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I love to play Kou-Jong on medium level but it is too hard to reach 800 points!

I am still working on it! Argh.... :grrr:

I get 653 after completing all 3 levels on hard but "Problem processing your score. For best results, close the pop-out window and re-open it to restart your game." :sad02:

Does anyone know why this happen? I am afraid that it happens again when I get a score of 800.


This is impossible!!! AAA is cheating! >:O I mean seriously?! This game hates me too, like, it always says out of legal moves! DX


Two and a hour hours trying. The first hour and a half I got 796 points. The last hour I finally got the score and then some.


Holy patience, Batman. And by patience I mean RAGE :grrr:


Is it just me who finds this game VERY hard?

I'm stuck in level 2 and can't go ahead.. ^_^;


Ohhhh noooooooo. I have to go to work, but this is going to haunt me all day. I shouldn't have checked before leaving, haha.


Too time consuming for this morning...

Maybe it will motivated me to finish all my homework quickly.


One of those games that isn't super hard for me. I only had to replay level 2 and 3 once before I got the score.


Wow. I'm not going to have fun dealing with AAA's score when I get home from school....


JB, I'm going to say the same right here. I'm fairly new to Kou-Jong, but I can't refuse to lose in this challenge no matter hard, silly, nor boring it is!

Might as well take the guy on after work, I don't have time now. Any hints for this game by any chance? :guiltysmiley:


Patience, anyone.


I got it after 2.20 hour. This is currently the longest I have to play to get AAA.

I will have to see how I fare in Meerca Chase. (longer, probably)


I am especially pleased because my past hig score for this game is in 700s.


A piece of advice: if you don't get at least 500 in the first two stage, don't bother with the last. You won't get 800.


Oh dear. I challenged AAA because I thought I could do it, finished all 3 levels with a lame score =.=

This might be the game to crush my AAA streak.


I love this game. I usually play on medium, but it took me about 45 minutes on hard. Finished with a score above 1000.


Well...this surely wasn't something I was expecting. I don't seem to be very good at it either. Have a high-score of about 350 lol. This one might take me a while.


It took me a couple hours because my roommate kept distracting me. When he left and I could just play the whole game from start to finish, I was able to get all the extra time bonus points and got about 895 for a final score. Playing on hard and aiming to get about 140 bonus points per round should do it. If you're time bonus gets below 100, you're better off restarting the level. You don't lose any points and it resets the timer and your hints.


The highest score I've ever gotten from this game was 425. Doesn't look like I can do this, too bad, I want the Linae shoes real bad! Trying to get his score would take DAYS of trying, and finally getting his score, I'm sure you'll just get "Problems proccessing your score". :grrr:


Proof that AAA is cheating, it's nearly impossible to get a score of over 800! Not that I'm not going to TRY, of course.

Proof that AAA is cheating, it's nearly impossible to get a score of over 800!


That's not proof. I beat him, even though that took me near to 3 hours of trying. You just gotta beat each level as quickly as possible on hard mode, and try to play in full size screen as that's easier to see. I love this game though, so it wasn't really annoying me (except for when I had two of the same piled up on the end!!) :)


I ended up falling asleep and not entering in a score for this one. Blargh. So, I just fought Abigail for the pillow.


It took me a few days, but I did manage to get 911 out of 800 points to defeat AAA in Kou-Jong. :D


Ugh. I am still trying. I've spent countless hours trying for this one. Bleh. Seriously apparently I am rather bad at this. I guess maybe I should think about which matches I'm choosing more but then I don't finish fast enough to get enough of a bonus score. Dear AAA, you are going down, even if it takes me the rest of the month to do so :grrr:

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