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What is your display name's meaning?

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I stumbled across a post in the Hang Out and Post thread and felt like making a thread about our display name's meaning, here, you post the meaning of yours.


Mine is supposed to be an opposition of Shoyru. (note Shoryuken and Hadouken)


How did I get my display name (or what it means)?


For Neomysterion (my display name), the Neo comes from Neopets, and the Mysterion comes from some bloke from South Park (though I'm not a fan of the series).

This would be him:





Well, for now... You get it... But Villianous was random, ummm...




This story is really weird. So you know I am the youngest of three boys. We are all three years apart, so if I was 3 my brothers would be 6 and 9. Back a long time ago, my brothers and I had a PS2. Our favorite game was Time Splitters 2. My middle brother, made an account called Tking, and so I being the little brother admiring everything he did made an account called Dking. He got mad at me for copying and so I made something similar. It was Dboss. I kept playing till I beat the game, and decided to make a new account. I was sitting there when I thought of Dcoolb. The B was from the first letter of my last name. After getting on the internet and playing on some sites, the username Dcoolb just stuck. It always has.


It's the Zora princess from Zelda OoT. That's it. :P


Syrin because I like mythology and prefer to spell the mythical "siren" as "syrin" to set it apart from, say, police sirens or something. & it's always "Syrin of", followed by whatever seems appropriate like the current or upcoming holiday or just Neopia as my default


My display name, Spritzie, is a nickname of mine. Spritzie is a character from the 80s cartoon, Rainbow Brite. She was one of the female Sprites. :) I was given the nickname when I joined a Rainbow Brite fan group online when I was 15. It's stuck and I've used it online ever since.


I made my display name when I was obsessed with Sonic the Hedgehog. :P


Babylonian came from the Babylonian Gardens stage in Sonic Riders. Then I added my favorite Sonic character's name at the end, Shadow (i added the s for the lolz) and finally I added my birth year 93. It's a very lame name if you ask me but I've stuck to it for some time.


Kanye West's album 808's & Heartbreak had recently come out at the time, and I was listening to Welcome to Heartbreak.

No real meaning, just seemed to be catchy at the time lol


I obviously shortened it to hrtbrk, tho lol


Gee I have no idea what mine's for. Maybe someone else knows. Where's JB for a witty explanation when you need him?


My original display name was mouse_angel in honor of my two four-legged family members.


Angel passed away recently so I changed my display name to Mouseykins.


My avatar and Profile picture are of Mouse.


I formed my display name out of imagination. It had sorta just popped into my head after a spent a lil while thinking xD it sounded really cool to me so I just stuck with it. I even let some people identify me as Khal in real life too xD


It's a nickname that I've had for quite some time, a shortened form of my real name, Michaela. The spelling is an alternative spelling I obtained from an Italian family I babysat in Switzerland and from other friends I had in Italy. I babysat the family for four years, so I got very close with them. They were like my home away from home. Whenever the mother would e-mail me, she spelled my name this way instead of how people in America would spell it, which was either like: Mickey or Micky... so, yeah.


Because Typhoid Mary is so overdone......lol :whistle:


No, it actually came from a series of thoughts that were started by my love of Edgar Allen Poe; my favorite short story being Masque of the Red Death. I have a weird (perhaps morbid) fascination with horrid diseases...however, couldn't think of anything tuberculosis-related that had any kind of ring to it...so Scarlet Fever came to mind, as I actually really like the name (and color; my favorite color) Scarlet.


Long story short; it came from my being kind of spooky and twisted. :*


It's kinda a joke on my name.


My parents didn't like my "real" name for a baby (too grown up) so because I was named for my grandmothers, they smoosh'd the two together to come up with what I'm known as. I further smoosh'd when trying to come up for an original name on some other website to Kaana. Add "na"s as needed :3


I'm a big fan of the band Opeth, and my name came from the album Black Water Park. I've been using this since 2001.


Sidenote about my neo username: On the forum where I originally started using it (and where I now belong to the furniture, LOL) They lovingly shortened it to Wabla. That name was already taken on neo, and being uninspired, I just stuck the 666 behind it. :P


...well, mine was a nickname given to me by my friends in real life. It all started when I started calling my friends Penguin, Hamster, and Doraemon respectively; and because of my obsession with rabbits, that's where the Bunny came from.


Whenever I did oh-so-not-nice things to them or vice versa, we practically added 'Evil' into our nicknames.


That's about it. :D


Um. Long story except not really.


My friends like to jokingly call me a sadist and that I cause chaos. I always loved the word chaos. :P And for some reason i think that "ae", "k", and "x" in a word makes it sound mystical, so I just decided on using the name Khaos. :laughingsmiley:


Naamah or Nahemah is my favorite Succubi out of Agrat, Lilith, and Eisheth. So since people tend to call me Naamah(as a nickname) I chose her alternate name as my display name.

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