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Giovanni Gale

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I never had problems with Super Hasee Bounce, nor original Hasee Bounce.

Old Hasee Bounce requires a bit of practice when it comes to getting a good score. Scoring in Super Hasee Bounce is mainly based on luck and precision. Also, I like both counterparts of Hasee Bounce the same.

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I've been trying to work for that avatar for months, but I keep on messing up or maybe I'm not good at trying to group up blocks of very many colours in the later levels (can be very staggering). Highest I got on Destruct-O-Match was 2,399 points.


I hope that day will finally come for me.

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Okay so you guys have to promise me you'll never do this...


Today I was really hungry. So I made some waffles in the oven. As soon as I take them out I put a butt load of cream cheese on one of the waffles and then I ate it like a sandwich. It was by far the most DISGUSTING concoction of food I've put together. Now my stomach is sick from it :sick01:


Oooh peachy colors!!!!

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Abomination and cake? Whatd I miss?




So I was so freaking proud of myself today.

In gym were playing football right?

Well I made four throws in two games. The first three were all touchdowns. The fourth was an iinterception and since we have another kid who can play qb it made sense to rotate him in. Well two plays later I made a cathc halfway down the field, and ran the rest of the way, stiff-arming a short kid on the way. And let me tell you, its hard to get away with a succesful stiffarm in flag football.

I also pulled two flags to add to that.

Was pretty freaking amazing.



Btw did you guys hear Tim Tebow got traded to the Jets?

Bad trade. Baaaaaad trade. Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad trade.

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Speaking of creating Chombies, I made two of them after my afternoon walk.

Their names are Chopius (portmanteau of Chomby and Tropius), and Chombetties. Both of them are on a side account, and I'll put Chombetties up for adoption next month.

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Sorry I haven't been here tor 2 days, you see, I got stressedwith waiting to go on the computer on Wednesday, and then my parents wouldn't let me. And they wouldn't let me yesterday either. And then I went out last night and was sick, so I'm off school today. Though I'll probably be gone by the time you read this because no one is on right now.

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Why dont you like Tebow? :P


I don't know.... I just hate how ESPN thinks he's like a "god" and there's always something or someone talking about him. Made me hate him. -shrugs-

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I think I've only ever watched three or four hockey games; one was the Canada vs. USA Vancouver 2010 Olympic finals, and the other two or three games were live games where I didn't have to pay, I went with friends, and food was provided. :P

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Bro i'm a football nut.

I check the NFL website 10 or 11 times a day, and reread articles when theres nothing new.

Even in school I log in and check sometimes.

I've had a Madden game for about a year and a half. I've played over 500 games since then.

I can tell you the name of every starting quarterback in the NFL right now, and can give you a detailed description of the recent free-agency happenings.

I play Football every chance I get. Sometimes like last night I go to the park alone and practice my footwork and throwing by trying to make it into a basketball hoop.

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