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Apparently people are still getting quests because TNT forget to turn them off.

On the upside you can still use shop wizard (Or I can anyways) I was on a quest I didn't quite when all this hullabaloo started...

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Yes, They posted that, but it was on the Neopets board which TNT promptly removed. For all we know this was someone jumping to a conclusion and posting it. Remember, we have NO way of knowing if it was a reliable source for information.

I second that. I actually bet that it was entirely made up. But if it is a plot, I'm fairly certain they would come up with a better title than the 'The Faerie's Ruin'

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Personally, I heard that it was the Portuguese FAQ, not Spanish. <_<


But either way, I'm so excited!!! I hope that it's a good plot this time, not like Atlas of the Ancients was. I mean, come on TNT - a GREAT plot would go a long way in making people love you again (because you have kind of been losing our faith recently), and this seems like it has so much potential. *super excited* :)

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Um, call me silly, but what exactly does Sloth have against the faeries that is making us blame him? (I'm not very well-informed on plots and stuff. I didn't really get into them until the Altador plot, and that was after a hugely long hiatus.)

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Wish I'd done my dailies earlier today. >.< Oops. Anyway, I *really* hope this is a good plot...not just another simple multi-refresh or point-and-click miniplot like all the recent ones, but a REAL plot like ToW. I miss those. *crosses fingers* Though to be fair, even if it is a miniplot I'll do it anyway lol, it's still something different to do. :P




The statue is broken. Perhaps this has something to do with it ;)


That was a statue of The Darkest Faerie, which breaks when you finish the Altador Plot. ;) So the broken statue itself probably doesn't have anything to do with it. But the involvement of the Darkest Faerie is a possibility (though, as much as I would like that lol, is probably unlikely for the reason someone else pointed out upthread -- she's been in several things already.)

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I was thinking about possible suspects as to who or what could have turned the faeries to stone. Then I thought of a certain Lupe who is infamous for hating faeries... Balthazar. Do you think he may have had something to do with this? Probably not, but it could be.

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Did anybody else notice that there were no Dark Faeries in the color picture?


I did! :D Wonder if that means anything...


The Dark Faerie Statue is repaired!! but it was broken about half an hour ago


Dark Faerie Statue


Huh? o_O Mine's still broken...that's strange. Did you just complete the plot recently? If you did it might be a cache problem or something; but if not and it starts being repaired for everyone then there's got to be *some* significance. Interesting. I'll have to keep an eye on it between games and see if it repairs for me.

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I did! :D Wonder if that means anything...




Huh? o_O Mine's still broken...that's strange. Did you just complete the plot recently? If you did it might be a cache problem or something; but if not and it starts being repaired for everyone then there's got to be *some* significance. Interesting. I'll have to keep an eye on it between games and see if it repairs for me.


ok now mine is broken again, but it wasn't 5 minutes ago

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I'm hoping that this plot doesn't reset my FFQ that I just got 2 days ago!!! The Rainbow Fountain isn't working! *panics*


Moreover, I can use the SW again. :'( Plsplspls don't let the quests have been reset!!! :(

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