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What was the last Movie you saw ??


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Hehe, I just watched that the other day - again.

Cherry, I read the books too, I'm really looking forward to seeing how they adapted it! (The Hunger Games, that is). Today, we're watching the Matrix trilogy. :) And although it's a series, and not a movie, I'm sad that this season of True Blood is over and it won't be back on for almost another year.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My parents wanted to watch a WWE movie called Bending the Rules. Omg, it was so bad. There was no chemistry and there were plot points that were never quite resolved. The last movie I saw in theaters was Snow White and the Huntsman..... Yeah... it didn't do anything for me.

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The last movie I saw in theaters was ParaNorman and it was very good, I'd definitely recommend it. The last movie I watched on TV was Pocahontas. It was on ABC Family last night and I saw it was on so I decided to watch it. It is one of my favorite movies.

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the last movie i watced was Expendables 2. hilarious! i was laughing throughout the whole movie almost. XD


That was the last movie I saw too and I wasn't impressed. I couldn't connect with the young character, even though he was killed off, his character was just a tool so they didn't have to kill off any of the big names.

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That was the last movie I saw too and I wasn't impressed. I couldn't connect with the young character, even though he was killed off, his character was just a tool so they didn't have to kill off any of the big names.

to be fair, that's not exactly the kind of movie you're supposed to take seriously or anything. i went into it expecting to see old buff men running around, gunning down enemies and spouting one-liners all over the place. and by golly, they did just that! i was not let down. i think i liked it better than the first one.

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Tonight I just watched The Saint. It's an older film, but I thought it was quite interesting; I admit I wasn't watching as carefully as I should have been (I was multitasking on the internet) so I was a bit confused throughout it. I think I liked it though! ^_^ has anyone else seen it? I'd never heard of it until today.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I finally caved and watched The Avengers. It was good, but nowhere near as good as I thought it was going to be. *shakes fist at hype*

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I just watched This Means War with my mom last night. I completely loved it. It was definitely a good, fun movie. :D It's one of the better movies I've seen in awhile.


I absolutely love that movie. I saw it in theaters and have been waiting for the DVD price to come down so I can buy it!

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Last movie other than the Help with my mom was Magic Mike, and that movie was good! But of course its probably because of how much I love every movie Channing Tatum is in :D

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Oh!! And I recently watched Coraline which was GREAT! Didn't expect it at all. The animation is more than epic, especially at the beginning :3

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