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Oddly enough, I seem to work better when I'm sleepy. xD When I'm awake, I keep second guessing myself and going over stuff hundreds of times, thus failing to get anything done. When I'm sleepy, I'm more inclined to just go with what I've done and fix it up if it exhibits any problems later.


Maybe I should try sleep-working? :P


Aaand we're heading back towards a discussion on insomnia. I wonder if this is going to become a recurring thing. xD


My right leg hurts so bad. I broke it a few years back and whenever the weather changes and gets colder, it starts to ache and hurt like heck. So now I'm medicating myself on pain meds. :(


Aw, I hope you leg feels better. :( Don't get addicted to pain meds, though.


And Laura I really do hope your fingers feel better. I also hope that you're not burning them on purpose. If you need to hurt yourself then do it in a manner that isn't quite so gross as burning, please. Hahahahaha. And if you really are hurting yourself on purpose and need someone to talk to, them feel free to talk to me because I have experience in that area. :)


Aaand also I'm sorry to bring up insomnia again. It feels a little bit like it's been ruling my life but really my schedule is just so flipped around. I'm such a night owl now. It's disgusting.


Thanks for the kind words, dear, but I can tell you this, burning isn't as gross as other methods, and it's with a hair straightener, so it's more of blisters.


But anyway, it's not your concern. And I've got plenty of people.


Today we had a boring 3 hour orchestra concert at school and we had to sit on plastic bleachers that had no back support. D:


And the whole time I had this strange urge to go hug the piano or get up, walk over to the microphone, take it, and leave the gym with it.


Laura, I'm glad you have people. :) Though I still really really have an aversion to burning. :( That's one I just couldn't do. I'd take any amount of blood and bruises over burn blisters any day. Aaaand now this is turning morbid. I'm dropping it like it's hot. Because obviously I don't like hot things. Haha.


Ugh, super long concerts that you don't want to sit through are so sucky. And I can't imagine what it's like on the listening side becase usually I've been in on the performance and it's terribly boring.


Hehe. xP It would have been funny if you had left with the microphone or something...or at least I'm in a chipper mood. :] I had coffee early and watched some Bones, so that may be it. xP Not like I was in a bad mood but I had coffee late last night and it so made me super sleepy right afterward and I so slept early because of the coffee. *nods* But I do love orchestras, but it doesn't sound like you were sitting too comfortably, so that be bad. :{


Hey I'm in various orchestras!

Actually, I'm just in my school orchestra this year (too lazy to try out for anything else), but last year I was in three.

But we're a good school orchestra. Like most schools play simplified arranged versions of songs, but we don't, since we've got some really talented people (no, not me).

And I love the songs we're playing this year though. Like we're doing the first movement to New World Symphony, and it ends so epically I always imagine our orchestra blowing up in a fiery but dazzling explosion :P


Hahaha, I never imagined my orchestra anything that colorful and exciting... but we DID have some awwwesome orchestra trips. Many sneaking out of the concert hall times... and my teacher usually caught us but we were the favorites so it didn't matter. :)


Haha that sounds pretty cool. Our orchestra does trips every two years, and this is my second year in orchestra, so this is gonna be my first trip. We're going to Chicago to compete against whatever orchestras also decide to do this thing. It should be a lot of fun :D


:O Really? Darn, now I really wish I could. Too bad I won't be able to drive over there.

Maybe I could hijack my coach bus. Hrm....:eh:


Well, I can't even drive, so that's probably a pretty bad idea.

Do you guys know how much it'd cost to bribe a coach bus driver? xD


Ahaha, believe me, escaping 45 minutes away from an orchestra trip is a lot harder than it sounds. :P You'd be in such big trouble. But that'd be soooo cool. Better than the time I was on a band trip and dyed my hair AND went to a tattoo parlor to get the cartilage in my ear pierced right before we had to perform at parliament. On top of all that I have SUPER strict parents and my teacher just looked at me in horror and goes "WHAT DID YOU DO?! YOUR PARENTS ARE GOING TO KILL ME!!!"

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