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TDN Con 2012: Pre-Order Now!


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With Con season blooming, staff here at The Daily Neopets have decided to participate!


We are very excited to announce that 29 current staff members and six staff alumni are coming from around the world to attend TDN Con 2012! The event will be held August 24th - August 26th in New York City, NY.



TDN CON 2012


Pre-order your tickets to this exclusive event as you will get to meet staff and enjoy various panels discussing what it takes to run TDN and how we stay so insane!


So what are you waiting for? Check out who will be attending and what panels you would like to see before they sell out!


Fill out the pre-order now! (Please give a few minutes to load)


Please post any questions and comments regarding the event here.

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Haha, nice one guys :P

EDIT: nice opportunity of a lifetime!




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This is going to be AMAZING!


It's just a week before University starts again here, so I won't even miss class to give my conferences. Plus, NYC is not really far from here. Perfect. :D I hope lots of you register and attend!

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Bus to NYC is so cheap. A little slow, but super cheap! And I know the best hotel in Queens :D


P.S. For some reason I keep thinking Brooke is from NY >.< so the opposite coast.

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This is really going to be an awesome experience, for everyone, including the staff.


Who knows, if this is a huge success this year, we could end up doing this again in the future.

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Gahh I cant wait for this!!!! Going to be so amazing!! :D

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I'm still hammering out the schedule. There was a bit of a mix up when we rented the place - they didn't realize we'd need it for after hours too!


Now that that's ironed out, I can finish scheduling everything!


Make sure there's no extra charges for cleaning! I can forsee many a Redbull incident.

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YES!!!! My mom said I could go!!!! She's going with me, too! My form is acting funny though....


The form is a (large) PDF. We just need you to print it, fill it up and to fax it to that number.

Also, it's really worth pre-ordering. We were talking of preparing special goodies bag for the first 100 or 200 people who would reserve their spot.

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Ruto, we had to make sure we picked a city that had plenty of caffeine supply locations nearby. :D


Plus, I'd say NYC would be a big draw for others. This will be my first time back since.... I was 7.

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I went once before a couple of years ago with my family. Wasn't a very good trip. Hopefully it doesn't rain again. >>

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Just TDN. If we keep doing this we'll probably get some Neopets stuff in there as well, but as it stands there's all sorts of legal mess we'd have to slog through first, and if this isn't gonig to become an annual thing we don't want to deal with that.

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