-like solar filament extending over half a million miles in a long arc above the sun’s surface.


Filaments are cooler clouds of solar material that are tethered above the sun’s surface by unstable magnetic forces.


The image and video (below), which covers August 6 to 8, 2012 show the filament as a darker strand that has been in view for several days. Towards the end of the video part of the filament seems to break away, but its basic length and shape seem to have remained mostly intact.


NASA forecasts that in September 2012, there will be outbreaks of unprecedented power. We can expect huge solar flares that can have serious effect world-wide.

Commenting on the study of the dangers of "space weather", astrophysicist Daniel Baker claimed that the effects will be comparable to a nuclear war or the fall of a giant asteroid.

However, in terms of power grids and satellites, it's not the flares that the experts have to worry about, but the CMEs.

There is a risk that one day, they can wipe out all of our electronic civilization.


Solar storms can disrupt communication, and navigational equipment, damage satellites, and even cause blackouts by damaging power plants and electrical grid components.


They can also bring additional radiation around the north and south poles; and this, in turn forces airlines to reroute their flights.


Ugh, I clicked something and my whole reply got erased. :( Here goes again, in shorter/more rushed form, so sorry if it sounds impolite or anything - that's not my intent!



I had a look through that website and it's laden with conspiracy theories. As for the article itself, I can't find anything similar from [what I would consider] a reputable source. It's very sensationalized, note the last line of the article: " ." I also find it troubling that they don't have a comment section anywhere on the site.


They mention NASA numerous times in the article, but here is what NASA has to say:




Do scientists expect a huge solar storm in 2013

The sun goes through cycles of high and low activity that repeat approximately every 11 years. Solar minimum refers to the several Earth years when the number of sunspots is lowest; solar maximum occurs in the years when sunspots are most numerous. During solar maximum, activity on the sun and the possibility of space weather effects on our terrestrial environment is higher. The next solar maximum is expected in the 2013-2014 time frame. No current observations or data show any impending catastrophic solar event. In fact, scientists believe the intensity of the upcoming coming solar maximum will be similar to the previous maximum in 2002.


We have never been so well prepared for the onset of the next solar cycle. NASA maintains a fleet of Heliophysics spacecraft to monitor the sun, geospace, and the space environment between the sun and the Earth.



NASA cooperates with other U.S. agencies to enable new knowledge in studying the sun and its processes. To facilitate and enable this cooperation, NASA’s Heliophysics Division makes its vast research data sets and models publicly available online to industry, academia, and other civil and military space weather interests. Also provided are publicly available sites for citizen science and space situational awareness through various cell phone and e-tablet applications.





If they were really so worried about doomsday and all of our electricity and power being wiped out, I don't think they'd be so concerned about the Curiosity and its Mars mission.



Just my two cents!


I think "the end of the world" is a very plausible situation as it is a very big idea, it can be anything; so, yes.

But , for what I've read, I don't think the mayans predicted anything like people are saying now.

And IF they were to have predicted it, really, does it make it true? Like, okay the mayans were cool and all ,but why would they be right and all the other people who predicted the apocalypse in a different way would be wrong?

It's just so funny to see how al lot of the debate focuses on wether or not they really predicted it, like if they did it would be true instantaneously :nerd:

If it DOES happen, it'll be the day before my birthday and I will never finish my first year of college :P so on that account, it'd be disappointing! But no, I'm not convinced it would actually happen. It's just fun to satirize.

Really?! My birth day is in December 22 too, I'm also on my first year of college . :laughingsmiley:


I don't believe it, first it was some blabber about a big planet drawing near, which we would've been able to see in 2009, it's now 2012 and I still don't see it. And if it were true the effects would've caused large solar flares so it would have to be super warm everywhere. So it's all just a whole load of dung ;)


In all honesty this year to me is like any other year, only better because I now have a boyfriend who I love and adore :3

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