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Giovanni Gale

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Mehhh. Oops, below 7 words. We pretty much are. And I'm in DRAMA xD


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I'm horrible at acting. I like dancing and singing, but I'm not good at those either. I study, but I forget everything that I study. :P


So you and I are at the same page, aren't we? :P

I can do all of the above except sing. Singing is just a serious fail for me. Its actually kind of sad. I sound a bit like a dying walrus. Lol.

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I can sing and act somewhat well. I think that I'm better at acting than I am at singing...but at least I'm not tone-deaf :P

Now, as far as actual dancing goes, I'm terrible at it. I can, however, flail my arms and legs around until I get completely tired and call it dancing.

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I can sing somewhat well, and I can act better. :/


Argh, I hate suspense. We just voted for something for different positions (I honestly have NO idea what it's for) and I'm waiting for the results.

Also, something else. :ph34r:


Calling my friends now to get the answers. :3

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Also, it's a delicacy that you can get from the Golden Dubloon as well (if you wanted to know where it originally comes from Naamah), all foods, desserts, and drinks are Rarity 100 over there.


EDIT: My 1,337th post! :king:

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Are any of you faerie paintbrush Fanatics as well?


I am a Faerie Paint Brush fanatic, I'm saving my Faerie Paint Brush for when I paint my Poogle Lippstik Royalgirl. Here's what I wanted Lippstik to look like someday: http://newimpress.openneo.net/outfits/34093

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I've always loved Faerie pets. Two of my dream pets were a Faerie Shoyru and Faerie Draik. I've only recently changed my mind on the Faerie Draik.


I just wish they'd re-do some of the older Faerie pets that are super basic. The newer ones are really gorgeous.

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I just wish they'd re-do some of the older Faerie pets that are super basic. The newer ones are really gorgeous.

I love Kacheeks the most, but I can tell that Faerie Kacheeks are very basic; it's just a Yellow Kacheek splattered with wings! I expected it to be like purple or pink or at least something quite different and unique! :ohno:

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I almost painted my Shoyru Faerie years ago, but I decided to wait. I think that's one of my biggest Neo regrets. She'd be UC now. :( I just don't like the converted Faerie Shoyru as much.


:D I didn't even like Draiks until they converted them. I think they're beyond adorable now.

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I almost painted my Shoyru Faerie years ago, but I decided to wait. I think that's one of my biggest Neo regrets. She'd be UC now. :( I just don't like the converted Faerie Shoyru as much.


:D I didn't even like Draiks until they converted them. I think they're beyond adorable now.

Yeah, I would prefer having an UC Faerie Shoyru. The converted one looks... abnormal?


I love Draiks! Cuteness! But I don't know how to get them... and how do Draiks look like before it was converted?

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