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Giovanni Gale

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I have no idea when school starts here. I'm rarely driving my schools or anywhere where the school kids hang out. A college I drive by had a lot of summer classes, so I don't know whether that's started a new year or not either.

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College classes start for me on the 22nd (technically 23rd since I managed to snag only Tuesday/Thursday classes). I should technically be a senior, but transfer issues made me into a junior . . . but hey, at least it gives me more time to take all the classes I need to

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I'm going to be a freshman in HS in just under a month. Saying that I'm hella nervous is, uh, kind of an understatement. :P

To be honest, the transition from elementary to middle school was no problem for me. I guess it's different for everyone though.


(BTW, I'm on vacation and finally found some wifi. Woo!)

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I no longer go to school, I graduated High School a year ago.


Care to guess what today is in television history? :king:

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Its Nicktoons's Birthday. ^_^ HORRAY!! HORRAY!! :woot:


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Its Nicktoons's Birthday. ^_^ HORRAY!! HORRAY!! :woot:


Sorry for being a day late, but I'd be watching some Ren & Stimpy later tonight to celebrate this marvelous feat.

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Oh no, that's no good. Hope it feels better quickly. I hated crutches when I had them, requires more arm strength and coordination than I have.


Side note: there are 11 guests reading this topic right now :ohno: silly lurkers, one day you will register and than post here and stop making me feel like you're watching us :worried:

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I tend to call it a thread myself.


Question for the HOP: I'm thinking about getting an iPad 2 or some other tablet, but just use the Wi-Fi, not 3G & all that. Suggestions or comments?

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Personally, having an iPhone and a regular laptop, I don't desire an iPad or other tablet but I suppose if you have neither a smart phone or a laptop, a tablet might be nice. And wifi should be more than sufficient with the 3G nonsense. Almost anywhere you would go, assuming you already have internet in your house, will have some sort of wifi available more than likely.

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They'll join soon. :yes: We're far too much fun for them to resist joining for long.


I've been seeing a lot of good new members join TDN, some of them just go here for Faerie Quest Help to be honest. :P

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I've been seeing a lot of good new members join TDN, some of them just go here for Faerie Quest Help to be honest. :P


It's varied what catches a new members eye and makes them decide to sign up. For some it's the Faerie Quest help, others the ALP, some it's when a new plot or event come out, or a specific topic. Personally, I joined when the whole Moltara worms thing was going on for some help. I fell in love with the community and I've been here ever since.


you guys are making me very grateful that i'm too old for all that education milarky - September is just another month now!


Me too! Every day/week/month is always the same, though I do wish I got summer vacations at work.

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I finished a book for school today called And Then There Were None. I more or less read the whole thing front to back (300 pages) today and it completely blew my mind. o_O Tomorrow's goal, read at least MOST of Gulliver's Travels.


and here's some answers:

I call it a thread usually, but topic works too. :P


I don't know anyone that uses a tablet so I couldn't help you in that department. :( Although I believe that it all depends on what you want it for.

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I still need to finish four summer assignments. I have to read three books (one just to read, another I have to take notes on and another I have to do questions for) and collect 12 articles about a certain area of the world, and they all have to be centered around one theme (AND you gotta write summaries on all of the articles.) School starts back in, oh, I don't know, three or four weeks and I've made little to no progress last time I talked about my assignments. :|

Seriously, if I have to read another paragraph of To Kill a Mockingbird I will probably go insane. (The chances of that are certain, because I'm only 50something pages in...and it's like 300 pages long). I honestly cannot get myself to like that book if most or all of it consists of pretentious drivel. :whistle:


I need to find a way for me to stop procrastinating on longterm assignments. I have no problem with doing an assignment if I'm given less than a week to do it, but if I'm given any more time then I'll go into full-on slacker mode. <_<

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i have signed in here mainly for the avatars, but when i have a look at the rest of the site it was great and very big.

today i use the daillies-site to do my dailies and you can see which games you easily can score a lot of NP.

now i am hanging a bit around waiting till the neopets site is online again at my computer.


in the meanwhile i have to study a bit in the books, not for myself because i already work, but for my wife she has her last exam in a few weeks (third try) and i have te help her with things she doesn't understand

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