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Giovanni Gale

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I live in Colorado where skiing is a pretty big thing. Both of parents grew up skiing. I don't think I went until I was about 12, and by then, snowboarding was a big thing, so my sister and I tried that. We both hated it. We just never got the hang of it. I think I quit after that winter, or the next winter. I prefer to keep my feet solidly on the ground for sports, like basketball. Basketball is good.


I'm now the, sitting in the lodge by the fire with hot chocolate, type.

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And its also very hard to put on the ski boots! >_>


Exactly. I always feel like I'm going to break my ankle every time I try to put them on, even though I'm in level 4 (out of 6, and probably going to be in level 5 by the end of the year :D)


I should be used to putting on my boots! <_<

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Ice skating terrifies me nowadays.


In the past I would go with friends and always get ill-fitting skates. So, as I went around in a circle, the edge of the boot would rub a part of my foot raw.


Still have the scars from that. :(

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I tried ice-skating a while ago. It was a field trip and nearly everyone's first time ice-skating.

In the end, I was the only one who couldn't stand up without holding on to something.


The same thing happened to me once. I went on a field trip and had trouble skating. It was horrible.

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I was, by far, the worst at skating. The worst is seeing little kids who are infinitely better than I could ever be. But I improved since the last time, and definitely improved in the hour we were there. It just takes practice and figuring out what's comfortable and easy for you.

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Ah ice skating. I used to love it, but not so much now - I'm more of a skiier. :D


Apparently growth spurts can make your feet different sizes - not a huge amount, but slightly. That seems to explain why one of my skates needed to be tightened a whole lot (and it would STILL be too big!) and the other skate would leave marks on my ankles. T_T

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Hey Doc.

The war is making everyone come back. Talked to people I havent seen since the AC.


I was just about to ask where everyone was! HEY SS! :D


Yea, this war is definitely a reason to stick around. I wanna see what happens. :laughingsmiley:

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I love those moments when I just realize that I'm in a really good mood, and nothing can bring me down.

Maybe it's the fact that I just was exercising for an hour. Maybe it's that I was watching Doctor Who. Maybe it's that my new favorite song is playing in my head. Or perhaps it's a marvelous combination of all those, plus a dash of life-is-awesome.

Fact is, I feel fantastic, and I feel like sharing the good mood. ^_^

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I always laugh hysterically at everything while on a sugar rush. Maybe that's the reason I'm trying (and failing miserably) not to laugh like a demented dolphin at this? :3

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Hahaha, I love asdf movies. That one was great. :D "I'm drawing a bear!" *om*


I haven't decided what college I want to go to yet. I'm taking a gap year next year, and just taking a couple classes at a community college.

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Where is everyone planning go to college? Or if you already went, where did you go? I'm just curious. :)

Went to Durham in Oshawa ^.^ Picking the right college is a pretty hard choice, but if you think about these things it should help a bit.

For now, what do you see yourself doing for the rest of your life?

Where will you be living?

Those two helped me. Try to remember though that this isn't the end all of schooling. If you end up not liking what you've picked you can always stop, work for a while and go back to school ^.^

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I don't know where I'll go to college yet. All I know is that I'd like to go somewhere that is either in a warm or coastal area or in Canada, and somewhere that offers American History as a major.

If I can't go somewhere like that then i guess I'll settle for a state school because they're cheaper :U

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Went to Durham in Oshawa ^.^ Picking the right college is a pretty hard choice, but if you think about these things it should help a bit.

For now, what do you see yourself doing for the rest of your life?

Where will you be living?

Those two helped me. Try to remember though that this isn't the end all of schooling. If you end up not liking what you've picked you can always stop, work for a while and go back to school ^.^

Well, that's really the big problem... I dunno what I want to be XD I have lots of ideas, but none that I really really want.


Plus, I'd rather get kinda far away from home :rock:

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