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4th Annual Neopies Return!


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I also voted for the Lupe Knight...although I don't quite remember what I got :3 Too bad I won't get the prize for voting every day >_<

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My favourite species specific wearable wasn't listed: The Goblin King Tonu outfit! Er, actually it's Glam Rocker Tonu, but it SHOULD be Goblin King Tonu, ahem ahem......anyway, so I voted for the Chimney Sweep Techo. MARY POPPINS, ANYONE? :D But no, everyone voted for Lupe Knight. Prolly cos we all have Lupes - the species listed of the pet you own does make a bias. And I GOT A BRONZE SCORCHSTONE OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you Bronze Scorchstone....... *eyes glisten*





I always vote fot the least popular and what nobody else votes. FOREVER THE ODD ONE OUT.

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Voted for Games Master Challenge and I got a copy of Famous Paintings.

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YAY! This time I voted for what everyone else voted (No, I do not see the results before I vote, mind you). I almost voted for the Room Raid, because of the game-themed wearables, most of which my Xweetok Eckert is wearing, but the pirate-themed NC items won me over this time. So...for me it's actually a tie, but I GOT THE RASPBERRY PATCH BACKGROUND!!!! Love it!!!!!!!!!!

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Voted for One Caption Contest a Week, and got an Electric Koi Plushie in return.

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let's not speak of this again ??


what do TNT make of us ? little kids ??!


no .. I WILL speak of it again and I will keep protesting the Yooyuball changes and other screw ups they do ...!! since they apparently don't plan of fixing things , but rather ignoring them like they never happened ...


anyway I voted for

Yooyuball Update

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I only recently returned to playing Neopets, so I didn't really get this "Let's Never Speak Of This Again", thing. I voted on Yooyuball only because this was the first year which I hadn't played and I hear that they had changed it -- which sounds really, really, bad. I'm kind of glad I had forgotten to get on and play it.

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I voted for One Caption Contest a Week. Hopefully if enough people choose that one they'll change their minds back, I'd love more opportunities to go for that trophy :P

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